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Help needed - installing programs to removable media

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GAF's Bob Woodward
OK, hopefully there might be one or two Windows gurus in here who might be able to help. The situation is this. I'm running Windows 2000, and need to install a security program to a USB removable hard-disk, that will be used to protect that disk. The software is needed both to protect the disk and subsequestly access it. The reason I want to install, and be able to run it, from the hard disk itself, rather than a local disk, is that I want to be able to protect the disk on one machine, and then pass it to another person who doesn't have the software installed - and they will still be able to access and protect the disk, even though they don't have the software installed on their own machine (they'll run it from the removable disk itself). Hope that makes sense! I have tried doing this - I installed the software on the disk using one machine, and then was able to run the program on the other machine from the removeable disk - however, errors appeared when I tried to use certain key pieces of functionality - it gave out about not being able to find a driver etc. So obviously the software does stick certain things into Windows folders, registers certain things etc. even though the program isn't being installed on a local disk. Is there anyway of isolating everything that the program needs onto the disk, so it can be run on any machine, and isn't dependent on changes that need made to Windows or the local machine? Failing that, is there a way of finding out what exactly a program does to Windows etc. when it is being installed?

Thanks in advance for any help. If something wasn't clear, just ask, and I'll try and clarify further.
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