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Haunted Fortress |OT| WIP for your entertainment




DOWNLOAD the game right here:


Download and unrar to wherever you want. Start the exe file to play. Information on controls etc can be found in the main menu. XNA might be required for the game to run. Installer is inside the rar file as well.

If it doesn't work, you may need to install .net framework 3.5. Some users have reported that the game won't boot at all. Currently trying to understand what is at fault.

Haunted Fortress is a 2D top down adventure game. Think inverted Pacman meets MGS meets LTTP. The Pacman comparison is because you play as the ghost, while trapped in a maze like building at night. The main gameplay feature is stealth focused, inspired by knocking on walls in MGS. And it's like LTTP because the game is pitch black like certain undergound areas where you have to use some sort of light to shine your way through the darkness. The library in the earlier parts of Amnesia: TDD is another source of inspiration for the environment. Except, you know, for kids.

A fortress ravaged by scary ghosts. But not all is lost, as you have ghost powers of your own.

What is that, you say? Never heard of it? No wonder. It doesn't exist yet.

Point of the thread:
As some of you may know, I'm studying game design at the University of Skövde in Sweden and this is a school project I'm a part of. I'm one of about 13 guys (not entirely sure of our team size yet), we're called Mindless Entertainment, and I thought, why not let GAF have a look at our development process, seeing how rare that is with regular commercial games, especially from the very birth of the idea? So far the game doesn't really exist outside of our imaginations and a design document, but during the next eight to ten weeks or so, we will go from concept to finished game, ready to be released from our hands, to you, for free. We are aiming for feature lock after four or five weeks.

So the idea of this thread is to give you guys an inside look at how our development is proceeding. With the consent of the artists, I'll be uploading concept arts of our main character and enemies etc. Maybe some audio files of our music and such. When we have a "company" logo and a main menu logo for the game, I'll be sure to upload those to this thread as well.

Background info:
Close to Skövde, there's a huge 200~ year old military fortress, created to protect us from a Russian invasion that never happened. The guys holding tours of the place have asked our school to update their tours to make them a bit more modern. The more experienced students are in charge of that, and this is more of an off-shoot, and is mostly setting the theme for our first official projects (there's ten different projects being developed right now). So our game is set in this fortress, at night, about 200 years in the past.

GAF might not be the target audience (unless you're 8-13 years old, give or take), but I think it'll be interesting to see this get made nonetheless. I hope so anyway!

Team structure:
2 game designers
2 sound designers
5 graphic designers
4 programmers (might be getting 1 more)





If anyone have a question, just fire away and I'll try to answer to the best of my abilities! I hope you guys will have a good time. We will. Please wish us luck! :D

OP updated: Company logo at the top.

Week 1 (Jan 24th): A small update on where we stand at the moment. We got our development schedule approved today by our committee of teachers. We were told to cut out a couple of level designs so we can focus on making one bigger and more awesome level instead. That wasn't that big of a deal since we had already anticipated that response and have been working towards that end since last week anyway :) Predictable. We also have to cut some of the gameplay out (or rather, put it on hold until we're satisfied with the overall quality on what's important) but we fought for what we considered to be integral to the original concept (the stealth elements) and we won, so that's good!

So far, we seem to be ahead of schedule. Our main character, Marie, needs to be fully animated and colored but we've come a surprisingly long way on those fronts since Wednesday already. I should have something to show real soon. We've also decided on a general art direction for our enemy designs. Unfortunately, they're all on actual paper at the moment but as soon as they are scanned, or when we've done some proper pictures, you'll be getting a look at that as well.

Soultron, since you asked :D We will be using the GDI+ library for the graphics.

Next up is getting started on the actual environmental designs, and start getting some tilesets out so we have something proper to prototype with (the engine is still a ways off, so we will be using Game Maker 7 for idea testing). We probably would've started with that already but we've had some technical issues with drivers and wacoms. I'll try to give a more detailed view of what the game is actually about above as well. Apart from that, it's time to revise the original design document and start figuring out exactly what each discipline need to create to make this thing take off :) I don't think it's really needed at this point as we talk about pretty much everything together on a daily basis, so it's mostly for the sake of documentation.

