Meh, sorry I have to disagree.
Valla is one of the highest skill cap heroes in the game. The pros can play her well because the team can adjust to her very low damage at the start of a fight, and her tiny hit point pool. But outside of pro level play, even at masters and diamond level, Hammer, Zul'Jin and Raynor all have a higher win rate and Tychus is basically at the same level (apologies for triggering Brian!).
I think in theory she's the best, but in practice I don't think we have anyone capable of playing her to the point where she's the best. To be honest, more often than not I prefer something else over her because there are a LOT of bad Valla players who are way too aggressive with her and feed constantly.
Well and that's one of my issues, they took focused attack away from Valla and replaced with a shitty (hit heroes 100 times with a basic attack) quest. Which is actually hard if your trying to play a bit conservative and stay back. Especially if there is few encounters because the enemy team rarely commits or vice versa unless there's an advantage.
Yet they let Raynor and Hammer keep it who are way more hearty and have self sustain.
Valla has to get close too, if you hang back too much ppl will go "Valla wtf are you doing, yet if you get aggressive people will call you a feeder.
Why play Valla when I can play Raynor or Zul'jin who do single focus range dmg much better or go her MS build when I can play a mage and do it much safer.