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Hey, political experts... questions for you!

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Are the following statements true:

Saddam and some other guy shared a mountain in Iran, where Iran supplied uranium and related substances for nukes I would assume, while Saddam paid 400+ nuclear scientists that worked there?

We found ditry bombs (the media called them 'yellow cake' bombs) in Iraq - a couple hundred.

Al Queda had cells in Iraq prior to the war - two in Baghdad and one in Basarah.

Zacharia Zackowa, a 9/11 hijacker was with Hussein's foreign policy members in January '01 (prior to moving to the US)

Thanks. This info has to be RECENT, for example like a three years ago -- y'know, justification for going to war.

If you have sources to prove/disprove this info I would appreciate it.


There were suspected terrorist training camps in Iraq prior to the Iraq War some of which had mockups of Airliners. I'm not sure if they were associated with Al Qaeda, or how many there were. IIRC, there were a few that were hit with tomahawks during Clinton's presidency as well.


Oh some of those others are flat out untrue, and some have elements of truth to them but are not entirely accurate. I'm about to hit the rack, so I don't have time to help you out with all of them right now. But those statements as written, are for the most part untrue.


Cool, I'm too tired to do research myself... but if you could think of anything tomorrow I'd appreciate t.

I need ammo for political debates with friends and family :D


Diablos said:
Cool, I'm too tired to do research myself... but if you could think of anything tomorrow I'd appreciate t.

I need ammo for political debates with friends and family :D

My advice, honestly, is to not debate politics with friends and family. You'll just piss each other off. Same thing in a way on a message board, except you don't know the people so it's not as personal. You'll almost never change someone's view with political arguments, because people will just choose not to believe the relevant points you bring up and vice versa.


I believe the term is bullshit. As for sourcing I can't really prove a negative. But you can check any of the reputable news websites for dubunking on anything nuclear or Iraq Al Qaida links. The mountain thing should give itself away, it's 1950s comic books stuff.


Diablos said:
Are the following statements true:

Saddam and some other guy shared a mountain in Iran, where Iran supplied uranium and related substances for nukes I would assume, while Saddam paid 400+ nuclear scientists that worked there?

We found ditry bombs (the media called them 'yellow cake' bombs) in Iraq - a couple hundred.

Al Queda had cells in Iraq prior to the war - two in Baghdad and one in Basarah.

Zacharia Zackowa, a 9/11 hijacker was with Hussein's foreign policy members in January '01 (prior to moving to the US)

Thanks. This info has to be RECENT, for example like a three years ago -- y'know, justification for going to war.

If you have sources to prove/disprove this info I would appreciate it.
Those all sound (and most likely are) completely untrue.


Diablos said:
Are the following statements true:

1. Saddam and some other guy shared a mountain in Iran, where Iran supplied uranium and related substances for nukes I would assume, while Saddam paid 400+ nuclear scientists that worked there?

2. We found ditry bombs (the media called them 'yellow cake' bombs) in Iraq - a couple hundred.

3. Al Queda had cells in Iraq prior to the war - two in Baghdad and one in Basarah.

4. Zacharia Zackowa, a 9/11 hijacker was with Hussein's foreign policy members in January '01 (prior to moving to the US)

Thanks. This info has to be RECENT, for example like a three years ago -- y'know, justification for going to war.

If you have sources to prove/disprove this info I would appreciate it.

1. Never heard of this whopper...Sounds like bullshit considering that Iran and Iraq hate each other in the worst of ways.

2. No...Never...This goes toward the arguement of WMD's and the reasons for going to war. Bush would be screaming from the rooftops if anything is ever found.

3. There has been no substantiative connection between Al Queda and Iraq. This has mostly to do with the fact that they are at polar opposites of what they want. This might seem unlikely until you realize exactly what groups like Al Queda want...an Islamic fundamenatlist state run by holy men. Can you possibly see Saddam being told what to do or how to dress? As for the possibility of Al-Queda sponserd training camps within Iraq, well there is (as far as I know) only ONE mention of it - a place called Salmon Pak. But, even that crumbled under scrutiny. I found a pretty good blog that does a good job of breaking it down...


I suggest you read the whole article as it does a very good job of describing exactly what happened.

4. As far as I know (and have read) the only mention of an actual 9/11 hijacker meeting with Iraqi officials was with Muhommed Atta and not Zackowa. Basically the story broke down like this: Atta had met with Iraqi intelligence officials in Praque, Chekoslovakia prior to 9/11 (Apr. 2001). Oooooo...pretty damning stuff until they realized that Atta was in Virgina Beach instead. "The US governement has no record of Mohammed Atta leaving and re-entering the US in April 2001. They also were unable to locate a plane ticket that would have been used Mr. Atta to fly between the US and the Czech Republic. Finally, the U.S. Government has tracked Mr. Atta's movements before 9/11 via phone records, cellphone bills, and credit card receipts as part of the investigation of the 9/11 attacks."

Here is a geat FAQ on the whole mess...



Thanks for the info, it will help. The only thing I found on 'yellow cake' bombs is that they thought they had them. This kid is trying to tell me we found them, I don't think so.

The Iraq/Iran thing seems kind of shady too, but if something was going on, chances are it happened years ago.


Hollywood Square
My real name is Norman McGrew, a certified political expert in the field of Idealogy and I recieved my masters as the Pikesville School of Political Science and Arts & Craft.

I can assure you, beyond the shadow of a doubt, that all of the statements are fact. How can I know? Not only did I bear witness to almost all of these events, if I didn't, I knew people who were involved. I am really connected.

Whoops! It's after 8:00am and that means it's time to get my cup of Starbucks into the car before I miss Rush Limbaugh's opening comments.
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