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Heroes of the Storm |OT3| Chromiehounds


If you take the q quest at lvl 1 that might help you, but you still need to position well. He also has a wealth of good sustain talents (the sacrifice minion one at 4 and healthstone), the only reason ever to use w in a fight is if they arent paying attention to you (you do hurt your team whenever you w in a fight) or if you are able to outsustain a diver in time for your team to get to you. But feel free to w minions and stuff

But yeah ur on the nose he's mainly picked as a waveclearer on safer maps, battery for auriel, and anti stuff like arthas and johanna


I am not impressed with guldan. Seems like his E cooldown is decent but it's such a long cooldown. His Q is short cooldown but the range puts him in danger of which he has no escape. The W lets him sustain and be a little tanky, but again puts him in too much danger in a team fight. Only his ult seemed very strong.

His wave clear seems very strong. But I think his team fighting is just a little lacking. Granted this impression is based on QM where I was just grinding him to lvl 5.
When you complete the E talent, your team fight damage becomes insane.

I usually go E build because it allows me to siege and do well in team fights by zoning out the other team. His main strength is his self sustain, he has no mana/life regen issues he can stay in the battlefield forever spamming spells.


I think improved life tap at 4 (get more mana out of you D, so you waste less health overall) and harvest life at 13 (50% more healing when you W on heroes) is the way to go for sustain. The cd for healthstone is just too long to use it outside of life or death scenarios, so I don't think it's super valuable.
I have a 100% winrate
with 5 matches
, trust me.


Give healthstone a shot, it's instant and a decent chunk, plus you dont want to w in a fight if you can help it

Oh but you're right about it mainly being useful as a life/death thing but imo that's what makes it good


The more i think about it the more i feel like a hyrbridish stukov is the way to go. It's hard to talk about it since you kind of want to talent situationally. I feel like first week consensus is you either go one of these two:

1. Fetid
4. Trait/block
7. 5 sec cd
10. W/e
13. Reactive
16. Uhhh theorycraft-wise youd go for the persistant q dream but it's such a shitty talent that you should prob go pox populi and work around your q cd
20. W/e


1. Arm grow
4. Trait/block
7. E range
10. W/e
13. E persist
16. Pox
20. W/e

But i think there is the potential of standardization in something like:

1. E grow/range and slow
4. D trait
7. D 5 sec cd
10. W/e
13. Reactive
16. Pox
20. W/e

Basically the w build without fetid. I think both e grow and range are strong in isolation and dont really understand taking w quest. Maybe i need to get better at it but ive only ever completed the 20 hits + the lvl 7 means you dont want to be hitting multiple ppl and it's an early talent.

The thing is e range and persist are also game changers...but his heally build is overtuned atm so it feels like you gotta incorporate it somehow
I fucking love Artanis. When the E connect on my target while i Q in the opposing side and do the fucking longest warp possible it's so good. Ok one time i warped a silence Malf in my team but well...
Oh yeah, Dahbomb, Mobius and I finished our placements for this season, and we all went up a full metal grade. I was pretty surprised that they let us jump that much, coming from Overwatch...

I fucking love Artanis. When the E connect on my target while i Q in the opposing side and do the fucking longest warp possible it's so good. Ok one time i warped a silence Malf in my team but well...

At least you weren't there - ayy!


Every time I feel like people have been pretty cool lately in quick match I get a couple games in a row with the people who manage to do practically nothing yet its someone else's fault. Or ask why the Chogall keeps diving way too deep and not retreating until he's too low to get away and spend the rest of the game having him and his friend talking shit about everything you do.


block is really good
without block stukov shits on valeera, with block valeera can do some work and will never die to him
like so many of valeera's targets can just turn on her when she combos and kill her, block really gets them if they are cocky, open up on a greymane and he has like 20% health ur dead but w/ block ur da man

it also facilitates the (imo) proper way to play her, you walk up to them with 3 stacks on, get 3 stacks w/ q/w while dueling/dodging/trading, pop stealth whenever you think they can do something meaningful to you, choose correct stealth option, auto them a couple of times, e for 3 more stacks, etc.
it does hurt with energy consumption which is why I feel forced to pick thistle tea OTOH. It's weird how they never adressed her issue with energy, she druns dry blistengly fast and all the energy talents get a significant boost as a result in her tree.


Cool, Malth is f2p, let's try some vs AI since I've never used him. -> No warriors in 3 games.

I don't know what I expected but Blizz pls.
Been meaning to ask, is there a difference between block and dodge? If you block an attack in stealth, are you unstealthed?

it does hurt with energy consumption which is why I feel forced to pick thistle tea OTOH. It's weird how they never adressed her issue with energy, she druns dry blistengly fast and all the energy talents get a significant boost as a result in her tree.

I think expose armor is great too. 25% extra damage vs a target from everyone is very solid. If you get the level 1 talent that gives energy regen from stealth attacks then that low energy issue is somewhat addressed. I should try out thistle tea more though.

Li Kao

Is there an 'interest' to play vs AI ? Just discovering the game and I saw a lvl 127 playing with us newbs.
Is there a playerbase that do vs AI for fun ? As soleone that don't do well with competitivness, it would be cool.


Is there an 'interest' to play vs AI ? Just discovering the game and I saw a lvl 127 playing with us newbs.
Is there a playerbase that do vs AI for fun ? As soleone that don't do well with competitivness, it would be cool.

You might see higher level players in vs AI because they're learning new heroes, or because they want to bang out some daily quests quickly, or just because they want to play while watching some youtube/netflix on the side.

