Help me figure out how to get into Destiny 2


Gold Member
ive tried to figure it out before to play through the story, and I couldn't work out the way you're supposed to do it, it seemed like a total confusing shitshow, and they've removed important chunks of story/campaigns for no reason I can discern beyond FOMO. So I gave up even bothering to try.


The game is a shitshow and a sellout nowadays, my advice is to actually not play it. Sure, traces of what Destiny once was is still there, and enjoyment can still be fund, but to advice people to support bungo i can not.
Wow first time i've seen GAF agree on anything, go us.
I am confused af right now. Have not played it ever and don't know much about it, but I thought Sony bought Bungie because they are THE experts and Destiny is one of the pinnacles and vanguard of GaaS.
Sounds like it's addicting though, for people who like grindy games or whatever, so I am not sure how people can hate/advise against a game they spent many hours with.
Get a friend who sherpas you through the good shit or use LFG for key missions etc.

The grind, mission lockouts and RNG was always the shitest part of D1 or D2 for me/friends.

It's a brilliant game to start solo/buddy and then expand into 3/6 fireteam for raids etc.

Don't fast track YT shit up for a little while, a ton of fun is there exploring and learning while levelling. Post that go play with peeps that know the game and help you see the sights, loot, bosses, puzzles etc. It's far better in a fresh group if you have the stomach for working things out.
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Destiny 2 is not hard to understand.

- Create a character
- play the tutorial mission (ca. 20 minutes)
- Reach the last city
- realise that not a single story arc is free to play and you have to pay for everything
- realise that a lot of story addons and seasonal story is no longer available and the story makes no sense at all without all the missing / cut content.
- realise that seasonal story is not free and you have to pay for everything
- realise that seasonal activities have an extra level of paid content
- realise that the coolest armor / weapon ornaments are behind an expensive paywall
- realise that the free and paid content reuses a lot of assets
- realise that there is a level of grind and fomo that borders on unhealthy
- uninstall

Congratulations, you finished destiny 2
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OP play on PS so you can get up to the last expansion, Witch Queen for free. Purchase Lightfall and your good to go.
Game really isnt a mess like people keep spouting, Lightfall isnt great as a expansion but Strand the new subclass with it is fantastic.
I would suggest playing through as many of the campaigns as possible before doing anything else, the story wont really make sense since the seasonal content model means only the last few seasons of story are in game but there is a node that lets you see a timeline of all the major events.
Initially you will play the New Light mini campaign, after that do Shadowkeep on the moon, the Beyond Light on Europa, then Witch Queen to unlock weapon crafting and be closer to current plotline, then Lightfall 👍


I've always tried to get into the Destiny games but it was never really my thing. However, now I've made some that have played along and it is more enjoyable this time around.

My question is - how do I navigate this thing? Meaning, what are the benefits of the expansions? And which ones should I go for right now? I'm trying to understand what content is in each one because the expansions seem to be pretty pricey. Could just use some tips.

I've been playing as an old warlock Chararacter I set up years ago, but I recently decided to start fresh with a new character. Pointers would be welcomed.
Go with the latest, plus the newest season. Don't overthink it; you should try out the different modes, and don't worry about the extras right now. Focus on playing Crucible, Nightfall, and seasonal activities. There is no need to rush, trying to understand everything from the get-go. Raids are end game, so given that you are fresh, I wouldn't even worry about them. After you have spent some time with the 3 activity types I mentioned, start looking into Dungeons.

Again, you don't need to know everything right now, so it's pointless to fixate on that; there is a lot. Just focus on what I said, take your time, and you will get it. You can try out all the different weapons when patrolling planets.
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I wouldn’t listen to people with thousands of hours in the game. Their experience can’t possibly mimic yours.

Just play it. You’re clearly late to the party so no point in leaning on the people who are ready to go home.


Gold Member
I am confused af right now. Have not played it ever and don't know much about it, but I thought Sony bought Bungie because they are THE experts and Destiny is one of the pinnacles and vanguard of GaaS.
Sounds like it's addicting though, for people who like grindy games or whatever, so I am not sure how people can hate/advise against a game they spent many hours with.
Game has changed alot in the last couple of years. The things that i liked are either no longer present (pinnacle weapon grind) or no loner interest me, PVP not being updated for one with no new maps for a few years for example.

Its recylced content: the game, or it was the last time i checked.

Destiny is not the game it used to be. Ever since they went "free to play" (its not btw) its been going down hill. I bought the last expansion but have hardly touched it. The final shape will be the first time in destiny history that im not all in on.


