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Hey, can anyone else smell sneezes?

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I can. It's something I've been wondering for a few years now. For the first twenty something years of my life, I had assumed that everyone could. It wasn't until I mentioned it to my girlfriend at the time that I discovered not everyone could. I asked all of my other friends and none of them could either. It appears to be hereditary as my mom can, but my dad can't.

Not every sneeze has an odor; usually more powerful sneezes are more likely to have an associated scent, but that isn't always the case. I can't describe the smell, but I don't find it very pleasant. It's not like fart or skunk, but it doesn't smell very good.

How rare is this ability? Speak up sneeze smellers!
Ninja Scooter said:
i always could. They sort of smell like ammonia or bleach or some chemical like that.

Hmm, sort of, yeah. That's probably as close as I could ever get to describing the smell. I've wondered exactly what it was that produces the odor, but Googling for sneeze and smell or odor doesn't produce a lot of relevant results.

So, did you assume that everyone could and have one of those moments where you realized others couldn't?
Shompola said:
I know there is this flower growing outside here wich smells exactly the same as sneeze.

Oh yeah! I forgot all about that. I know the flower you're talking about, but I have no idea what it is. Any ideas?

aoi tsuki

Ninja Scooter said:
i always could. They sort of smell like ammonia or bleach or some chemical like that.
Or tuna perhaps? i remember the year i was diagnosed with epilepsy that i kept smelling ammonia and tuna. i don't know if it was a coincidental sinus issue or what.


Hollywood Square
I cannot smell sneezes, but I'm pretty sure my body odor smells like the taste of pennies in your mouth.


I can smell my own sneezes sometimes, smelled one today. Kind of smelled like that space between my bottom lip and my chin.


My sneeze doesn't smell but if I have a runny nose, it does smell like some kinda ammonia. And semen does smell like bleach when it's fresh but when it dries out, it smells nasty.


Mugen said:
My sneeze doesn't smell but if I have a runny nose, it does smell like some kinda ammonia. And semen does smell like bleach when it's fresh but when it dries out, it smells nasty.

Stop using that jug of Javex and buy a cock pump.
Traumahound said:
How rare is this ability? Speak up sneeze smellers!

An unpleasant smell indeed. I just figured it was the after-effect of mucus and whatnot rushing through the system at many miles per hour.

Deleted member 1235

Unconfirmed Member
aoi tsuki said:
Or tuna perhaps? i remember the year i was diagnosed with epilepsy that i kept smelling ammonia and tuna. i don't know if it was a coincidental sinus issue or what.

I thought funny smells before seizures were your brain fritzing out and that was the pathway or whatever that opens first. (terrible terrible paraphrasing)


Unconfirmed Member

If you can smell this sneeze. You may already have SARS
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