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Has anyone ever written a fanfic?

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I was drunk one night and Leon was on my tv so i started writing and well 30 pages later i had a semi decent scrip for a second movie.


No, but I know someone who constantly remarks about how he could have done a better job writing the script for the third Matrix movie.

Of course, if he got a chance to, it'd be a 40-hour long movie with all the characters sitting in a room discussing their issues in a civil manner until everyone is too bored to hate each other.


Not yet, I've been on the net for years now, but I've never gotten around to that. I'm going to write an ATHF one really soon though.


I wrote one back when I played PSO. I hadn't written anything in a long time, and a friend inspired me to give it a go. It was kinda fun.



Still Tagged Accordingly
Years ago I think I started to write one... a few minutes later it dawned on me what I would become if I continued with it. Can't remember what the hell I was writing it for though... probably Metroid or Zelda.

Don't know what I was thinking at the time -_-;

I'd love to use the excuse that I was drunk or something... but I wasn't.


No, but I wrote a thirty or so page game plan for a "SatAM DiC Sonic the Hedgehog" game when I was like 11 or 12. It detailed all the characters, their moves, levels, story, etc. It was on an old Amiga though, so I have no copy of it. :(


force push the doodoo rock
We should turn this into a "make your own fanfic" thread. It could potentially be comedy gold.

jin kazama was really pissed after diaper heihachi whooped his ass so he went to church and punched his pastor.

"ow" said the pastor, "i summon our lord and savior to do battle with you!"

jesus appeared in a flash of bad alpha-channel effects and rapid camera pans.

the lord spake: "jin kazama, you have sinned in the eyes of our father. you must be punished by fighting with me in the iron fist tournament."

anyway, jesus and jin fought, and jesus won with this really awesome juggle combo that ended with jin getting punched so hard in the nutsack that his testicles flew across the church and landed in the pastor's mouth.

jesus said "thine god is a wrathful god" and did some cool tai chi flourish with his fists.

jin just whined and said he was tired of starring in stupid fanfics written by morons. then he cried in this high-pitched girly way and went to read gaf for a few hours while stuffing his stupid face with chips and salsa. the end.


Kills Photobucket


That's pretty funny. Although I'd add "Video Gamers who post on video game messageboards" below "Video gamers" and "Anime fans that insist on subtitles" should be below "Anime fans that don't care about subtitles."
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