Gold Member
Just play Destiny 1. It's better in every way.
They are essentially the same game. If they didn't create D2, then the game would be largely the same as is now anyways.

Forsaken was peak Destiny, closely followed by Taken King era. But those two periods are only held in such high regard due to the state of the game leading upto those releases.
They are essentially the same game. If they didn't create D2, then the game would be largely the same as is now anyways.

Forsaken was peak Destiny, closely followed by Taken King era. But those two periods are only held in such high regard due to the state of the game leading upto those releases.
I'm one of the outliers that preferred the Peter Dinklage version of the Ghost. His voice gave it a certain charm. I loved how monotone it was while still cracking jokes. Similar to Ethan in CoD: Infinite Warfare. So when they fired Dinklage and replayed him with Nolan North I stopped playing.

I love Nolan North, just not as the Ghost.


Gold Member
I'm one of the outliers that preferred the Peter Dinklage version of the Ghost. His voice gave it a certain charm. I loved how monotone it was while still cracking jokes. Similar to Ethan in CoD: Infinite Warfare. So when they fired Dinklage and replayed him with Nolan North I stopped playing.

I love Nolan North, just not as the Ghost.
Dinklebot fucking sucked. One of the most phoned in performances of all time.


Op, if you want play destiny 2 for free, then the first thing your going to do is work on improving your gear score.

There are 3 main activity groups you can use to do this.

Vanguard = Pve
Crucible = Pvp
Gambit = Pvpve

I would stick to Vanguard and Crucible starting out as a new player as Gambit can be extremely frustrating.

Basicly you want to go to the tower and talk to the vanguard and crucible nps' and grab their bounties. You may also want to grab some bounties from the gunsmith too. The bounties help level up the npc, and they give you some decent gear for each reward tier.

Then to start off, run strikes and try to do all the vanguard bounties. You can usually take care of them in about 3 strikes. Makes sure you pay attention to the strike modifiers, as setting you class to match the elements in the modifiers can also give you a reward after 3 strikes. You not really going to understand what going on story wise, but just shoot the bad guys and kill thr boss at the end.

Now for Crucible bounties, I would stick to the 6v6 modes. Your going to suck, so your sticking to team modes will let you finish your bounties without too much stress. Your are going to die, and sometimes it's not going to seems fair, but as you learn the game and the maps, you will start the get better. If you start liking pvp and want to get better, you can train in the rumble mode (everyman for himself)

Basicly you are rasing your gear score so you can do harder activities like exotic quest, or nightmare strikes. Or if you really like the game, raids and dungeons.

You do have to pay for story campaigns, but you don't actually need them to get to the end game (but they do grant you access to new subclasses) and make the grind a little easier since the story tends to give better gear as the campaign progresses.

Also, as a free player trying the game out, you don't really need to worry about the Battle pass. You can earn the seasonal exotic on the free tier.

Destiny is a nice game playing solo, but it's way better if you have a friend
To play with. Good luck op.


Only play it if you have friends who play it and are willing to help you get caught up and figure out what is worth doing. The OP omits mention of the word friend but it looks like that's what you meant.

It's a fun (or it was up to about a year ago when I quit), but time consuming game. You can definitely do the high level end game stuff without devoting your life to it and it can be very fun.



Got some Twitch drops for Destiny 2 and was ready to jump back in and maybe see if it's as good as old times... Yeah, no.


Gold Member

Got some Twitch drops for Destiny 2 and was ready to jump back in and maybe see if it's as good as old times... Yeah, no.
Nothing tops the early raids. Running VOG and WOTM for the first few times in particular are up there with my favorite gaming memories of all time.

Getting Not Forgotten was up there as well, what a fucking task that was.
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I am confused af right now. Have not played it ever and don't know much about it, but I thought Sony bought Bungie because they are THE experts and Destiny is one of the pinnacles and vanguard of GaaS.
Sounds like it's addicting though, for people who like grindy games or whatever, so I am not sure how people can hate/advise against a game they spent many hours with.

Destiny 2 is still to this day in my top 3 most played games on PS5 at 300 hours and I haven’t touched the game since Forsaken.

It’s mind-blowing to me how much time I spent with D2 despite dropping it so early in its lifetime. Diablo IV and Fortnite only just now pass it at 400 and 342 hours respectively.

Bungie just completely dropped the ball.


1. Delete it from your hard drive.
2. Install literally anything else.
2. Enjoy the rest of your life where you don't have to play this awful game that is Destiny 2.

But if you're really determined then your only option is to watch a 4-hour-long story recap of both Destiny games on youtube because Bungie deleted like 60% of the story content from the actual game so you'll have no idea what the hell is going on when it drops you into some random expansion mission that's primarily designed as a glorified introduction to the latest season of grinding.

