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Has anyone here left everything behind to move somewhere else?

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Buggy Loop

Gold Member
Im in a point in life where the routine is taking its toll on me, where all the friends i had left after high school went for other horizons outside my region and in result i havent seen them months. Where my job is so so repetitive and really not stimulating. A region where i know every little places, familiar with many of the faces i encounter in bars, on the street or even at the grocery store.

It just feels, ugh..

I know there's lots of GA'ers that went in japan, the place i dream of living lately is france, marseille specifically, i already speak french and i LOVE french's culture and their art, plus, their chicks are so goddamn sexy :eek:

Its just, im scared of leaving everything behind, my job, my car, my apartment, my PC, my consoles. Its just material and its ridiculous when i think about it, but when you move to another continent you kinda start all over. The family isnt that much of a problem, its not like i see them much in my daily "routine" anyway.

I just want to hear some experiences, those that went throught the same dilemma. Its not a depression that i have but its starting to feel like one if i have to continue this routine for a few more years.

White Man

I just moved across the country for no particular reason. The only people I knew beforehand were people from GA and a few other forums.

My existence had just gotten to this unbearable point and I needed a complete and total change. Be it known I got exactly what I had asked for, and while it's been anything but easy, it's easily been worthwhile. An immense growing experience, and a mindfuck so severe that it's difficult to believe I orchestrated it. Being able to do something like this has given me a whole lot of motivation, and a somewhat more positive outlook on the future, although chronic Joy Division listening will probably leave me an incurable bitter cynic at some level.

Life could be good. It probably depends how much you have to lose: Do you have a ton of friends, or important family, or a good job or a definite future where you are now? If so, I'd think twice about doing something so blatantly foolish and young. However, if you haven't really got much to lose, I'd highly suggest it. I don't know your age, but a lot of guys in their early-to-mid 20s get a case of ennui, or world-weariness, that can only be remedied by a good dosage of recklessness.

Buggy Loop

Gold Member
Wow thanks. I'll soon be 23 so yea, im in my early 20's. I had tons of friends, but the ones i would called "true" friends left for their own things, school, jobs, one of them even left for africa. Important family, well yea they're important but my mother is retired and keeps travelling for months with her boyfriend, for 4 months periods sometimes. My father will be retiring in 2 years and he'll do something similar, except he'll only come back in the region during the summer, since he hates quebec's winters. And my brother, well he can manage without me :p My job is shit, my future is not headed to where i thought it would be either.

Did you move out of the continent btw? Finding a job in a region you know nothing about, was it hard?

Damn, it sounds just like what i need, yet so reckless, its not really in my nature. Right now in my head im planning to move during next summer, ~1 year from now, the time to put away plenty of money that would be required to move and in the worst case scenario, live there without a job for a few months. I'll have to start planning all this ~_~


There's a 50/50 chance I will have to move to Europe this fall. I'm not running away from my family and friends and I actually like Canada quite a lot, but opportunities to live abroad don't come everyday and I am feeling a bit adventurous.

And I actually have friends overseas so the fear of being all alone abroad is not there.

P.S. I'm not sure how easy it is for Canadians to move to France, Buggy Loop, if you don't already have French citizenship. I'd go to the French consulate first to get some answers.


I'll definitely be moving from the UK once I graduate. The USA, scandinavia and the far east are options at the moment.


I sorely want to drop everything and move to Los Angeles or San Francisco, but right now it just doesn't seem to be in the cards for me. I refuse to move without a job already in hand, and a lot of places refuse to hire people from out of town because they don't want to even consider waiting for someone to get settled in before starting work.

So I think one or two more years here out east is what I'll have to do, then I'll have enough cash to live unemployed out west while I look for work.

Quoth Charlie Brown:
I'm making the big move to SoCal in two weeks. I bought my plane ticket a few weeks ago so its pretty much set in stone. I'm pretty much going with my clothes, my guitars, and my last paycheck from work... I haven't even found a place to live yet!


The black man everyone at Activision can agree on
About 10 years ago now Upstate NY(all my family, etc) to Baltimore, MD(then girlfriend).

Yeah for the love of a lady I uprooted myself because she wanted to return to the area she grew up in (we've long since parted ways).

Was it hard? Hell yeah, and there were definitely periods where I didn't know how I was going to get out of situations, whom I was going to turn to etc....

When I first moved here though I was still big into fighting games and spent alot of time at the local arcades(many now closed), I built up a good relationship with other regulars and have now known many of them ever since.

Though I have always tended to keep to myself, having/making friends has definitely made portions of my early years down here bearable.


i heart sluts said:
I'm making the big move to SoCal in two weeks. I bought my plane ticket a few weeks ago so its pretty much set in stone. I'm pretty much going with my clothes, my guitars, and my last paycheck from work... I haven't even found a place to live yet!

This totally reminds me of that song Southern California by Wax.

Buggy Loop

Gold Member
Saturnman said:
P.S. I'm not sure how easy it is for Canadians to move to France, Buggy Loop, if you don't already have French citizenship. I'd go to the French consulate first to get some answers.

Yea, thats something i'll get information on when i find some time.

i heart sluts said:
I'm making the big move to SoCal in two weeks. I bought my plane ticket a few weeks ago so its pretty much set in stone. I'm pretty much going with my clothes, my guitars, and my last paycheck from work... I haven't even found a place to live yet!

