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Help with title of an old movie

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evil ways

Anybody remember this 80's(maybe even late 70's) martial arts movie with this asian guy who along the way meets a big, strong black guy, a guy with a parrot, a couple more white guys and a girl. When he meets the black strong guy, he's fighting in some sort of construction site or something.

I also remember, near the end of the movie they dress up in these gray shirts with a black logo and uniforms to infiltrate an evil military compound and it ends up in a huge battle.

I used to watch it a lot as a kid and the theme song that plays at the end sorta popped up in my head.


That sounds like "Enter the Dragon."


evil ways

No, I know Enter The Dragon, with Bruce Lee and John Saxon, this movie seemed like one of those old straight to video flicks with unknown actors.
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