Meeru said:Gonna play from morning till mid afternoon!!
That said that new hero sounds pretty retarded.
Dreavus said:I don't really understand why he has so many skills. It's starting to feel like Ra all over again where everything is so versatile.
Flux had the push/pull mechanic that he could swap between for "double" the skills, but they were basically the same skills with variable properties. This guy just has everything; his "swap" button gives him completely new abilities and even a new auto attack. Stun, crazy IAS bonus for stuff like savage mace, long attack range, a nice AoE for pushing, a GLOBAL shield, among even MORE abilities. It's hard to judge without playing him in game but is he bad at ANYTHING other than maybe having low HP?
No reason to pick any other carry incoming, 100% ban etc etc. Is there any other agility carry with as much utility? Can't think of any off the top of my head, maybe Chronos, but his comes with a heavy price.Dreavus said:I don't really understand why he has so many skills. It's starting to feel like Ra all over again where everything is so versatile.
EDIT: Oh wait he can lower armor and slow as well... and one of his skills scales with %, right? "Master of arms" indeed!
Well we don't know which heroes will be moving over to Dota 2 (we do know a couple based from the leaked patch notes), but just go to and click on heroes.NukeDukem said:Chronos, 1# botched port.
where can i find info on the new heroes being implemented in dota2?
Do fucking want!Meteorain said:On the other hand, better news; new HB skin?
Halycon said:Why does he have 6 skills.
I'm just gonna see how fast he can attackkagete said:That new hero just feels so over-engineered. The push back stun and frenzied attackspeed would have been enough to define the hero in my opinion. Having an either/or global ultimate and the weapon toggle that's already skilled from level 1 just pushes him over the top.
The hero has a great voice over, but a generic space marine look :| This hero will be fun to play because it will be OP. Any generic agi-carry build will still apply to him and I don't seem to feel how he can be be realistically balanced. And no, just giving him low HP doesn't "balance" a hero. Panda, chipper, and myrmidon feel balanced and are rewarding because they're skill based and have good risk/reward. This and emerald warden don't.
Procarbine said:
delirium said:Also, coL/DWi doing a push strat. Rax kill in the firstminutes.10
Meeru said:Well loki is no slouch either, I would say he's best of gaf.
Sanjay said:By far the best player on gaf yeah but with Glacius against SS mid? lol. I think MrMister would have done better.
Well if that is true, shouldn't we ve seeeing more glacius mid against ss in competitive games?kagete said:The way lokidemi explained it to me is that SS is one of the best because the game is played 5v5. In a controlled 1v1 environment, that single skill point in glacius' 2 second stun is killer though.
Meeru said:Well if that is true, shouldn't we ve seeeing more glacius mid against ss in competitive games?
Dreavus said:I don't really understand why he has so many skills. It's starting to feel like Ra all over again where everything is so versatile.
Flux had the push/pull mechanic that he could swap between for "double" the skills, but they were basically the same skills with variable properties. This guy just has everything; his "swap" button gives him completely new abilities and even a new auto attack. Stun, crazy IAS bonus for stuff like savage mace, long attack range, a nice AoE for pushing, a GLOBAL shield, among even MORE abilities. It's hard to judge without playing him in game but is he bad at ANYTHING other than maybe having low HP?
EDIT: Oh wait he can lower armor and slow as well... and one of his skills scales with %, right? "Master of arms" indeed!
Quoted for posterity.Sanjay said:LOL, That SS was Trash losing mid to a Glacius. Even my SS, aka the worst on gaf would not do as badly.
Oh the agony on losingHalycon said:Quoted for posterity.
Sanjay as SS vs Loki as Glace. Tonight. Loser plays 10 games of League.
harshHalycon said:Loser plays 10 games of League.
Halycon said:Quoted for posterity.
Sanjay as SS vs Loki as Glace. Tonight. Loser plays 10 games of League.
You do realize the +dmg from soulsteal and the, uh, huge nuke that is demon hands are much better for last hitting than the armor aura?Sanjay said:But I would just build with the purpose of not to die, and late game winand my SS build always takes skill 3 as I'm noob and need my -armor to last hit help. I would then man up and hit for hit with Glacius, man up unlike puppet.
no vs aiKeyouta said:Here's a noob question: is there versus AI in HoN, and how easy/simple is it to get used to the game coming from LoL?
bzm said:no vs ai
shouldnt be too bad but youre gonna have to accept youre going to eat shit your first couple of games
Nome said:Ra is... versatile? He's one of the worst heroes in the game right now.
yeah ra def isnt balph/engi tier of badAnbokr said:Wait.... what??? I can't even begin to count the games I've lost to a Ra that got shutdown early game but came out at the 25 minute mark and 1v5d our entire team. I know I've done that several times in tmm as well.
hell, ra is a better pick in most cases than the dark lady or some of the other meta'd out carries.bzm said:yeah ra def isnt balph/engi tier of bad
It's soulstealer, he hits for basically nothing early. If youre playing against a competent player youre not going to have any ck till you get some pts in razeHalycon said:I'm perfectly okay with Glace winning over SS. But the SS was losing in CK even before Glace started q-w'ing SS to oblivion.
Halycon said:I'm perfectly okay with Glace winning over SS. But the SS was losing in CK even before Glace started q-w'ing SS to oblivion.
bzm said:yeah ra def isnt balph/engi tier of bad
At the level where most of GAF plays at, hero tiers really don't matter. A good player will still dominate someone who's not on his level with a hero considered shit.Guesong said:Balphegore really that bad? =/
Dammit he's my favorite hero so far lol
Shows what I know
come @ me 1v1 balph brodelirium said:At the level where most of GAF plays at, hero tiers really don't matter. A good player will still dominate someone who's not on his level with a hero considered shit.