On another related note, why is it that religious wingnuts seem to focus on male homosexuality so much more than lesbianism?
The Pew Hispanic Center found that 72 percent of Latinos believe homosexual sex between adults is "unacceptable"; 59 percent of whites feel the same way. In New York State, in a poll of Democratic voters taken by Edison Media Research, it was determined that 27 percent of Hispanics thought gays should be able to marry; 47 percent of whites approved. In Florida, a survey by Schroth & Associates found that 20 percent of Hispanics were pro-gay marriage, compared to 29 percent of whites.
The same phenomenon exists worldwide. Virtually every nation in the world where the right of two men to marry is being seriously advanced is white: it is in Canada, the U.S. and Europe where the gay rights movement is flourishing. It is not flourishing in Asia, the Middle East, Africa or Latin America. Just in nations that are predominantly white.
So what's wrong with white people? To be sure, many have swallowed the moonshineserved up in copious portions by our cultural elites that to deny homosexuals the right to marry is to discriminate against them. Lost in this logic is the fact that homosexuals can marry. And many do; some even father or give birth to children. What they can't do is marry someone of the same sex. Neither can brothers marry their sisters; or fathers marry their daughters; or sons marry their mothers; or sisters marry their sisters; or brothers marry their brothers. But all are free to marry someone outside their
family who is of the opposite sex.
On another related note, why is it that religious wingnuts seem to focus on male homosexuality so much more than lesbianism?