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Hey Quentin?! Where the hell is Kill Bill vol 3?! (Or Pai Mei stand alone movie...?)

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So i just finished watching Kill Bill vol 1 and 2 again and have to wonder... Where the hell is 3? I am SURE he knows everyone wants to see a movie set 20 years later with Vernita Green's kid now on the revenge quest.

Come on Quentin, take a break from...whatever you doin and give us KB vol 3!

Also holy shit I never really thought about it, but The Bride is pretty evil, she was never actually a good guy, just a bad guy killing other bad guys.

He at least says he still has some ideas for one final movie, but damn if he doesn't get off his ass and make it.


Didn't he say he filmed some scenes with Uma Thurman back when he was filming Volume 2 specifically so they could be used for Volume 3 while Thurman still looked relatively young?


Now what's the next step in your master plan?
He hasn't even released the Whole Bloody Affair yet. I think he a moved on at this point.


To my chagrin, he has already said it's probably not going to happen.

If I'm not wrong he said that the movie would happen, then he said that wouldn't happen, then changed his mind, and changed his mind again, and...I don't remember was his last statment about KB 3

But Quentin said a bunch of times that he would retire after 10 movies. If this is true, I hope that he work on different things on his last two movies (and he counts Kill Bill as only one movie, so I hope that he makes a duology or even trilogy again)
The last thing I want from Tarantino is for him to revisit Kill Bill. If he really only plans to do a few more films I'd rather something in a new genre like that gangster film that was rumored or something. Anything other than the schlock that is Kill Bill please


I love Kill Bill with all my heart. But I also agree Tarantino is too talented to do another volume. I'd prefer to see him continue to innovate with different genres.


The last thing I want from Tarantino is for him to revisit Kill Bill. If he really only plans to do a few more films I'd rather something in a new genre like that gangster film that was rumored or something. Anything other than the schlock that is Kill Bill please
KB is definitely a very early 00s thing anyway when kungfu movies had regained some popularity in America in conjunction with things like The Matrix.

I'm sure he'll have it animated at some point if he ever cares to see the story continue
Maybe for this reason alone. It might be time for another resurgence of samurai swords over the fireplaces in America.
Do we really need to fuel these kind of people more?


Gordon Liu had a pretty bad stroke that's left him debilitated a few years back, so he would be out of a Pai Mei film. Would be pointless without him.

Also would be pointless in general. The story is over, not sure what another movie would add to it.
I really wanted this movie, once. That was a long time ago. Now it seems like a mistake for a lot of reasons. I hope he doesn't do it.


Kill Bill is more or less the worst Tarantino movie, so I'm totally ok with him not revisiting it. Also he said he only has a couple more movies to make, so no need to waste those on a rehash of his poorest work.


Kill Bill is more or less the worst Tarantino movie, so I'm totally ok with him not revisiting it. Also he said he only has a couple more movies to make, so no need to waste those on a rehash of his poorest work.
Fucking bullshit.


Kill Bill is more or less the worst Tarantino movie, so I'm totally ok with him not revisiting it. Also he said he only has a couple more movies to make, so no need to waste those on a rehash of his poorest work.

Opinions are never wrong.
Except for this one

You should be ashamed of yourself
Kill Bill is more or less the worst Tarantino movie, so I'm totally ok with him not revisiting it. Also he said he only has a couple more movies to make, so no need to waste those on a rehash of his poorest work.
That's it. No more internet for you. Face the wall now!
People seem to want a Kill Bride film with that kid she orphaned from the first movie. No idea why.
Because Tarantino himself talked about that being the road he'd take for a possible KB3. If he ever did the movie it'd be about Vernita Green's daughter seeking revenge.


People seem to want a Kill Bride film with that kid she orphaned from the first movie. No idea why.
Um, maybe because it is a revenge story and she deserves her revenge just as much? She was innocent in this and was robbed by Beatrix, you can't say her actions didn't change her path.

Kill Bill is more or less the worst Tarantino movie
Wow. Not even worth addressing. You might as well link Kill Bill to pizzagate, it is just as likely as your statement being true.



She looks ready to slice down the Bride.
I don't think they would be obligated to hire the same actress now that it has been 14+ years. I am sure the studio would want someone like Zoe Kravtiz or Zendaya. You would have the opportunity to cast anyone as it would fit, just look at this fan poster, looks nothing like her and I am okay with that because the hair sells it:



I don't think they would be obligated to hire the same actress now that it has been 16 years. I am sure the studio would want someone like Zoe Kravtiz or Zendaya.

Well, Tarantino said that he would expect her to grow up to make the third movie
But he also said that almost 10 years a go


Well, Tarantino said that he would expect her to grow up to make the third movie
But he also said that almost 10 years a go
Yep, definitely have read the same thing but there is no way someone is going to finance a blockbuster in 2018/19 starring a 50 year old Uma Thurman and an unknown in the title role.


Um, maybe because it is a revenge story and she deserves her revenge just as much? She was innocent in this and was robbed by Beatrix, you can't say her actions didn't change her path.

So then Beatrix dies and her kid kills Green's? Or Green kills Beatrix and her kid too?

I just don't see any interesting outcome personally.


I don't think they would be obligated to hire the same actress now that it has been 14+ years. I am sure the studio would want someone like Zoe Kravtiz or Zendaya. You would have the opportunity to cast anyone as it would fit, just look at this fan poster, looks nothing like her and I am okay with that because the hair sells it:


Oh wow, I always wondered how they'd make a Volume 3 make sense with the title, this works!
Yep, definitely have read the same thing but there is no way someone is going to finance a blockbuster in 2018/19 starring a 50 year old Uma Thurman and an unknown in the title role.

It's a sequel directed by one of the most well-known directors ever, and perhaps one of the most consistently good well-known directors as well.
I don't think they would be obligated to hire the same actress now that it has been 14+ years. I am sure the studio would want someone like Zoe Kravtiz or Zendaya. You would have the opportunity to cast anyone as it would fit, just look at this fan poster, looks nothing like her and I am okay with that because the hair sells it:

That slash through Bill is fucking brilliant.


It's a sequel directed by one of the most well-known directors ever, and perhaps one of the most consistently good well-known directors as well.
Tarantino could try and direct me too as the main actor in one of his movies. No one in his sane mind would ever finance that, and it sure as hell wouldn't turn out well either.


KB is definitely a very early 00s thing anyway when kungfu movies had regained some popularity in America in conjunction with things like The Matrix.

I'm sure he'll have it animated at some point if he ever cares to see the story continue

Ohh, a Kill Bill 3 animated like the portion in the middle of Kill Bill 1 for O-Ren's origin story would be excellent. I'd watch the fuck outta that.


Tarantino could try and direct me too as the main actor in one of his movies. No one in his sane mind would ever finance that, and it sure as hell wouldn't turn out well either.

Tarantino can make any movie he wants, staring whoever he wants at this point. That said, I want new stuff from him, not more Kill Bill.
Tarantino can make any movie he wants, staring whoever he wants at this point. That said, I want new stuff from him, not more Kill Bill.

He considers Kill Bill 1 and 2 to be one movie, so if he makes a third Kill Bill it won't count towards his 10 movie count
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