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Help Me trouble shoot my Xbox Live


Launch Xbox (Never had any Disc errors)
Netgear Router
Columbus, Oh Insight Communications Road Runner
DSLReport Using laptop Gets 2500+ Down 350 Up

Picked up Ghost Recon 2 Yesterday and tried for 2 hours last night. Could optimatch- Get server list - Get into Lobby - 30 Seconds into game get dropped. I even tried quickmatch several times still the same problem.

Halo 2 - plays fine 60% of the time but still have disconnects during matches.

DOAU - Get to a match, when its my turn I start to lag some.

NG - It took 4 tries to get the latest Hurricane Pack Last night.

Is there any possability my net card in the Xbox is craping out?

I've played several games in the past with no real problems. GR, CS, MM3, MA, Links. Havent played much in the past 6 months.
Spent a half hour on with RR tech support last night, He pinged my modem and laptop and saw nothing wrong. I do get slow down on IE from time to time. I have even bypassed the router with the same results.
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