Manga rocks but I always go for anime first. Right now the manga I'm reading are all just for me to get more of the story then the anime: naruto, GantZ, kenshin too since people say 3rd season skips lots of manga. I have a feeling when I finish berserk I might get hooked on the manga too. Hajime no Ippo is also on my list. I was going to read Monster but since the anime is going great I'll stick with that. Especially since it'll cover most of the manga with 78 episodes.
The only manga series I read without watching its anime adaptation first is Akira. I'll probably get into Vagabound and a few other mangas later. Honestly I just can't decide sometimes. For some manga there is already an anime, for others an anime has been announced. I Know for sure I can't read a manga I've seen in the anime. I skipped the first 100 naruto chapters because of that. However, reading the naruto manga kind of spoiled the anime too... and I prefer the latter in Naruto's case. >__<
bjork said:
if you watched the His and Hers anime all the way through, you're only seeing like the first 8 volumes of the manga. Theres going to be 18 volumes, so that's a good chunk of the story that you're missing...
AH! I have the boxset and I'll be watching it shortly. If I knew there are 10 more manga volumes for the whole story I would've skipped buying it. Come to think of it I've also been waiting for the Fruits Basket manga to reach the end of the anime.. yet I completely forgot. The anime really felt "complete" and hopefully karo kano will too.