I'm sure there are some players that just seriously play against AI, but it would be quite a small minority.


Been meaning to ask, is there a difference between block and dodge? If you block an attack in stealth, are you unstealthed?

block is just a reduction on a hit of phys dmg, if you are hit in stealth you will be revealed

Dodge on the other hand, makes an attack miss completely. If you dodge an attack you won't be unmounted or revealed. Although I don't think there's any stealth heroes with dodge.


You might see higher level players in vs AI because they're learning new heroes, or because they want to bang out some daily quests quickly, or just because they want to play while watching some youtube/netflix on the side.

I'm sure there are some players that just seriously play against AI, but it would be quite a small minority.

it's kind of nuts how some ppl take ai so seriously
I think expose armor is great too. 25% extra damage vs a target from everyone is very solid. If you get the level 1 talent that gives energy regen from stealth attacks then that low energy issue is somewhat addressed. I should try out thistle tea more though.
expose armor is the go to talent, I'm picking thistle tea because foregoing the energy regen at 1 makes her run out of energy all too soon.


genji is a fair and balanced character with a lot of counters and weakness, and you can easily play around him at all levels of gameplay


Demon gate is still pretty ambiguous, but hype. If it's any of Archimonde, Mannoroth, Tichondrius, Varimathras, Kil'jaeden, etc.. gonna be awesome.

Guess it could be a Diablo hero too though.


genji is a fair and balanced character with a lot of counters and weakness, and you can easily play around him at all levels of gameplay

Chinese rumor is that the hero silhouette emerges from a Demon Gate - sounds like a Dreadlord?
Ay yo Malganis, Archimonde, Kil'Jaeden or Jaraxxus?


Probably a Warrior since we had a Support and an Assassin before this.
Is there an 'interest' to play vs AI ? Just discovering the game and I saw a lvl 127 playing with us newbs.
Is there a playerbase that do vs AI for fun ? As soleone that don't do well with competitivness, it would be cool.

I actually play a decent chunk of VS-AI and i'm in the mid 200's. I always get a game within seconds, and I am usually paired up with people ranging from 150-350 or so; usually only 1 or 2 people below 100 in any given AI game if even that. I do have the AI difficulty cranked up though (it doesn't really make it "hard", it just makes it so you need to pay more attention); I would imagine the default middle level is more full of lower level characters. So yeah, there are a bunch of higher-level players chilling out in vs-AI.

I still prefer Quick Match and Unranked Draft, but sometimes I want to relax and unwind for a bit, or just knock out a quest in 10-15 minutes, etc. My friend who is in the low 300s plays almost exclusively AI for that reason. It's also good for listening to Podcasts at the same time.


I'm predicting the next hero is Garrosh, and that the demon gate is either a translation error, just wrong, or has to do with him hopping timelines like he did in WoW.

And if it is Garrosh, I predict his Q is mortal strike - heavy damage and reduces target healing received by x% for y seconds. We have a bunch of effects like that on talents, but none on a basic ability right from the start yet.

He's more famous than Stukov to most fans, is one of the few heroes from Hearthstone we don't have yet, and he'd be a warrior, which would be about time. Also, given the specialty of 'armor' from Hearthstone warriors, I wouldn't be surprised if his trait uses HotS armor in some way.
Demons and Orcs? I love it.

Though right now the game has so many great tanks that I don't feel the need for more. Will I play more? Sure. But I'm not clamoring. I also means I need to start saving up gold for him. :(
none of the supports they added to the game since Morales were pick up and play for me. I struggle to make Auriel and Lucio work and Stukov doesn't appeal to me from a design perstpective, mostly visually.


I'm predicting the next hero is Garrosh, and that the demon gate is either a translation error, just wrong, or has to do with him hopping timelines like he did in WoW.

And if it is Garrosh, I predict his Q is mortal strike - heavy damage and reduces target healing received by x% for y seconds. We have a bunch of effects like that on talents, but none on a basic ability right from the start yet.

He's more famous than Stukov to most fans, is one of the few heroes from Hearthstone we don't have yet, and he'd be a warrior, which would be about time. Also, given the specialty of 'armor' from Hearthstone warriors, I wouldn't be surprised if his trait uses HotS armor in some way.

The problem is we need tanks not warriors. The game is full of bruiser style warriors. The last full tank added was Varian, and before that was Johanna. It's a role that's almost as sparse in hero selection as supports.


The problem is we need tanks not warriors. The game is full of bruiser style warriors. The last full tank added was Varian, and before that was Johanna. It's a role that's almost as sparse in hero selection as supports.

I didn't say he was what we need - just what I predict we will get.

If I was designing a Warcraft tank, I would probably go with Cairne Bloodhoof.
The problem is we need tanks not warriors. The game is full of bruiser style warriors. The last full tank added was Varian, and before that was Johanna. It's a role that's almost as sparse in hero selection as supports.

I dont know whats the idea to make tanks wave clearers at all, do insane damage to squishies and survivr without a scratch.

Hate varyan so much he is an instant ban for me
I dont know whats the idea to make tanks wave clearers at all, do insane damage to squishies and survivr without a scratch.

Hate varyan so much he is an instant ban for me
The off tanks are the insane waveclearers. They specifically nerfed it from a bunch of them after Leoric and Johanna broke competitive because of it.

Varian sucks at clearing waves too. Diablo is the biggest offender


The Steam equivalent of the drunk friend who keeps offering to pay your tab all night.
thats a fast hero reveal after Stukov, nice.

Gimme dem dreadlords!
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