Seriously, Destiny 2 is such a miserable experience now that the only people who can truly get anything out of it anymore are those guys who have like 10,000 hours on the clock and have been playing it non stop since day 1. Otherwise, it's a complete waste of time.

And I'm not even exaggerating. I have a friend who's like the only remaining person I know who still plays this game, and he has over 12,000 hours on the clock. It's crazy.
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Its impossible to get into for me and I still clocked about 60 hours of Destiny 2 when it launched. Its just a cesspit of shit.

I don't like the structure of this game at all. I don't want to go to some shitty tower to grab some bounty I have to do to continue a story. The game lacks immersion, it constantly pulls you out. Probably as a means to advertise MTX to you. Just abandon it. I think Destiny 1 is much better. Its less cluttered, its PvP was actually fun for a good while.

I still hope Bungie will abandon it and make a completely new IP, or reboot Destiny and make it more like the original vision with a open universe, real time travel, engaging story and fun gameplay.

I think they went wrong when they initially designed its framework. Destiny was a GaaS game of sorts, but its engine wasn't fit to expand its universe. So the first DLC were retreads of existing levels. Then everyone thought when they cut loose of ABK the game would be better off but look at it now lol.


I don't like the structure of this game at all. I don't want to go to some shitty tower to grab some bounty I have to do to continue a story. The game lacks immersion, it constantly pulls you out.
Yeah this is the kind of thing I'm talking about. Or, in the middle of a quest line - go do this quest that requires PvP, or stop and grind some mindless bounties or whatever, the game always seems to be forcing you to do lame stuff to progress. Like, I hate PvP in this game, no thanks. All this stop-start-grind-repeat stuff, constantly having to go into the awful quest menu to figure out where to go/what to do to continue, running around the awfully designed tower to talk to so-and-so all the time. Ugh. It's exhausting just thinking about it.


OP, as far as story after main mission, there is a vendor or node on the director that has a timeline with some of them being playable missions to fill you in up until the recent events. If you play and enjoy the FTP stuff, I know on PSN right now they have the bundle that has 3 of the expansions (Witch Queen/Beyond Light/Shadowkeep) for like 26 bucks. As you can see from above posters, the game is polarizing, but it varies with every player. I play D2 because the gunplay is light years better then any other game out there, and WHEN they do something right, it's fantastic. One of the big problems with D2 was leaving Luke Smith in charge for far too long, current staff while limited as many are working on their next dud Marathon, seem to be very passionate about making positive changes in the game.


As others have said, you basically can't get into the game anymore. It's a disjointed mess. Jump in early when Marathon comes out.


Short answer from someone who still playing the game, its more trouble than its worth at this point.

If you're still curious, just start with the tutorials and story missions. I don't know exactly whats available and what isn't though. I guess by the time you finish free "story" content (whatever they may be these days, who knows), you'd probably get a feel if you want to invest time and money into this game. While its fun for me because I've kept up with the game, I would advise you against it as the new player experience is horrible and its hard to catch up in game. You can watch some youtube vids I suppose to catch up with the story, but why would you. The community has been asking Bungie to make the new player experience better, but not much has been done. The latest season added a "best hits of story missions" playlist but its kinda meh.
As a veteran player who loves destiny: don't do it.

Bungie does not deserve your money. Besides, the game is way too newbie unfriendly.


Dude I tried and couldn't do it. Felt like I was lost the whole time, didn't know where to go or what to really do. It felt good to shoot but it felt like I wasn't actually doing anything. I got this hollow feeling while playing.

And I loved Destiny 1.

Neon Xenon

When I saw the thread title, I was expecting most of the posts to advise against playing Destiny 2, and I wasn't disappointed.

Granted, I had stopped playing it years ago due to lack of interest, but none of the expansions past Shadowkeep ever got me to play again. But it has been interesting watching the game from a distance and seeing more people turning against not only Destiny 2, but Bungie as well.

There was a point where I was interested in the upcoming Marathon reboot. Now? I'm just very cautious.


I didn't expect the state of the game to be like the replies are starting, it makes the Bungie acquisition and managing by Sony quite baffling.
I didn't expect the state of the game to be like the replies are starting, it makes the Bungie acquisition and managing by Sony quite baffling.
It's not, there's a lot of bias against the game, especially for decisions that Bungie has since done a 180 on (sunsetting, no PVP support, etc.) and the game is actually in the best state it's been in since Forsaken. It just really is a timesink if you want to commit to it. I'd highly recommend anyone to play through the Witch Queen campaign at the very least.
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