A Rhapsody alt avatar would've been cool. Guess they'll release one later.
Lyphen said:I can't play without hero guides, and they're all bugging out for me.![]()
Valygar said:I've tried Myrmydon as an easy champ. I like it even more than Witch Slayer! It's very easy to do a combo, and you are not easy to take down. I did a fair game, with a score about 5/4/8 or something like that, but after the match "Failed to retrieve game statistics", so now I can't replay it and I didn't earn coins or experience.
Does that kind of thing happen often? It's very annoying.
If you fail to receive it but you played the game and it ended normally, there is one way to check if it counted.Guesong said:Replays might not be immediately available once a game ends ; but in my experience they always appears the day after at the very latest. Check again tonight, it should be there.
IIRC, games aren't technically ended until a throne is destroyed. So when a side concedes, the winning side gets megacreeps which take a minute or two to finish the game. So the server doesn't finish recording the replay until that happens.Guesong said:Replays might not be immediately available once a game ends ; but in my experience they always appears the day after at the very latest. Check again tonight, it should be there.
Sanjay said:Team match making just got real on Gaf :O
Oh snap.
Goblin coins ON THE LINE.
azuki said:This is what gaf in house should be like. Unexpected allies and enemies in the same league. So fun. We had one similar not too long ago.
NukeDukem said:http://i1123.photobucket.com/albums/l558/NukeDukem/hon/thatssodota.gif[/IMG
5 more days[/QUOTE]
This has already happened to LoL for me. I don't think i will ever touch that Disneyland garbage again.
too mean, too mean. lol has feelings too.Gez said:This has already happened to LoL for me. I don't think i will ever touch that Disneyland garbage again.
Ultimoo said:too mean, too mean. lol has feelings too.
oh god no, her aoe is SO strongGuesong said:Damn.
Rhapsody low tier confirmed? =3
Guesong said:Better to have jungled and died to a gank than to have never jungled at all, I suppose.
That's why you ward rune to see if someone picks up an invis or haste.NukeDukem said:If their jungle gankers have an invisibility rune, you're dead regardless of how many sight wards you have.
You solo queue?Valygar said:First match I'm proud of, gaf!
Is it impossible for you to enjoy HoN until DotA2 comes out?Meeru said:My last hon post..its been nice knowing you.
He wifequits so often and has to practically schedule game time I'm sure he hasn't been enjoying it for weeks. More for us!Tomat said:Is it impossible for you to enjoy HoN until DotA2 comes out?
Pretty much this, but i might have to say more like 20% hon 20% dota2 60% LEAGUEdommynick said:i'll probably do like 80% dota2 and 20% hon.
Since accounts are free now, no one really cares about feeders/noobs in <=1500 gamesVolodja said:As expected I'm slightly intimidated by the community and especially by my complete lack of knowledge about champions, skills and items. I don't really want to weight much on some poor random dudes that just happened to have me on their team.
I'll join the NeoGAF channel and hope for the best.
dommynick said:i'll probably do like 80% dota2 and 20% hon.
Lone_Prodigy said:*start AP game*
*click Rhapsody*
*Buy this hero! screen pops up*
*realize I'm on my Basic account*
I don't know what happened here, but personally I'm not playing inhouses for a good while. The last game was something beyond terrible, and I prefer even solo MM to that. Had to close mumble mid game. People acting like preteens is exactly what I'd want to avoid when I'm gonna play GAF games. Take from this what you will, just some people aren't thinking before acting, and I don't have a very high tolerance level -_-MrMister said:Treating me like shit when all I want is some goddamn help and maybe some advice.