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HD-DVD to get 3 major backers next week


Business Week

With a possible 4th being Disney:

An announcement by Warner Bros. (TWX ), Universal (GE ), and Paramount about their adoption of this format by the end of 2005 is in the works, BusinessWeek Online has learned. Disney (DIS ) is also said to be in talks with Toshiba, although Eisner & Co. aren't close to a deal. Warner Bros., Universal, and Disney declined comment, and a Paramount spokesman didn't return phone calls.

I know you guys are big on the upcoming format wars, so thoughts?

oh yea, I stole this from leonk1 on the ign boards :p


Loves the Greater Toronto Area
lol.. considering all three are members of the DVD Consortium, my thoughts are...

no duh... :p

what I am more interested in is an announcement of launch titles.. I want HD-DVD (and Blue-Ray) so friggin bad I would almost sell my wife for them.


what I am more interested in is an announcement of launch titles.. I want HD-DVD (and Blue-Ray) so friggin bad I would almost sell my wife for them.

Same here, I really don't care who wins the war, I just want high definition movies as soon as possible!

Lord Error

Insane For Sony
Unless any of those studios decides to support one format only and exclusively, I don't see how it's big deal either way. I doubt even Columbia would support BR exclusively, much like they don't support PS2 exclusively with their movie franchizes.
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