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Help me bring myself back into the comic book loop...

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Due to a combination of love for Spider-Man 2, undying anticipation for Batman: Begins, and a school project I’m doing on the subject next year, I’ve decided to ever so slowly find my way back into the comics loop. I stopped collecting a few years ago during the whole Clone fiasco (I was mainly a Spidey fan).

I’m not looking to collect monthly issues, as I don’t have the money. Instead, I’m looking to pick up some TPBs to bring me up to date with what I’ve missed, and I'm also looking for some that I can look forward to.

I’ve received loads of advice in other threads, and now I want to compile it all into one thread for approval and some more suggestions.

So here’s the shopping list as of now :p

The Ultimate Spider-Man Collection Hardcover



Collects Ultimate Spide-Man Volumes 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 (Issues #1 to 39)

Ultimate Spider-Man Hardcover Collection Volume 4


This should more or less bring me up to date with the series, right?

Spiderman: Blue



The art looks kick ass. ‘Nuff said.

Marvel Encyclopedia: Spider-Man



This should refresh my memory on all the characters and major story arcs from ASM, SSM, etc.

The Essential Spider-Man: Vol 1 – 6








Sure, the writing back then wasn’t too hot, but to be able to enjoy all those classic Spidey stories for so cheap, I don’t see why I shouldn’t pick it up.




Not only was I told that this is an essential buy, but it’s also going to help me with a school project next year ;)

Batman: Year One



I was never a huge Batman fan, I liked the movies and the cartoons, but after reading the script for Batman Begins, and the realization that a Batman story could kick ass, I decided to seek out the critically acclaimed Batman: Year One.

Batman: The Dark Night Returns



I haven’t heard as much about this one, but it looks pretty solid to me :)

Batman: The Killing Joke



Saw it recommended in another thread…..

Batman: The Long Halloween



Saw it recommended in another thread as well……

Superman For All Seasons



Was never a huge Superman fan either, I was limited to the cartoons, movies and most recently Smallville. I saw this one recommended in another thread….

Superman: Red Son


Saw it recommended in another thread, premise sounds extremely interesting….

The Death Of Superman



I want to pick this up as I never read the Death and Return story arc in the Superman mythos, which I assume was one of the most pivotal moments in the comic’s history?

The Return Of Superman



See above :)

Kingdom Come



Reccomended to me in another thread, art looks amazing (Alex Ross is a master), as well as the premise.

Superman on the Couch: What Superheroes Really Tell Us About Ourselves and Our Society



To help me with my school project (On the importance and impact of superheroes on our society).

That’s about all I can think of, it looks like it’s going to set me back quite a bit :p I guess I’ll have to purchase them over the course of a month or two…… or three :p

Any other recommendations? I’m looking mainly for TPBs…

Seth C

Also get Ultimate Spider-Man TPB #9. It includes one issue of USM you'd otherwise be missing (46 I think) and the Ultimate Six mini. After that you'd be caught up to right before the Hollywood story arc, which was the one right before the current Carnage arc.


I recommend the Coming Home trade of Amazing Spider-Man. I love that story, and that page of Spider-Man and Ezekiel fighting Morlun is burned into my mind.


You can find a slew of graphic novel recommendations in this thread, which has been running rampant for the past week or so.

The shopping list you posted is a pretty solid start for a superhero collection. Some notes:

- USM is good stuff, and volume 4 should get you caught up, but you can probably just start with the big volume and worry about the rest later. Hell, you may want to just hold out for another oversized volume sometime in the future.

- You don't really need that Marvel Encyclopedia. Spider-Fan can get you caught up for free.

- All the Batman you listed is good, but The Dark Knight Returns is definately at the head of the list, particularly in terms of it's influence on superhero comics. Start there. You may also want to check out Arkham Asylum.

- I'm not particularly up on Superman, but as far as I know the Death of Superman less pivotal and more overhyped. I'd also recommend a slim volume called Whatever Happened To The Man Of Tomorrow, which is Alan Moore's farewell to the Silver Age Superman.

- And, speaking of Alan Moore, if you're studying superhero comics and you haven't read it already, you need to add Watchmen to the top of your list.




Knows the Score
Once you're done reading Watchmen, grab Supreme by Mr. Beardy Weirdy. Watchmen is damned good, but Supreme is even better. It's the greatest Superman stories never told.


Ok, so I'm not going to pick up the Death and Return of Superman anymore.

But I'm definitely going to check out Watchmen :)



Hollywood Square
Watchmen redefined comics as they exist today. It is necessary reading if you're even remotely interested in the medium, whether you like the book or not. It's like claiming you like classic literature, but refusing to read Shakespeare.