As for the way we work, most of us are sitting in half a computer class room (as we share it with another group). So everyone except the sound guys are in the same room, which has been really helpful so far (the sound guys have their own room next door, so they not far away either). We might be getting a 14th guy (programmer) in the next few days, but after that I think we're all set.

Week 2 (Feb 1st):
Another update :) This time I have a few character designs we've decided on. They are not final by any standards (and they're supposed to be animated of course) but they are fine as placeholders and shows the direction our art is going for. At the moment, we have two female and two male characters in total. The intention was not gender equality, it was just kinda boring with an almost all-male cast, so to speak. The two shown characters are both enemies. The last link is a bit too big to paste into the post, so just click it. It's an early sketch of our main character. She looks quite different in-game though. There's also a close to final game logo up top. At the moment, we feel that this stuff will go into the game as it looks right now, but we intend to use the last couple of weeks or so, for overall polishing, so still, nothing is truly set in stone.

As for scheduling, we are *still* ahead of our own preliminary iteration plan. It may be a dangerous way to look at it, but the numbers aren't lying to us at the moment, and it's not just me who believes this to be the case. The project just recently took off the ground, but we're still flying, with plenty of fuel reserves, and crashing is not an imminent threat, to either discipline. Unfortunately, the game has been scaled down, perhaps too much so gameplay and the general entertainment value will get hurt, but it might be necessary (it is, according to teachers) to land this aircraft :) We are having internal discussions about re-adding gameplay elements (and some new ideas have popped up as well) if time allows it (programmers are saying it's easy so it's looking good at this point).

We are still prototyping levels and puzzles in GM7. We might have our own functional prototype next week, according to the programmers. Our original level size was quadrupled pretty early on but seeing how few puzzle variations you can actually fit on a 4096*3072 grid (with a view area of 1024*768), we may have to change that to 8192*6144 to accommodate our desire to make the gameplay as varied as we want it to be. We've also changed the graphics design direction from LTTP to Lufia 2-esque, because it seemed like too much work to get the 3D effect from LTTP to work properly and this way, the work load for the graphics designers seem to shrink. However, reverting to the original style might still happen later on, as we just had to decide on one style for the prototype so art assets can start getting out to the rest of the team. It doesn't seem like it would have that much of an impact on the actual levels. We are still keeping the Zelda dungeon style of keeping the level pitch black, as it is integral to the gameplay. Personally, I find it interesting to have the graphics have such a major role on the end-product, as it mostly goes against my own beliefs on how games should be. Not sure how that actually happened :)

Week 3 and 4 (Feb 15th):
Oops, sorry for the lack of updates :/ We've been very busy with making the game, and our parallel course has taken up a fair bit of time as well. Unfortunately, that's not gonna change until this whole thing is done.

Last time, I showed some characters and talked about our art direction. Work on that front is progressing rapidly, and our main character and some of our enemies are pretty much completely done, on the animation end. The next step for the graphic designers is to make tilesets of these animations so the programmers can implement them in the real game. Since most characters are done, we're shifting focus from that to environments and objects (both interactive and non-interactive ones). If there's time, I should be able to upload some more pictures of the game and its characters, later this week.

Our prototype in Game Maker is getting more and more of the planned features every day. Apart from checkpoints, teleporters and good AI, it's actually looking like a real game now. I needed a small break from making levels/puzzles (it's not really my job anyway) so I've been writing some of the story that will go into the game. We've decided (or I have) that we should combine the story with the hint system. Of course, I don't want to talk too much about the content of the story at this time ;) It will be related to the events at Karlsborg though. Yet barely. Although it wasn't our intention, you can definitely see influences from both Amnesia, with its diaries, and from Bioshock, with its audio logs. Come to think of it, VO would be pretty sweet :) Will have to look into that.

