Some of my favorite games are the ones where I become hollow. There are certain aspects to gaming that I am not impressed by anymore. That’s just how it is. There’s enough to keep me playing and waiting.
I do agree that games, especially in the AAA market, do seem a bit bland. I can't get excited about another game with the Destiny UI in menus, different tiered loot, bullet/hit sponge enemies, and boring writing. And I am currently playing through RDR2, and while it is amazing in many fronts, I do agree that the story is depressing. I feel like I haven't experienced what the world has to offer and now I am at the point where Arthur
gets sick and starts coughing whenever you drink.
A recent exception is TLOU Part II. I played through the first one in 2014 when I got my PS4. I didn't feel like I needed a sequel, and when it was released, the shitstorm made me lose interest. Eventually, I did grab it for 8€ on a Black Friday sale a year ago, and it actually connected with me. While the middle part is a bit of a slog, exploring Seattle with Dina in the beginning was the most enjoyable gaming experience since I was a pre-teen playing on my Xbox 360.
Now, I am a patient gamer and I know that there are maybe hundreds of great games that I have access to whenever I want to. Maybe GTA VI will stick the landing for me unlike GTA V. Personally, film is way more interesting, connecting and fun medium, artform and passion and it will keep me busy enough.
Your just getting older, stop chasing the trendy mainstream games and it’s okay to take a hiatus from gaming.
If your trying to reach some strange deep personal feeling/connection with a video game it’s probably time to step away for a little bit.
Or just go back and play the games that have you that feeling.