I second the Coming Home recommendation. It's the best arc of Amazing Spider-Man of the last couple of years, although this current arc Nomo got me reading has potential.


mattx5 said:
But I'm definitely going to check out Watchmen[/img]

Ah, excellent. Just one thing before you start: don't skip the text sections. Read the whole shebang, cover to cover, else you're missing the point.

Loeb and Sale's Batman stuff (as well as Spiderman Blue) is highly recommended. TOp Notch stuff. As is Year One. Fanfuckingtastic book.

On the subject, how is Red Son? ANyone got any impressions? Also, i noticed the first part of Supreme Power is now out in graphic novel form. How did that turn out? I was really interested, it looked cool as fuck, but it came out after i had already gotten out of buying comics.


Well, I just ordered 'Marvels' and 'Batman: Year One'.

At the same time I ordered the novels 'Catch 22' and 'The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-time' for school.

Once I get done with those, I'm going to order the Ultimate Spider-Man Collection, Watchmen and Superman On The Couch.

After that, I'll slowly order the rest of my list over the next month or two.
Squadron Supreme - Mark Gruenwald and artists

Gruenwald wrote this storyline for the JLA, but DC wouldn't let him do it. This explains why the characters are so familiar. One of the early (and best) attempts at showing what superheroes would be like in the real world.

Astro City - Kurt Busiek et al

Currently four volumes are available. Two kind of short story collections, and two that are longer stories, all are very good. Back being produced again after a 2 to 3 year hiatus.

Planetary - Warren Ellis

Pulp fiction of the purest kind. Beautiful stories, kind of well told, with all the profanity you've come to expect from Ellis ("Get a job, or drink urine flavoured coffee for the rest of eternity")

Rising Stars - J Michael Straczynski

Less highly recommended, but kind of fun. Two out of three volumes currently out, you could wait and see how the rest of it turns out before committing.

V for Vendetta - Alan Moore

Hmm, well, you should, but it's a very depressing read, and the story has dated quite badly (set, as it is, in the dystopian fascist future of...1997). It's a great story, but doesn't have as much to say about comics, or superheroes, as its near contemporary, Watchmen.

Powers - Brian Michael Bendis & Michael Avon Oeming

Police procedural comics - with super heroes! How can this be bad? Well, actually, I don't think it could be, but with perfect dialogue, interesting storylines, and great characters (that mostly aren't caricatures), this is a very good comic. Currently five volumes available.

Authority - Warren Ellis, Mark Millar, Grant Morrison and artists

We are on slightly dodgy ground, here. The early rush of Ellis stuff is pretty good, but gets very same-y, very quickly. Millar's stuff is kind of fun, but also kind of stupid. However, he's the man behind the Ultimates, so, y'know, maybe. Morrison has done one volume so far, which is dragging the series back around, but I don't feel like I'm ready to re-commit just yet.

There's a bunch of other stuff that I'd recommend, but it's straying further and further from your starting point of superhero comics. I would say, on a general level, most anything with the names Alan Moore, Frank Miller, Neil Gaiman, Brian Michael Bendis, Bill Willingham, Brian Azzarello, Grant Morrison or Warren Ellis attached, will automatically be bought by me. This is not necessarily a recommendation, but I think that they are always worth keeping tabs on.


Hollywood Square
To answer your question -- Yes, Amazing Spider-Man is now a respectable comic.

I found the comic adequate at best after the Coming Home arc. It was just so incredibly average afterwards and JMS did nothing of note following his debut, not even for Amazing's 500th issue. This seems to be changing though, as he is getting away from all the totem nonsense and trying a new angle. Go pick up the last issue of Amazing, as it starts a new arc. Nomoment can probably give you a link where you can read the entire thing for free.


Glad to see that ASM is doing better, though I have to doubt validity of this new story arc, especially if they're bringing back
Gwen Stacy
which is what I've been hearing.

I for one have had enough of 'bringing people back from the dead' shit. Bringing back Norman Osborn was okay because it helped end the clone saga, but all the clone crap, i.e. Peter's a clone, Aunt May is a clone, your father's uncle's brother's roomate is a clone really turned me off from the comics, and I hope the teaser for the August issue isn't a sign of bad things to come.


Year One is my favorite comic ever. Good choice. ;)

Might as well not make such a vacuous post. ;p My favorite of the books I have read:

1) Batman: Year One
2) Kingdom Come
3) Batman: The Long Halloween
4) Batman: The Dark Knight Returns
5) Spider-Man: Blue
6) Marvels
7) Watchmen
8) Superman: Red Son
9) Batman: Dark Victory
10) Batman: The Killing Joke
11) Secret Wars
12) Green Arrow: Quiver

They are all pretty good, with the exceptions of Secret Wars and Quiver, so it was tough aligning them. :/ Right now I am reading through Dark Knight Strikes Again... or trying to. The art is so distractingly bad that it is tough to get through. Still pictures can't cause a seizure, or so I thought. One of the better pages:


Man, the coloring is so bad, and what is really distracting is the almost complete absence of backgrounds. Ai...