So basically, what we've been doing lately is creating environments in Game Maker while my level designer have been trying to implement the functions mentioned through code. We're ahead of the programmers since we get so much for free in GM :D But the actual game is getting there, with no major road bumps so far. Of course, we're running into minor bumps on a not-so-regular basis, but it's mostly because most of us don't have that much experience in any of the fields. We're learning as we go, which is the point of the course. Our teachers pretty much wants us to run into as much trouble as possible, so we can learn from those pitfalls. Luckily, or perhaps unluckily, we haven't been forced to scrap ideas so far (apart from the ones put on hold the very first week) and we haven't had any disasters worthy of mentioning at this point.

The sound guys have been making sound effects for characters, primarily, but all groups are now shifting focus towards the environments, so a few effects, like opening doors etc, were implemented in the prototype today actually. As for the game itself, we're experimenting with enemy placements, graphics layers, balancing, and general design of the layouts so they fit with the puzzles. It's a lot harder than one might think. And when you're making games for 8+ year olds, it gets even more difficult to judge what would be too hard or not. I'm thinking of going to a nearby school and ask the teachers for guinea pigs ;) Maybe a bit overkill since the game isn't really intended for a release but still.

If anyone have any kinds of questions about our daily routines, or anything, please ask. The whole point of this thread is to be more open :) There are no NDA's here. Do you want more specific details?

Oh, and if someone have any good ideas on where to upload audio and/or a prototype .exe, feel free to say something :) In the coming weeks, we are supposed to make a trailer for the game as well, so look forward to that!


Oh, is this related to the huge Karlsborg project the school has been going on about? And is it your first or second year studying game design in Skövde (I assume it's not your third considering you mentioned "the more experienced" students)?
I'm studying in Skövde myself BTW. Sound, third year!


Kiriku said:
Oh, is this related to the huge Karlsborg project the school has been going on about? And is it your first or second year studying game design in Skövde (I assume it's not your third considering you mentioned "the more experienced" students)?
I'm studying in Skövde myself BTW. Sound, third year!
Cool :O Yeah I'm one of the first year designers. Been here for 4+ months now. This is related to Karlsborg, yes. We might be able to get game up and running on their website, if we finish it, they like it enough and we code it the right way. Lots of ifs on that xD

Thanks for the support! Keep in mind that most of us only have about 4 months of theory knowledge about making games, so it won't be a AAA title. Well, maybe :D


I will be following this project closely...ON SITE!


so if Minamu tries to brush something off as not important, I'll call him out.

I could maybe ask one of their programmers to make graphs of designers youtubing


Minamu said:
It's my pet project though. One of ten out of 30 concepts to get picked, so everything is important ;)
I heard only five projects were submitted :p

It's great that you are sharing the development process publicly, never see that very often.
Just don't let this thread take priority over the game. EVER.


sinxtanx said:
I heard only five projects were submitted :p

It's great that you are sharing the development process publicly, never see that very often.
Just don't let this thread take priority over the game. EVER.
Your information is inaccurate :) And we will need to work hard to be able to show anything presentable here, so that's not gonna be a problem.


So what are you guys going to be using to develop it?

Flash, Unity, UDK, XNA, etc?

I'm assuming it will be PC-only, correct?

EDIT: Subscribed!


Well, we designers are gonna be using game maker for idea testing and I'm not really qualified to answer specifically what the programmers are intending but I believe they are coding their own engine in C++. It will be PC-only, yes, sorry :( Multi-platform games are too big in scope at the moment. But it would be interesting to see it on the Iphone and/or Android later on. But I can't be thinking about that too much so soon, as freeware is the most probable way anyone outside of school will have a chance to see it at all.

We've done an iteration plan that will get approved (or not) on Monday, so I will be able to give a better description of the game on Tuesday. So far we've done some rough place holder concepts of the character and enemies and we've decided on a company logo that is not yet finalized. I believe we nailed the game logo on the first try, it just needs to be done on something other than a piece of paper. So unless new ideas come up, you should be seeing this next week, hopefully.


