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Help me decide between these old Xbox games..


I'll choose two out of four..
- Panzer Dragoon Orta
- Quantum Redshift
- Baldur's Gate: Dark Alliance
- Buffy the Vampire Slayer

Preferably games shouldn't be overly difficult, replayability is a factor and co-op multiplayer is a plus..


Is buffy co-op or can you play multiple characters?
And how are BG: DA's graphics?
Thanks for all those who answered..


- Baldur's Gate- Great co-op, looks really good, it's fun, but not to long of a game.
- Panzer- Great visuals, not to hard...but it's a must own for XBOX owners



for the love of god - ORTA ALL THE WAY!

No, serioulsy - PDO >>>>>>>>> then the others on that list. Dont know about BD, havent played that one.

Every Xbox owner and shooter fan should own Orta


Heh - just noticed you said 2 games.

QR is an awesome, if under appreciated racer. Play it in first person mode for the best experience.

Never played BD

Buffy = meh for me. Didn't like it, and I'm a fan of beat em' ups.

PD ORTA - Jesus man, don't even ask - just go. get. it. now. If you like shooters, you'll love. If you like a challenge, you'll love. Graphics whore = love. Unlocking extras = yep, all love. And if your a PD fan, you shouldnt even be debating it.


Scary Euro Man
Welcome to actually reading the post.

BG:DA is clearly your number one game from the list. Great co-op multiplayer, not too difficult on the standard difficulty settings (assuming it's anything like the PS2 version) and good replay value. Much better than the sequel.

As for the rest, it's down to which features your preferred style of gameplay. Orta is going to be a popular choice, especially among the Sega hardcore out there. Buffy is much better than it has any right to be. QR I can't comment on.


And even i am moderately surprised
"QR is an awesome, if under appreciated racer. Play it in first person mode for the best experience."

Juast chipping in - i really enjoyed QR. The feeling of speed is awesome, and as mentioned here - has to be played in first person mode. Redshift level is insanely fast.

But from your criteria , BG:DA is the one for you.
I wouldn't say BG:DA has a very high replayability factor. The initial run through it can be done rather swiftly, and the insane mode is a little too insane. The special dungeon is really fun, but once you beat it there's nothing left to it. There's not that big a difference between characters, and no real build variety. However, the biggest limitation is that the dungeon hack n slash stuff grows old incredibly fast. I played the hell out of it over a weekend with some friends and haven't touched it since.

It's great as a budget title, just don't go in expecting a whole lot of replay though.

Oh, and PD Orta rocks like all hell.
thorns said:
I'll choose two out of four..
- Panzer Dragoon Orta
- Quantum Redshift
- Baldur's Gate: Dark Alliance
- Buffy the Vampire Slayer

Preferably games shouldn't be overly difficult, replayability is a factor and co-op multiplayer is a plus..





in order of goodness. Orta isn't so multi but its real good and you should support SEGA!
2 games youre gonna enjoy...

Panzer Dragoon Orta
Buffy the vampire Slayer

Also try to pick up the Indiana Jones and the Emperor's Tomb game,its made by the same team that developed Buffy. Those guys(The COLLECTIVE) have provided greatness for the beatemup genre.


I'd say Orta and BG: DA for sure.

Redshift isn't my thing, and I'd never, ever be able to get past the license to give Buffy a shot. :p So It's pretty easy for me to force my biased answer on you, yay!


Buffy and Q.Redshift.

I liked REZ but absolutely hated PDO. I paid full price for it but have only played it 3 times or so. :/ Just no fun.
Panzer Dragoon Orta - Classic
Quantum Redshift - Boring
Baldur's Gate: Dark Alliance - Repetive, rental.
Buffy the Vampire Slayer - Rental
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