Hollywood Square
mattx5 said:
Glad to see that ASM is doing better, though I have to doubt validity of this new story arc, especially if they're bringing back
Gwen Stacy
which is what I've been hearing.

I for one have had enough of 'bringing people back from the dead' shit. Bringing back Norman Osborn was okay because it helped end the clone saga, but all the clone crap, i.e. Peter's a clone, Aunt May is a clone, your father's uncle's brother's roomate is a clone really turned me off from the comics, and I hope the teaser for the August issue isn't a sign of bad things to come.

After Amazing was relaunched, it pretty much erased all past continuity. I don't think You-Know-Who is coming back, though.


Well, the cover of ASM #511 was revealed, and 'that character' was on the cover. Maybe they're tying up loose ends from the clone saga because the clone was supposed to be MIA after that saga?

But if it's 'the real deal', and they have no reason to bring this character back, then it could signal the end of Spiderman as we know it.

^ Extremely cryptic spoilers that don't really spoil anything.


Hollywood Square
Don't bother reading Dark Knight Strikes Again, CK. It's trash. It's always been trash!

Some people will argue that it's a brilliant satire and Frank Miller's prank on people who begged for a sequel to Dark Knight Returns. But seeing his late body of work, I'm inclined to believe that the man has just a lost a step or two. Or ten. No more, no less.


Willco said:
Don't bother reading Dark Knight Strikes Again, CK. It's trash. It's always been trash!

Some people will argue that it's a brilliant satire and Frank Miller's prank on people who begged for a sequel to Dark Knight Returns. But seeing his late body of work, I'm inclined to believe that the man has just a lost a step or two. Or ten. No more, no less.

I'd like to check out his Sin City work, is it worth it?


Shipping estimate: 23 July - 4 August
Delivery estimate: 27 July - 12 August

Fuck that! To save money I wanted to get it all shipped together, but it's going to take 'Marvels' 9-10 days before it's ready to be shipped.


Edit- Well, I made it a bit better,

Shipping estimate: 25 July - 27 July
Delivery estimate: 28 July - 4 August

:( :(


Anybody declaring Dark Knight Strikes Again to be genius, is just in denial. It's okay, a great deal of other people wasted $30 on the series, too.
this is the one im thinking bout picking up:

i remember readin like a 4 page preview in an issue of wizard last year, and it seemed pretty cool. Had a sort of retelling of Superman's origin, only with a more realistic tilt
(federal agents come in and steal the baby alien and kill ma and pa kent)


Supreme Power is alright, but I found it more interesting in trade. I don't know what it is with me, but some comics are better in trade while others are better in single issues. All of Bendis' stuff is better in trade with the exception of Powers which is fine in singles. While Brubaker's stuff is great either way in singles or trade (see Catwoman or Sleeper for examples of that). Well, I'm getting off on a tangent here, time to get it back on topic...

I found Red Son to be a very entertaining read and enjoyed, unlike the majority of GAF, the ending very much.

On the other hand, Quiver is great up until the ending when, after 3 parts or so of revelation and amazing writing, it suddenly remembers there was a superhero plot in the beginning and goes ahead and throws you back into it all of a sudden. Kinda jarring, but it doesn't really mar the other 80% of it that was fucking great.

Sleeper deserves the praise it gets on this board. Even though I owned the first trade from Season 1, I never bothered to really sit down and read and then I went ahead and bought the first issue of Season 2 and read it cover to cover and smiled and loved every second of it. My favorite part was when one of the special agents was telling his story where he first found out he was a wolfman and what he did after finding it. Hilarious shit. No pun intended. ;)

I also recommend Planetary, heavily. It's like a detective story of sorts only dealing with issues that affect the happenings of the entire planet. The story's, at least from what I've read, are told without much in terms of continuity, like one issue will be an origin story while another explores man's first venture into space in the 1800's and that's just how it works. It's also worth mentioning that the art is fucking brilliant.

Finally, and I'll step off my soapbox after this one, you should be reading Daredevil. Daredevil is one of the, if not the, best superhero comic in production right now. Bendis has an excellent handle on the character right from the first storyline of the book which basically shakes the core of the entire series and does something that I had originally never thought would be really discussed in comics. Start off with the volume 2 hardcover and then go ahead and pick up the volume 3 hardcover. Definitely some of the best stuff on Earth -- aside from Snapple of course. :)


Great recommendations from everyone in this thread!

Matt, just don't touch The Death of, and Return of Superman, and you'll be fine. Those stories really do represent exactly what was wrong with Superhero comics in the 90s.

And Ryu, Daredevil IS the best stuff on earth. :)
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