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Have any nervous twitches? DEFECTS?!??!

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I do, sorta. Whenever I get depressed there is this spot on my right arm that gets this dull pain thats very precise, its sort of an ache really.

I also tend to shiver out of nowhere every so often. Also people say my hands are messed up cause you can squish em.

aoi tsuki

After drinking three shots of espresso or a couple of mixed drinks, i tend to have stutter a bit. i think it stems from way too much caffeine consumption years back.
sometimes when i'm lying in bed all of the sudden I'll feel like this jolt that will make me rise up in the air alittle bit.


Yeah everyone gets that - thats from your body keeping you from going into an 'out of body experience' state - or being in a halfway dream state. It usually happens to me when I'm halfway asleep dreaming something - like I'm falling - and I jolt up.

What's even worse is sleep paralysis - when your consiously awake, but your body is asleep, and your laying there awake but you can't open your eyes or move. That's definately one of the scariest things you can go through if you don't know what it is - it seems to happen to me once in a while - its hard as hell to move and jerk yourself awake.


What's even worse is sleep paralysis - when your consiously awake, but your body is asleep, and your laying there awake but you can't open your eyes or move.

I also have sleep paralysis. I didn't even know it had a name until about a month ago, although it has been happening for atleast the past 5 years. And yes, it really sucks.


If I work long hours and have to stay in one spot, I'll lean against something and at times, I'll start to fall asleep, and my knee gives out and as I'm falling I somehow get my leg under me and stand back up. All this happened like within a .000001 second period. It was weird...I just looked around and was hoping no one saw me. Luckily for me, some gorgeous girl was walking in my general direction, only to turn away and laugh. :(

Yeah, I need more caffeine.

Another thing, I get random cramps in my right calf. It hurts like a MOTHERFUCKER. I sometimes have to lay on the ground if I'm at home, or somehow tough it out for 10-30 seconds if I'm at work. JESUS...imagine talking to a co-worker/supervisor and just randomly standing on one leg. :lol

Also, Imay have some sort of ADD or ADHD because I can't stand in one place for more than a few minutes, I just start walking around or back and forth in place when at work. :( If I'm sitting, I have to be doing something, text messaging with my phone, reading...something, anything. I get bored quickly. :\


Pokémon Parentage Conspiracy Theorist
Almost every time I lay flat on the ground with my legs crossed, something will go wrong in the lowest part of my back and I'll have a really bad sharp pain that just radiates through the whole area, it sucks. To make it stop I have to kind of turn sideways and curl up in a fetal position or something, but any movement hurts it for a bit. The only way to keep it from happening is to scoot my feet up so my legs are bent, but thats not as comfortable. I think my back is messed up somehow :(


When ever I am at work and guests start to yell and me I kinda black out, my mind goes blank I know that they are yelling but I dont care, then when they are done yelling I dont know what in the hell there were just saying, but over the last five months I have gotten to were I can listen to them without getting really nervous and I am more up front and tell them what is what...I like it!


I don't mean to alarm you but you have dogs on your face
I tend to twitch my fingers, like rub them against each other, when I get nervous or anxious or whatever. Like I am right now, cuz I feel like a fucking idiot, cuz....i'm not getting into it. Expect a drunk thread in 2 or 3 hours.


I get random and violent shivers (violent enough to scrape the skin off my forehead when it happened while i was sleeping in class once)...not often (a month or two can go by without them) but when I do experience them I usually get them more than once*

By rappidly tapping my toes I can make my leg begin shivering...but find it hard to make it stop :eek:

My hand shivers if I try really hard to keep it still (excellent for games that require very fast button presses :b)

*usually happens when I'm 'sorta' sleeping (like while sleeping in calss :b)

Jill Sandwich

the turds of Optimus Prime
-If I don't get enough sleep or if I'm stressed my heart misbeats during the day
-Sometime in my mid teens my big toe was numb for a whole year
-Quato lives in my chest...TRUE!! L@@K!
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