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HBO's Game of Thrones prequel: Aegon's Conquest vs Robert's Rebellion?




Aegon's Conquest

1.1 The Fall of Valyria (prologue)
2.1 Aegon's Landing
2.2 Battle in the waters off Gulltown
2.3 Burning of Harrenhal
2.4 Conquest of the Stormlands
2.5 Submission of Crackclaw Point
2.6 Conquest of the Westerlands and the Reach
2.7 Submission of the North
2.8 Submission of the Vale
2.9 Invasion of Dorne
2.10 Submission of Oldtown and Crowning by the Faith

Robert's Rebellion

1.1 Tourney at Harrenhal
1.2 Abduction of Lyanna Stark
2 The Rebellion
2.1 Taking of Gulltown
2.2 Battles at Summerhall
2.3 Battle of Ashford
2.4 Battle of the Bells
2.5 Battle of the Trident
2.6 Battle at the Mander
2.7 Sack of King's Landing
3 Aftermath
3.1 End of the Siege of Storm's End
3.2 Combat at the Tower of Joy
3.3 Assault on Dragonstone
3.4 Establishment of Baratheon Dynasty
3.5 Rumored Dornish Resistance


Ok, So HBO has said there's a bunch of prequels in the works. The 2 most mentioned in the current show is obviously Robert's Rebellion and Aegon's Conquest. So if HBO had to chose one to get behind on, with their money, which would it be?

Martin has said this back in May 2017:

HBO is not exploring Robert’s Rebellion either. Good! I know fans wanted this, but as Martin points out, “I know thousands of you want that, I know there’s a petition… but by the time I finish writing A Song of Ice & Fire, you will know every important thing that happened in Robert’s Rebellion. There would be no surprises or revelations left in such a show, just the acting out of conflicts whose resolutions you already know. That’s not a story I want to tell just now; it would feel too much like a twice-told tale.”

I'm not sure HBO would agree with Martin here entirely. There was an amazing reaction to seeing young Ned at the Tower of Joy. People have become familiar with these characters and want to see the events as they unfolded rather than as told to someone or of flashback through warging.
I would be interested in Aegon's Conquest myself. Valyria has always intrigued me.

I agree with Martin in regards to Robert's Rebellion. I feel like I already know plenty about it.
There's enough ambiguity with Aegon's time period that the series would feel familiar yet new and fresh. We also get somw real universe defining questions answered like what was the cause of the doom of Valeria?

Hari Seldon

I completely agree with Martin. Roberts Rebellion would be like the Star Wars Prequel. Just an unnecessary tale with an endinig that you know. I want them to go back to the First Men and the Children of the Forest and that shit. Like how the Wall came about.


There's enough ambiguity with Aegon's time period that the series would feel familiar yet new and fresh. We also get somw real universe defining questions answered like what was the cause of the doom of Valeria?
Is this something we really need/want answered?


Robert's Rebellion is the "safe" choice so that's the one they'll go for. They'll also be able to insert lots of annoying winks towards child characters.


Now what's the next step in your master plan?
I'll pass in all honesty. The material created for the show is often the weakest link for me and seeing them create all this stuff even if we have the basic history from the novels and GRRM is of little interest me. In fact I think its just treading already well worn ground and most likely just going to sap any mystery out of things for violence and melodrama.
There's enough ambiguity with Aegon's time period that the series would feel familiar yet new and fresh. We also get somw real universe defining questions answered like what was the cause of the doom of Valeria?

I agree with this minus the Doom of Valyria. I've always felt it's left ambiguous on purpose. It just happens because it needed to happen.


Now what's the next step in your master plan?
I haven't read the books. Can someone elaborate on Aegon's Conquest?

A dude banging both his sisters that rides on dragon's loses his homeland, aka volcano Atlantis, and takes over another one with said dragon's. Lots of death and incest.


World's #1 Cosmonaut Enthusiast
I would love to see a Robert's Rebellion spinoff but they already shot that idea down. :/


I haven't read the books. Can someone elaborate on Aegon's Conquest?