So, I checked in on them today. What I saw was not pretty.

A ravaged wasteland of fire and bones, bereft of life stretched out before me.
Even though it was around lunchtime, the sky was pitch black.
A skeleton in a black robe carrying a scythe approached me.
He said: "This shit is nasty, I'm getting my ass outta here." and disappeared in a puff of smoke.
Needless to say, I fled as fast as my feet could carry me back towards where I had come from.
I got back home about ten minutes ago.
Still, that place is calling out to me in my mind...a part of me desperately wants to return.
But it would be madness to return to such a wretched place!
At least without first stocking up on food and water, that is.
And heavy weaponry.
And magic spells.


I've made up my mind! I will return, and I will unlock the secrets of that place, which not even Death dares approach!
Foolish are those who would try to stop me, and cowardly are those who do not dare come with me!
I will go there again, and when I return...I will return with stories.

they're doing alright so far, a little less planning laid out than you could hope for, but the programmers seem to know what they need to do, and the artist are at it like they should. Minamu, you say that you seem to be ahead of schedule. You are never ahead of schedule. Do not think you are. If you ever think you are ahead of schedule, the game will start crashing. Or all graphics will mysteriously disappear. Or it will turn out that the game is utterly unplayable. I will continue with these weekly reports next week.


You're welcome ^^ I realize there's a big shortage of pictures, both of the game and our "studio". I'll try to fix that very soon. Unfortunately, half the team have an intense home exam to focus on the next three days so I don't think there will be much time for development the next few days :( Having a project management course parallel to development is somewhat rough. Few are happy with it, to say the least :)


Has problems recognising girls
This sounds really cool. It's a shame that 2D top-down adventure games have gone the way of the dodo, and it's probably why I still boot up certain games of the genre because they can be so timeless. All the best.


Big news :D

We had a meeting today and we've decided to send our game (when it's "finished") to the Swedish Game Awards competition, SGA! You guys have probably heard of Magicka, right? That game won that competition in 2008, I believe. And the guy behind Blueberry Garden, and the team behind Bloodline Champions have both won this competition as well (and they're both from the same game dev school as we are). So we have quite the reputation to uphold :D Of course, we are not the only team that is going to enter this contest. But still, exciting times ahead! Tomorrow, we're gonna have a meeting regarding the trailer that we're gonna make. Hopefully it'll be alright to show it here when it's done.

The deadline for this competition is in May, which means that we will have an additional six weeks for development and polishing, which can't hurt. It's undecided at this point if we're gonna use the time for that or not, (it depends on how we feel and how many of us are still interested in four weeks) but we're at the very least gonna send in the game we have in four weeks time.

Of course, this doesn't mean a whole lot when no one outside the dev team knows what the game looks like... As we are gonna make a trailer, we're gonna have to capture some in-game footage, real soon. That should be an excellent opportunity to show some screenshots, right? :)


I just updated the OP with four pictures from our game maker prototype. You can see hints of teleporters, checkpoints, text logs among other things. A functional but odd couple of characters are there as well.


We're nearing the finish line. We've been really busy the last few weeks, which is why I haven't been around much to do updates :( But by Friday, we should have a finished version of the game! :D Please, if there are any questions about what we've been doing, don't be shy. Just ask :)

I can say one thing, and that is that it's true that you see massive changes to your game when it is almost done. I never really bought that when I've heard it in interviews and such, but even in a project this small, it really holds true. We've had bits and pieces of our game working but we haven't been able to see them all together (and as of this hour, we still can't but still). With mere hours left until we are supposed to present our final version, things are happening pretty rapidly! Really exciting to see :D


On Friday we are gonna present the finished (or really close to finished) version of the game and have a presentation about what we have done, what has gone well, and not so well (though most likely in Swedish...) If anyone's interested in watching, here's a link:

Click it! :D

The site says the stream starts at 8 AM CET but I'm not sure when it's our turn. Some time after lunch, our local time (GMT+1). 9 other teams will show their stuff as well.



