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Help with an argument (fps related)

Doc Holliday

SPOILER: Columbus finds America
I need help proving that im right in argument about framrates and stuff. So this guy at work swears that you can't tell the difference between 60 fps and 30 fps on a normal TV ie Non Progressive...Of course I point the obvious difference between say VF4 and Super Mario Sunshine. I need hardcore tech docs, briefings whatever you geeks can find...its ok im a geek also. A nice cold beer is riding on this so help me out.


Fallen Xbot (cannot continue gaining levels in this class)
show him sega rally 2 (with and without 30fps code) or gt1 (regular vs high fi).
Doc Holliday said:
I need help proving that im right in argument about framrates and stuff. So this guy at work swears that you can't tell the difference between 60 fps and 30 fps on a normal TV ie Non Progressive...Of course I point the obvious difference between say VF4 and Super Mario Sunshine. I need hardcore tech docs, briefings whatever you geeks can find...its ok im a geek also. A nice cold beer is riding on this so help me out.

You are obcourse right and he is wrong, and the explaination is (IMO) simple.

Make sure he knows that even though TVs only updates 30 full frames per second, it does that by updating 60 half screens (fields) per second and letting your persistance of vison put it together in your brain. A field is literally a half of a frame, constructed of every other scan line.


So when you see a game runnning 60FPS on a TV, you are seeing animation of the fields, not frames. And even though the animated images are only halves of the full image, the image division is so fine (every other line of around 500 lines) and it happens so fast (60 times per second) that your brain interpretes it as a complete image.

Here's some screen caps to help illustrate this better:




In all those captures, you can see the characters composed of two scanline fields frozen in the middle of two frames of animation (what uneducated might call "motion blur", but as we all know, DC hardware din't support Temporal blending FXs in hardware). Very clear illustration of how TV can display 60FPS action.

Doc Holliday

SPOILER: Columbus finds America
thanks peeps. shog...you sexy man that was particularly helpful ;) BTW completely off topic...I sold the cintiq..I'm back to using my good ol' tablet.
Doc Holliday said:
BTW completely off topic...I sold the cintiq..I'm back to using my good tablet.


Ironically, I gave away my 15X to my sister and just got the 18SX few weeks ago. It's.... so..... big...... *dry humps his CIntiq*
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