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High quality S-video switch


I bought a Recoton S-video switch off eBay and it's absolutely awful. The output is blurry and riddled with dot crawl.

It's a massive pain in the ass to have to switch out cables manually, so I need a switch. Can somebody recommend an S-video switch that doesn't alter the image too much?


Would let Tony Parker sleep with his wife
I have an Intec Switch which lets you connect 3 systems/DVD. It was only $10 at KayBee and it works like a charm.


Recoton? I think mine might be that brand. What does yours look like? Because mine's perfect, I wonder if you were sold a lemon, heh.
My friend has this and says it's very very high quality output. Of course it runs about 100$ USD or thereabouts.


That's it there.

I was going to get one of those but then I found a really nice Home Theatre receiver on the cheap. :p


Yeah, that's the one I got. I think you got the shaft, man.

Try the S-video switchers radio shack sells. I hear they are good, and cheap.
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