Here's our trailer for the game :) I hope you enjoy it. The game has a few bugs we need to take care of before we can turn it in to our teachers for examination (though I care more about it being good enough for a public release). Should be ready by early next week. I think the installer will be around 300mb.


Cool trailer! This is a great idea for a thread by the way; it's nice that you can share so much about the dev process.


Vard said:
Cool trailer! This is a great idea for a thread by the way; it's nice that you can share so much about the dev process.
Thank you ^^ Please spread it. I'd share even more about our process but as you can imagine we've been really busy lately :) Will look into making a torrent of the game this week! We are gonna send the game to SGA as I mentioned before. As of right now it's a bit uncertain what kind of changes, if any, we will make to the game for the competition. We probably don't have the man power anymore to make any significant additions unfortunately.


irresponsible vagina leak
That trailer was fantastic. The gameplay looks very interesting and unique. Like the artstyle in the game and would like with what else you and your team can make. I hope after making my team to post here on neogaf progression of the game and etc. Its really a nice way of getting feedback from people that have some good eye.

As far as I can do right now I only have the game concept written and the game banner but I haven't form a team yet.(Most people at my college seems to not be really interested in making games and studying there for the wrong reasons) I got some people interested to work so this week I might have start forming a team. If nothing happens Ill start working with people online.

BTW can you tell me how many hours per week were spent to work around and the estimated time that it took to the state that is actually now?


Pupi18 said:
That trailer was fantastic. The gameplay looks very interesting and unique. Like the artstyle in the game and would like with what else you and your team can make. I hope after making my team to post here on neogaf progression of the game and etc. Its really a nice way of getting feedback from people that have some good eye.

As far as I can do right now I only have the game concept written and the game banner but I haven't form a team yet.(Most people at my college seems to not be really interested in making games and studying there for the wrong reasons) I got some people interested to work so this week I might have start forming a team. If nothing happens Ill start working with people online.

BTW can you tell me how many hours per week were spent to work around and the estimated time that it took to the state that is actually now?
Thank you :D That means a lot. I'm currently (as in right now!) writing some background drafts for a new project with a mostly different group. But with some luck, Mindless Entertainment will live on. We have another of these projects scheduled for this time next year. Maybe we'll be back then? :)

As I've mentioned before, we've had a tough course going in parallel with this project. Our teachers recommended spending 16 hours per person per week on the game development (and the rest of a work week on the other course). The project had a deadline of 10 weeks (though almost 11 in practice). So the recommendation was about 2100 hours over 10 weeks. Most of us spent about 30 hours per week on the game though :) So in the end, around 4000 hours with 13 guys, I'd say.

The programmers had a rough time the last week or so, with bug testing and fixing as late as the night prior to showing off the finished game for the first time. The trailer was made a couple of days before our presentation I think, and we made some significant changes to balance even after that. Obviously, those changes can't been seen in the trailer and our fairly heavy focus on story (almost six pages of monologues) isn't even mentioned :)


irresponsible vagina leak
I got around 3 videogame concepts written.

Semi On Rail Shooter. (The closest that I cant think of its killer 7 meets L4D)

Fighting Game. (3D fighter)

Action RPG. (Think Folkore meets Bayonetta meets Zelda)

I remember there was a thread here in GAF people showing off written concepts and art but it seems I can't find it anymore.( I didn't have the account at the moment to write there) Do you know if it still exists?


Pupi18 said:
I got around 3 videogame concepts written.

Semi On Rail Shooter. (The closest that I cant think of its killer 7 meets L4D)

Fighting Game. (3D fighter)

Action RPG. (Think Folkore meets Bayonetta meets Zelda)

I remember there was a thread here in GAF people showing off written concepts and art but it seems I can't find it anymore.( I didn't have the account at the moment to write there) Do you know if it still exists?
They all sound very complex :) Have you, or anyone on your team, worked with 3D before? As first year students, we weren't even allowed to even consider 3D games this early on. And no network multiplayer either. Haven't seen this thread you mention. Would be nice to check out, yes :)

What the hell is this? OT for a game I can't play?
Soon :D Soon.


irresponsible vagina leak
Minamu said:
They all sound very complex :) Have you, or anyone on your team, worked with 3D before? As first year students, we weren't even allowed to even consider 3D games this early on. And no network multiplayer either. Haven't seen this thread you mention. Would be nice to check out, yes :)

Soon :D Soon.

