Mr Fahrenheit
I said Kill La Kill is shit. Gurren Lagann is great, but a little over hyped by its fans.Ok! so my plans are as such, to start I'm actually going to rewatch paranoia agent because for the life of me I can't remember the ending so it seems like a good enough reason to watch the whole series again!
Next my list in the order I plan to watch is:
Monster: I know I love space stuff but the plot seems trippy and I like the sounds of it so far...
Planetes: Seems interesting quite a few recommendations (5th most recommended) too, gonna gladly check it out.
Steins;Gate: Again seems cool short series with only 24 episodes.
Gurren Lagann: Mr. Farenheit I apologize lol. But the most recommended and the plot seems cool and honestly seems very interesting!
Gunslinger Girl: Only had 2 recommendations but a pretty interesting story so this is on there!
Ergo Proxy: I actually like the story being about androids and robots so this is in there too!
Alien Nine: Seems very short with only 4 episodes but I like the bodysnatcher esque plot.
Kids on the Slope: 12 episodes long I can't complain with that and the plot seemed cool.
And that's it hopefully I'll be into anime after giving some of these a try, I'm going to Binge watch paranoia agent but with the rest I'm going to take my time and enjoy the ride. and if the ride ends up being amazing and I don't want off I'm gonna take all the other recommendations too starting with JOJO! lol
But seriously, don't watch season 2 of gunslinger girl. That's not even just me, I've never met anyone who likes season2.
And Ergo Proxy is honestly some high level stuff, I won't lie. I watched the first 4 episodes when it first came out but didn't continue, and I only started again a month ago. It's REALLY good if you can get into it and its one of the few shows that's actually deep without just being total wank. It can get pretty ZzZZzzZ
Yea, but the third movie is a sin against man. I was king Madoka, even had all the toys... But man, that movie... I wouldn't say it makes the show retroactively bad, but it's hard to ignore it.Looked over the OP's list and the thread, I am dissapoint that Madoka Magika has only been mentioned once and not on said list, for shame AnimeGAF.
OP, you ever recall the stereotypical magical girl anime? Now imagine it flipped over and rebuilt from the ground up, that's what Mahou Shoujo Madoka Magika is: a reconstruction of the magical girl anime that shows you the dark and cruel reality of the supposed genre.
It's a 12-episode anime series so not that long; its short length guarantees each episode has relevance and brings the plot forward. And the best thing is that it only takes 3 episodes for you to get hooked in which results in having your face look like this:
So watch it naow (or soon).