Daenerys' ancestors arrive in Westeros with 3 fully grown dragons. They then defeat everyone (relatively easily) and unite the seven previously separate kingdoms into one whole one.

I'd prefer a Blackfyre rebellion show.
I haven't read the books. Can someone elaborate on Aegon's Conquest?

In a nutshell: Targaryen declares himself king and that everyone should bend the knee. Battles happen, Aegon and his sister/wives on the back of 3 dragons decimate their opponents. Thus begins the Targaryen dynasty.


Neither. I want the Blackfyre Rebellion. It's got everything that made the original as popular as it is. Scheming and backstabbing, shifting alliances, morally grey characters, inter-family conflicts, and an occasional dash of magic and medieval battles.
Give me the Wall.

I think we're going to get a spinoff full of spectacle and bullshit with very little character. All the sex and violence of GoT (or more, if they adapt a story that doesn't feature dragons and decide to compensate), paper thin characterization, weak writing.

So pretty much what we already have.
All the prequel ideas except Dunk & Egg and Robert's Rebellion (which Martin said will not be adapted) have a pretty big problem: they don't have well fleshed out, fully developed characters for the writers to play with. Sure we know who Aegon I was, we know who his sisters were, etc but we don't truly know them as developed characters. They're set pieces in fake history, we know what they did but that's largely it. There's little to no dialogue of Martin's to use either. Those are all problems IMO.

I think we're going to get a spinoff full of spectacle and bullshit with very little character. All the sex and violence of GoT (or more, if they adapt a story that doesn't feature dragons and decide to compensate), paper thin characterization, weak writing.
All the prequel ideas except Dunk & Egg and Robert's Rebellion (which Martin said will not be adapted) have a pretty big problem: they don't have well fleshed out, fully developed characters for the writers to play with. Sure we know who Aegon I was, we know who his sisters were, etc but we don't truly know them as developed characters. They're set pieces in fake history, we know what they did but that's largely it. There's little to no dialogue of Martin's to use either. Those are all problems IMO.

I think we're going to get a spinoff full of spectacle and bullshit with very little character. All the sex and violence of GoT (or more, if they adapt a story that doesn't feature dragons and decide to compensate), paper thin characterization, weak writing.

This is where good writers matter.

It's an opportunity to use Martin and flesh out these characters. I'm sure Martin knows if Aegon is more like Tywin Lannister or Daenerys in his lust for power. That's a plus for the writers.


Aegon's Conquest would be expensive as hell. The main character has three very expensive CGI dragons, and there's comparatively less backroom dealings (as in, cheap talky scenes) inherent in his story. Plus, the dude went around battling everyone with his army -- seems cost prohibitive.
The Dance of the Dragons please

Not the book, that's "A Dance with Dragons", the Targaeryan civil war he's written some fake history novellas about. I think it's been mentioned in the show.

The novellas are a bit dry to read, because they're written as a fake history book rather than a story. But the actual story is amazing and would be perfect for a series
I hope it will be roberts rebellion. I doubt it will be dance of dragons, aegons conquest, blackfyre rebellion etc. Too much brother/sister fucking going on for most people to stomach. Everyone's shagging and everyone's related. It would be like a reality show set in Norfolk.


Aegon all the way. Far enough back you can introduce a fresh new cast instead of having to find younger versions of the current timeline of characters or use makeup/CGI them.
I hope it will be roberts rebellion. I doubt it will be dance of dragons, aegons conquest, blackfyre rebellion etc. Too much brother/sister fucking going on for most people to stomach. Everyone's shagging and everyone's related. It would be like a reality show set in Norfolk.

Well GRRM has already said it won't be Robert's Rebellion and he's working together with the writers of all 5 prequels in development, so I don't think it's happening


I really want Dunk and Egg. It'd be way more chill and anthology-like while providing little Easter eggs and not being too full of itself.

The only pros for the others:

Aegon: Hot Targ Ladies crushing us with their big natural dragons.

Robert's Rebellion: "Good Griffith Lookin Mofo" Rhaegar and Lyanna backstory.


