Yeah his name is Bjorn. We talked to him for awhile, bought him a coffee. It was not visible on the stream but as that guy Sam Hyde inched closer to the camera this guy Bjorn just rushed and got in his face. Hyde was yelling crazy shit at him, blowing smoke in his face. Bjorn never backed down. I don't think I would have done what he did. They basically surrounded him. Me and this guy I was standing with kept looking back at the cop car, motioning with our heads guys gonna do something?
Ike too this photo once the crowd cleared a little. Bjorn kept that sign in Hyde's face and just followed in front of him everywhere he went.
Yeah fuck Sam Hyde. I thought his show was purely based out of absurdity but I'm now realizing he's just an asshole with shitty ideals. I'm glad his shit got cancelled now. Feel like an idiot for thinking there was anything deeper to it.