We are allowed to work with anything we want but this is my 3rd and last year on college. We got 1 programmer on the team. Multiplayer is something to not touch at the moment or so says the professors. They want us to focus on making a single player game since if you cant make a good single player game you shouldnt jump to multiplayer. (or thats what the professors tell us)

We are using UDK and Unity Engine which IMO Unity its more easier to work with from those 2. I would like to work on 2D games but our college focuses on 3D games. From what I have been reading programming and animating in 2D games can be easier actually than 3D games and it has more chances of not messing up as big as people mess up on the 3D ones. Obvious reasons are there but I would like to work on both games.


Pupi18 said:
We are allowed to work with anything we want but this is my 3rd and last year on college. We got 1 programmer on the team. Multiplayer is something to not touch at the moment or so says the professors. They want us to focus on making a single player game since if you cant make a good single player game you shouldnt jump to multiplayer. (or thats what the professors tell us)

We are using UDK and Unity Engine which IMO Unity its more easier to work with from those 2. I would like to work on 2D games but our college focuses on 3D games. From what I have been reading programming and animating in 2D games can be easier actually than 3D games and it has more chances of not messing up as big as people mess up on the 3D ones. Obvious reasons are there but I would like to work on both games.
The concept you sent me seemed nice to me. I'd play it. Of course, my opinion shouldn't matter more than anyone else's. Though, one programmer sounds like a bad idea considering the scope of the title. I think we'll be using Unity later on as well. And yes, many different things can go wrong in a 3D game, compared to something in 2D.

As for Haunted Fortress, I've been informed that we currently have one serious bug that needs to be fixed before I'm comfortable with releasing the game to the public. It's a rare showstopper, but a showstopper nonetheless. At least to me :) Hopefully, my programmers can find the spare time to fix it soon.


irresponsible vagina leak
Minamu said:
The concept you sent me seemed nice to me. I'd play it. Of course, my opinion shouldn't matter more than anyone else's. Though, one programmer sounds like a bad idea considering the scope of the title. I think we'll be using Unity later on as well. And yes, many different things can go wrong in a 3D game, compared to something in 2D.

As for Haunted Fortress, I've been informed that we currently have one serious bug that needs to be fixed before I'm comfortable with releasing the game to the public. It's a rare showstopper, but a showstopper nonetheless. At least to me :) Hopefully, my programmers can find the spare time to fix it soon.

Looking up for the release it looks really fun.

I haven't had the time to work on my game since the classes has gotten harder but I should be starting this summer if things go according to plan. I want to have multiple programmers if possible but so far all I can find is one and the plan pretty much is just make a demo of the game. If that demo goes well it shall move into phase 2 which should be building a bigger team to keep moving into the game.


Well, here we are! :) Sorry for the lack of updates. School is making our lives very busy. It's been around seven weeks since our presentation now, and yesterday was the deadline for the SGA tournament. We turned the game in, in the state we left it, since we haven't had time to fix any last performance issues or glitches. However, I feel that the game is fairly well polished after all.

This means that the game is ready and available for download!

Link can be found in the OP in just a few seconds!


bengraven said:
Love the atmosphere and art style - seems tailored to my interests.

Not sure about the gameplay.
Hehe nice to hear it ^^ Let's just say the misspelling in the file name is on purpose (it did turn into an inside joke early on though).

Yeah, the gameplay has suffered the most from cutbacks unfortunately. Of course, that is the last thing to cut things from imho, but we were kinda forced to, mainly because of scheduling and limited resources.
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