I would be interested in Aegon's Conquest myself. Valyria has always intrigued me.

I agree with Martin in regards to Robert's Rebellion. I feel like I already know plenty about it.

This^ Aegon's Conquest would be dope. I'd also be interested in the first men vs the andals, but bay would probably get nixed for ruining the mystique and being a lore dump.

Hari Seldon

Aegon's Conquest would be expensive as hell. The main character has three very expensive CGI dragons, and there's comparatively less backroom dealings (as in, cheap talky scenes) inherent in his story. Plus, the dude went around battling everyone with his army -- seems cost prohibitive.

Yeah that is a good point. They probably don't want another story with dragons lol.
I would like Robert's Rebellion too. I also don't agree with Martin's statement that a finished Ice & Fire would completely reveal everything about those events. You could basically say the same thing about the current show.

And shit, we don't even have a finished Ice & Fire anyway!


My vote is for Dunk and Egg. Far enough removed that it's somewhat familiar but still fresh, it will make it harder to include unnecessary fan service.

As other posters have mentioned, this setting wont be cost prohibitive in that it's not entirely war focused.

If I remember correctly, GRRM said his favorite time period time period is Dunk and Egg.


I would pay to see a real life action Rhaegar, but it's better we don't.
Blackfyre rebellion is plenty of the typical GoT we are used to. I would go with that.

Aegon's Conquest was a stea... dragonroll, it has nothing of interest.
Robert's Rebellion sounds boring to me while a story set in ancient Valyria sounds intriguing and visually amazing. It would actually feel like a fantasy show whereas the former sounds like the kind of war we've seen depicted countless times before and of which we already know the outcome.

But then I haven't read the books so I don't really know what the fuck I'm talking about.
I hope it will be roberts rebellion. I doubt it will be dance of dragons, aegons conquest, blackfyre rebellion etc. Too much brother/sister fucking going on for most people to stomach. Everyone's shagging and everyone's related. It would be like a reality show set in Norfolk.



GRRM confirmed it's not gonna be Robert's Rebellion and it's not gonna be D&E.

I think Aegon's Conquest would be sick as fuck, or the Blackfyre Rebellion. They could go even further and set it during the Age of Heroes, with the original Long Night. I don't know if the show has addressed Azor Ahai, but that would certainly be fun to explore - albeit much more traditional fantasy.
Probably good to include Martin's whole statement

About Those Spinoffs...

So while I was on the road out California way, the story broke about the four GAME OF THRONES spinoffs that HBO is developing. And of course the news has since spread everywhere, all over the web and all over the world.

Yes, it's true. More or less. Though, as is all too common these days, various distortions and misapprehensions have crept into some of the reports along the way. And television being the fast-moving business that it is, there have already been some further developments.

For what it's worth, I don't especially like the term "spinoff," and I don't think it really applies to these new projects. What we're talking about are new stories set in the "secondary universe" (to borrow Tolkien's term) of Westeros and the world beyond, the world I created for A SONG OF ICE AND FIRE. It is a world, and a pretty big one, and if there were eight million stories in the naked city back in the 50s, just think how many more there are in an entire world, and one with thousands of years of recorded history.

None of these new shows will be 'spinning off' from GOT in the traditional sense. We are not talking Joey or AfterMASH or even Frazier or Lou Grant, where characters from one show continue on to another. So all of you who were hoping for the further adventures of Hot Pie are doomed to disappointment. Every one of the concepts under discussion is a prequel, rather than a sequel. Some may not even be set on Westeros. Rather than 'spinoff' or 'prequel,' however, I prefer the term 'successor show.' That's what I've been calling them.

Yes, I am involved, and have been for months. I had my first meeting with HBO about the possibility of a successor show back in August, when I pitched them two possible series. (One of those is among the concepts being developed, one is not). In the months that followed, other writers were brought in and pitched other ideas. Ultimately HBO decided to go ahead with four separate developments, to be written by Max Borenstein, Jane Goldman, Brian Helgeland, and Carly Wray.

