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Hillary Clinton is ready to join the resistance

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Kind hope we see Hillary and Barack reunite to campaign for Blue in the future

Hillary Clinton Returns To Politics With A New Focus On The Grassroots - BuzzFeed News

Hillary Clinton has found her next role in politics: powering the “resistance.”

The former presidential candidate will help launch a new entity dedicated to funding and supporting the grassroots activists and organizers, with a focus on translating the energy of the opposition movement into organizing and tangible results. The project, first reported this week by Axios, marks Clinton’s first political effort since her loss.
In recent interviews people familiar with the plans outlined a project that is still very much in the works, with details as major name and launch date still not final.

A Clinton spokesman, Nick Merrill, declined to comment on the plans.

The central mission of the organization, likely to be structured as a PAC, will be selecting a small but diverse number of progressive groups, new, old, large, small, to not only fund and support those groups, but build a cooperative well-organized network.

For two months, Clinton has worked on plans for the project alongside three partners — including Howard Dean, the former governor of Vermont and Democratic Party chair, and another failed presidential candidate. The idea behind the group, to seed members of the loose movement on the left incited by President Donald Trump, is a role Dean sees as unique and needed. “We’re not looking to duplicate or replace the DNC or the DCCC or all that stuff,” he said of two central party committees. “We’re looking to give these folks the opportunity to do the building they’re already doing on their terms, but in a more organized way, when the one hand knows what the other hand is doing.”

It’s an unlikely image of Clinton at age 69. The presidential campaigns are done. The book is closed for good on electoral politics. And Clinton, a mainstay of institutional politics, disliked on the left, decides to carve out a place for herself the ranks of the grassroots. In other ways, though, it is the one place she sees traces of her own campaign.

EDIT: i can not deal with some of yall

To everyone that is about to say "go away Hillary"

It says right in the OP that she does NOT plan to be some visible face of the democrats, but that instead she will do the one thing she is VERY good at: Fund Raising for Dems.

And it says that these funds she will raise will go towards local grassroots efforts. AKA HILLARY PLANS TO HELP MAKE SURE WE HAVE THE MONEY FOR A 50 STATE STRATEGY.

This is good. Very good. I said months before that Hillary is good at one thing more than anyone else and that's fundraising.

Shoulda Coulda Woulda isn't going to solve any problems.

Guess what CAN solve problems? Making sure that there are funds for a real 50 state strategy.
I expect lots of bitter reactions.

I'm happy though. She has the same broad goals as most other democratics and progressives. She can be a good addition to the cause.


As long as she sticks to grassroots stuff, I'm all for it. Please, don't return as the democratic headliner. Please.



And if any "democrats" or people from the "left"' whine and bitch, fuck off and join the alt-left or something. You were never with the movement in the first place


I'm ok with her working behind the scenes. Far behind the scenes. She has the experience to contribute. But she does not need to be the face of anything. Her name is poison. I say that as somebody that voted for her and wishes she was president.
If she's only fundraising, fine.

If she's in any way attempting to dictate what the Democratic Party's agenda should be going forward, fuck off.


Before people start expressing a desire for her to go live in a bunker forever, I implore you to read the post. It sounds like this is exactly where she can do the most good for the left--running a PAC that funds other groups to go forward and do work. This is her potentially working largely behind-the-scenes; not as the face or voice of the Democrat party, but as somebody who legitimately does believe in progressive causes using her influence to help fund people who provide the face and voice of the progressive side going forward.

Like, even if you want to never hear from Clinton again, this sounds like a good thing?


i've been begging for over 5 years.
Great news to me. She's a powerhouse fundraiser and that's a huge aspect of what the Dems need to be more successful at the local level.


I'm kind of torn. On the one hand more organization is a good thing and is something democrats really need but on the other hand I kind of feel like Hillary will bring some level of negative stink to anything she touches politically at this point.


She was pretty good at that grass roots stuff, should be president.

Seriously, any help and funds are needed at this level to get people engaged. Good thing.

What's the alt left?

Nothing. It doesn't exist.



And if any "democrats" or people from the "left"' whine and bitch, fuck off and join the alt-left or something. You were never with the movement in the first place
uh, Hillary isn't left so why wouldn't a leftist whine about this?

alt-left? hahaha
Title is kind of misleading, but it'll at least expose people who don't read the article and post as if she's running for office again.
Hillary your ship has come and one..
If you want to JOIN the opposition, fine.. lead them? I think America deserves something better at this point..
Though I'll admit that between her and trump it's easy NOT to choose trump..
Ran the laziest campaign in my lifetime because she expected a free win. She and her team have responsibilty. I'd rather not be reminded of her tbh.
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