The UK Pension, Social Security equivalent, is only 203gbp/week??
Seems awful to have seniors subsisting on so little in a developed Western country. They’re stuck living in run down shacks, no wonder everyone’s drinking all the time.
That's the state pension yes, which rises about 8-9% a year, but assuming you've worked for a decent chunk of your life then you'd also have a hefty private pension from your employers by the time you've retired. Also if you've been sensible like my parents then you'll have a lot of savings too. The combo of the 3, state pension, private pension, savings and your assets then you'd have a comfortable retirement.
The UK gov hates it's citizens especially the elderly, The government just want them dead.
If you're of over 65 and/or of ill health at any age in the UK the conservatives are coming for you.
The UK are behind the vast majority of developed countries for workers holidays, retirement age and pension amount.
Agree and disagree. The UK Gov cares more about GDP and tax reciepts than they do about the country, culture and communities, hence why they've willingly imported tens of millions of people rather than uplift its own citizens. To that extent I agree.
But I disagree they especially hate the elderly as that's their core voter base. For the elderly they provide a state pension that rises each year above inflation and provide free healthcare, which is a lot more than in other countries. For the youth they do fuck all.
The retirement age is rising across the world and isn't UK specific. As for holidays 22-28 days annual leave + 8-9 public holidays + state mandated sick leave policies is very good. I've been in the US, have friends in Canada, New Zealand, have worked in Japan and I'd say this is better than what they get. Worker rights here are good and universal. Some other countries should take note.
The UK is a country in decline.
Britain chose finance over industry, austerity over investment, and a closed economy over openness to the world.
When calamity strikes, people on low incomes face the toughest time and in the UK their margin of comfort is thin
By 2030 its economy will be bigger than Britain’s. Why are we being left behind?
The West is in decline.
They honestly still think they are the British Empire, they even left the EU because they thought they were still so great and could go it alone. Someone needs to wake them up to reality. The British Empire is gone. They are a small country now and need alliances like the EU to survive in a world dominated by the US and China.
This is something you've just made up. No one here reminisces about the empire. Anyone who'd remember it is dead. It's taboo to champion the empire and the Government also doesn't talk about it.
People voted to leave because they wanted to be an independent country as the EU was no longer an economic pact, but became a blob that could dictate which currency your country has, its immigration policies and basically any law. So it was about soverignity.
Yes countries need alliances, but they can still form them without being part of the union.
The UK economy is performing ahead of some major European countries post brexit (but is still stagnant along with Europe).
Instead of still struggling to reach its pre-pandemic high it seems that the UK economy in fact surpassed 2019 levels two years ago.
"The upshot of this is that instead of under-performing the economies of France and Germany since the pandemic (and Brexit, which took effect six weeks before the lockdowns began), the UK economy has now outperformed it. This was not, of course, supposed to happen. It was confidently forecast by the Treasury and by endless pro-remain think tanks that Brexit would damage the UK economy and leave us the laggard of Europe – as initial GDP figures suggested."
They left because of immigration policies, which imho is what is the biggest issue with the EU. Importing people that hate our values and then try to pander to them.
Also that town still looks better than 90% of shithole Russia.
I disagree. I didn't vote Leave because I thought the UK still ruled half the world. I did so because I wanted my country to be independent.
Anyway, these towns were deprived well before we left the EU. I know that because I was born and raised in one.
I went back to England for a holiday recently after years away abroad. Incredible countryside to explore with nice local towns/villages and seaside all over the place if you bother to do five minutes of research. Need a car or least a place with decent train links though. I really don't know why or how Brits became the most depressing people on planet Earth. Could just be the loser internet/Reddit crowd though to be fair. Everyone I met while back seemed happy enough.
Honestly I think it's a lack of perspective and maybe gratitude for winning lifes lottery of being born in a relatively stable country. Before I lived abroad I didn't care much for this country. Living abroad taught me a lot about the perks of living in England and to also appreciate its long history which is very rich. So when I returned I embraced what it has to offer.