It was stated in some of the reports that I am working with two of the four writers. That's not quite right. I've actually been working with all four of the writers. Every one of the four has visited me here in Santa Fe, some of them more than once, and we've spent days together discussing their ideas, the history of Westeros and the world beyond, and sundry details found only in The World of Ice & Fire and The Lands of Ice & Fire... when we weren't drinking margaritas and eating chile rellenos and visiting Meow Wolf. They are all amazing talents, and I am excited to be working with them. In between visits, I've been in touch with them by phone, text, and email, and I expect there will be a lot more back-and-forth as we move forward.

And there's more. We had four scripts in development when I arrived in LA last week, but by the time I left we had five. We have added a fifth writer to the original four. No, I will not reveal the name here. HBO announced the names of the first four, and will no doubt announce the fifth as well, once his deal has closed. He's a really terrific addition, however, a great guy and a fine writer, and aside from me and maybe Elio and Linda, I don't know anyone who knows and loves Westeros as well as he does.

Some of the reports of these developments seem to suggest that HBO might be adding four successor shows to the schedule to replace GAME OF THRONES. Decades of experience in television and film have taught me that nothing is ever really certain... but I do think it's very unlikely that we'll be getting four (or five) series. At least not immediately. What we do have here is an order for four -- now five -- pilot scripts. How many pilots will be filmed, and how many series might come out of that, remains to be seen. (If we do get five series on the air, I might have to change my name to Dick Direwolf).

The one goal that EVERYONE involved shares here is to make these new shows just as good as GAME OF THRONES itself. No easy task, mind you. David Benioff and Dan Weiss are a tough, tough act to follow, as all those Emmys demonstrate.

I can't tell you what the shows will be about (well, I could, but I won't), but I will tell you a couple of things they WON'T be. Which will disappoint some of you, sure, but better to do that now than later, I think.

We're not doing Dunk & Egg. Eventually, sure, I'd love that, and so would many of you. But I've only written and published three novellas to date, and there are at least seven or eight or ten more I want to write. We all know how slow I am, and how fast a television show can move. I don't want to repeat what happened with GAME OF THRONES itself, where the show gets ahead of the books. When the day comes that I've finished telling all my tales of Dunk & Egg, then we'll do a tv show about them... but that day is still a long ways off.

We're not doing Robert's Rebellion either. I know thousands of you want that, I know there's a petition... but by the time I finish writing A SONG OF ICE & FIRE, you will know every important thing that happened in Robert's Rebellion. There would be no surprises or revelations left in such a show, just the acting out of conflicts whose resolutions you already know. That's not a story I want to tell just now; it would feel too much like a twice-told tale.

More than that, I will not say. Feel free to makes your guesses, if you like... but I am not going to be confirming or denying anything, so don't expect replies.



I completely agree with Martin. Roberts Rebellion would be like the Star Wars Prequel. Just an unnecessary tale with an endinig that you know. I want them to go back to the First Men and the Children of the Forest and that shit. Like how the Wall came about.

I like this idea. Would love to see the children of the forest and wall stuff. Interested in the more fantasy elements personally


Unconfirmed Member
Needs to be Dunk and Egg.

Adventure of the week with a new locale every two or three episodes while a side plot covers Bloodraven and Co trying to uncover the remnants of the Bloodfyre rebellion. Would make a great 3-4 season show.
Would prefer Aegon's quest but I would love to somehow have flashback(forward) scenes that show a few of the battles(mainly Robert vs Rhaegar).

That being said prequel's done right can work and be great even if you know the end game, Better Call Saul is a perfect example of that.
Are "The Voyages of the Sea Snake Corlys Velaryon" an option? If not I say Dunk and Egg or the Blackfyre Rebellion.

Edit: forget Dunk and Egg. Sea Snake or Blackfyres.
Count me out for Robert's Rebellion. I like the idea of never actually *seeing* Rhaegar, just having him be this figure that's recounted from people's memories. I'd actually be bummed if they cast him in a flashback for the show.
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