Today a coworker was Googling our names and came across a couple of pictures of me that I never knew existed. The first picture was on a National Archives Catalog.
The second was a bit weirder
It shows up in Google images and is associated with a website, which seem to be a aggregate site for Amazon.
Link to Google images
It seems like the photo was either sold or more likely was used as a sample image for a frame. I would like a larger version of the photo. I figured some GAF detectives might be able succeed where I failed.
The second was a bit weirder
It shows up in Google images and is associated with a website, which seem to be a aggregate site for Amazon.
Link to Google images
It seems like the photo was either sold or more likely was used as a sample image for a frame. I would like a larger version of the photo. I figured some GAF detectives might be able succeed where I failed.