Wow, that takes a lot of guts, i hope you'll keep us updated on your adventure :)
Buggy Loop said:
Wow, that takes a lot of guts, i hope you'll keep us updated on your adventure :)

Definitely.. I think it'll be a good experience for me. Have you tried seeing how it's like moving to the next town over or something? Or to a close city (if you're into city living)?

Buggy Loop

Gold Member
I lived in montreal for one year due to school. Was cool, especially the night life in montreal but, still not quite it. I didnt walk away and think that i had "grown" up or i went throught something special.

White Man

I just moved from one coast of the US to another. I at first contemplated splitting the country as a whole, but I felt it would be unwise without either a college degree and/or phat stacks of mad cash.

Still, I knew noone here in Seattle, and it was a crazy scramble to find a job. I somehow managed to find one in the space of a week. If it had taken any longer, I probably would've had an aneurysm. I was pretty worked up and worried about finding one -- I knew that would likely be the single biggest challenge.

I had tons of friends, but the ones i would called "true" friends left for their own things, school, jobs, one of them even left for africa.

Same here. I'm not even sure how many "true" friends I had left. I had gotten a lot of sympathy from just about everyone in my area because of the deaths in my family, but I know a lot of the same people didn't approve or accept certain lifestyle changes I had made before. "Starting over" was a big motivation for leaving.

I also like the whole feeling of being an explorer. I have a nagging feeling that I might want to move again a number of years down the road. . .maybe once I do get my degree. I'm never going to have my own family, and I've gotta do something to keep life interesting. The world is evil and boring. Thankfully there's so much of it I have yet to explore.

once to Albuquerque. once to San Francisco/Oakland.

Both times from North Carolina and with no job/friends - just suitcases, although the second time i was married so i knew one person. We are feeling the wanderlust pretty bad right now actually. Hawaii maybe. Leaving the US seems like too much trouble.

I'll just keep moving to interesting places and back to NC until one of them sticks.


i'm moving to spain in september....it's my chance to study abroad for 3 years and i will take it ...! i love my family and all but i will never get another chance like this and it's something i always wanted to experience..!! i speak spanish and got a host family and everything is pretty much set i love spanish culture and language so i am pretty much looking forward to this....! i also grew tired of the routine and my dead end job and wanted something new so this chance came up and i took it..


How ironic, as I've been feeling the same way for awhile. I've lived in Providence, Rhode Island for my whole life, and I know a good chunk of the state like the back of my hand. Not that I hate it, its that when I think of the future, I get a little anxious to hurry up, graduate, get a job, and move out of the state. Alot of my friends have been moving away, or being sent away. My friend Joseph is one of the soldiers sent to Iraq, and now I just found out my friend Paul is also over there. My closest friend that I grew up with moved to Florida, and our only communication is over AIM. With my friend Gus at Hampshire college, there's only 2 or 3 people I still hang with. I remember talking it over with some of them, and we all agreed that it would be easier if all of us moved somewhere together like California or Chicago or something. In about a year, it'll be time to see how serious we all were about it.

Deleted member 1235

Unconfirmed Member
I've been thinking about doing it, everyone from NZ does the move to UK thing, but thats not for me, I want a culture shock bigtime. I'm saving at the moment, somewhere with a great big mountain to ski.

Buggy Loop

Gold Member
Thanks to panajev, i've found my dream spot.

Nice (not nice as a nice guy, nice, a location), on the french riviera. Apparently its much cheaper than lets say Paris and for a place on the french riviera, its cheaper than monte carlo.

I mean, its just gorgeous, the city is splitted in two, the old and "new" section. I would obviously go for the old one :D





Lets see, mediterranean sea, old french architecture a major part of the city, palm trees, houses and apartments on cliff terrain, mont auros with snow on top (1739 M). I couldnt possibly find a better spot for my tastes.

Most importantly, it has france's biggest airport outside of the capital (paris), and i've studied exactly in that domain, the aerospace industry, maintenance, assembly or whatever thats related to electronics and wiring in a plane, i touch it, its also expanding with future links like Nice-Cuneo-Turin, unlike quebec's airports that keep shrinking and shrinking, relying mostly on other international commercial flights to serve us, jobs are being cut left and right. Plus, im currently building up my bank account to accumulate enough money to get private lessons for my Pilot license, something i've always wanted to do since i was a kid. I built enough contacts while working in the industry to know approximately where i would be heading with that license. Building up a few hundred hours in quebec and perhaps take a chance for Nice's airport, they have a huge link between paris with around 45 flights a day between the two cities, small planes would be a good opportunity to "start up" my career there.

nice :D .. pun intended.

White Man

Someday, I'd like to visit Prague. It looks like one of the most aesthetically beautiful cities. It's like something out of my idle daydreams.
No, but i really want to do something like that. Move somewhere in Europe, just pick up and go but im too scared i guess. Im really getting sick of this place.


Unconfirmed Member
I'm considering it. I'd just be moving 300 miles, but fuck, this town is stale. I only have like, 2 or 3 close friends in town, and I'd just be up the highway. My job is good, and I make pretty decent money, but I kind of hate it sometimes. Change is good.
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