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Help (Tokyo trip related)

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Hi guys, sorry to bother you with this, but I wanted to know if someone can share his knowledge with me.

I want to come to the TGS for covering it, but I hace some problems with the price, I need to pass 6nights to buy a cheap ticket, but hotels are expensive. Do you know if CESA have somthing with hotels or any idea of where I could stay this days (students room or whatever is not a chair in the park)?

Sorry for the faults, I am using aPDA and it is hard to write in this damned virtual keyboard.

Thank you in advance
Last time I was in Tokyo I stayed here. It's a very nice place, located in Ueno, and the room prices are inexpensive.


They might have changed this rule, but when I was staying there, you could choose to just pay half of the room rate as if you were sharing, but if somebody else shows up and wants to share the room with you, they will be put in there. If you don't mind sharing the room with a random person it's like... 3800 yen a night.
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