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Hollywood should feel ashamed of themselves...


I was on a plane this week unable to sleep so I decided to see what movies were available.
Went from trailer to trailer and finally decided to watch Bad Times at El Royale.
That was a great fucking movie.
Saw bits and pieces of a Star is Born which is a x4 remake (didn't know that), decided to go back and watch it all with my life. Seems like a legit movie.
Then I saw the last 30 minutes or Glass and like 30 min of the 2nd half of Star Wars Episode 8. If I'm uncertain about something I typically read/watch the end before I bother to start it. Weird I know, but it's how I roll.

So anyways, Glass...holy shit. Who keeps funding M. Night Shymalan? That was so cringe.
Bruce Willis fighting in a raincoat. Sam Jackson wearing this ridiculous purple outfit. Bruce Willis's son explaining the plot to the "beast".
Then the death of these characters....
I could tell what they were going for, but it was just too damn cringey.
Not only was the plot, the acting, and the costume designs in this movie terrible, but M. Night cannot direct. All of his movies seem borderline like a high school movie project.
Whoever the fuck keeps funding this guy should feel ashamed. So terribly bad.
It was almost as bad as Lady in the Water where a pokemon was the villain of the movie.

Then I saw episode 8.
God have mercy.
That movie just managed to upset me in the 30 minutes I saw.
Not a one likeable character and the acting was so bad.
Bad decision after bad decision.
Sci-fi channel production (I think Sci-Fi channel has produced better shit).
The ridiculous script and costumes.
There wasn't a single redeeming quality in episode 8 from what I saw.
This was like "Star Wars" created by the people who wrote the Big Bang Theory.
How do you fuck something up THAT badly?!
I didn't care for episode 7, but 8 is just shameful.
Even more amazing to me is how do all the people involved in the making of this film see the final cut and think "Wow, this is it guys. We did it. This is our work of art."
How does it get shown to countless executives and still happen?
Did not one person stand up and say "What the fuck is this shit?"
May seem harsh I know, but everyone involved in the making of that film should feel ashamed that they helped produce that.

Honestly this is why I rarely go to the movies anymore, even Endgame was a disappointment. I mainly watch shit for cheap/free at home a year later just because I'd rather not feed these machines.
I just had to rant.


Movie's shit.
It's shit in all kinds of ways.
I watched only 30 minutes of it from near the end but that's how I roll.

I would both hate and love it if there were movie critics like that :D


Hollywood is only concerned about making money, not quality.

There is a reason why there are 20 shitty marvel films for adult men to cry over and orgasm over toys, several shitty Star Wars films, and trilogies for many shitty franchises nobody cares about.
If they made decent shit they'd make more money. The fact that anyone produces this middle school level garbage and it makes it out to release to millions is just fucking astonishing to me.
Quantity over quality.
hollywood just wants to make movies and consume baby flesh
You're not wrong.
Movie's shit.
It's shit in all kinds of ways.
I watched only 30 minutes of it from near the end but that's how I roll.

I would both hate and love it if there were movie critics like that :D
If people paid for my movies I'd give you all the criticing you could ever want.


Old Member
Yo Unbreakable and Split are legitimately great movies. You started on the final part of a trilogy, so it's the movie's fault you didn't know what was going on?

Maybe you should consider watching more than 30 minutes of a later film in a series you haven't seen any of? It's not a radical idea.
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The son explained something that bridges all three movies of the trilogy. I can't wrap my head around watching the end of a movie and deciding it's shit, especially the end of a trilogy.
Also those are some of the best superhero costumes.
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Yo Unbreakable and Split are legitimately great movies. You started on the final part of a trilogy, so it's the movie's fault you didn't know what was going on?

Maybe you should consider watching more than 30 minutes of a later film in a series you haven't seen any of? It's not a radical idea.
Unbreakable and Split are not great movies by any means. Also, no.


I really enjoyed Split but found Glass to be abysmal. Can’t understand how the same person wrote and directed both movies.

Mr Hyde

The Last Jedi sucked the big one and drained all the fun out of SW, but then again, shitting on that movie is like kicking a dead horse by now. We should all just move forward with our lives.


Glass was just fine for what it was, and what it cost. A visual return to form by a quite up-n-down director. But perhaps not a film for dribblers.

The problem with dribblers is they operate by thinking that every film has been made just for them. So if film A is not like film B, that said dribbler likes, film A is a 'bad' film.

Today's Hollywood output is so awful precisely cos producers listen to the dribblers- and use their 'advice' to 'hone' their output. These leads to lowest common denominator garbage aimed at a reading age of 10.

To be honest I *wish* current Hollywood was so good I *could* dismiss a film like Glass as 'poor'- but actually Glass by today's standards was well above average. Not a film for everyone (yet dribblers always think genre films *are* made for everyone by default).

The director of Glass *reads*. I *read*. Those that do not read are offended by anything that smacks of reading in their films. Our illiterate age. And Hollywood's number one problem is with the scripts. Scripts now mostly written by illiterates for illiterates.

Once Hollywood co-opted, with obscene pay-cheques, many of the greatest writers of the age. These literate fellows (maybe some were women but I can't think of any) were mostly slumming, and punching down, but their inate talent made even mass market movies far better.

Today the biggest writers in Hollywood are dribblers. Their background is literally a vague awareness of all the movies they watched as a kid and young person. So they *recycle* half remembered scenes and situations from old movies- J J Abrhams (sp?) has made a fortune from having a stable of writers who do exactly this.

Today, a 'genius' level writer is someone who sometimes knows the difference between "who" and "whom". And Hollywood doesn't care cos the BO has never been healthier, thanks to China.

Thank god for the golden age of US TV output, where dribblers do *not* yet have enough sway to kill the writing talent (and directing talent) that is making wonders that fully replace what I once went to the cinema to experience. I sat watching 'Escape from Dannemora" on the projector with my jaw on the floor. The key to quailty these days is being *broad minded*- not a sad genre freak.


Damn just finished A Star is Born. I know it's like the 4th version of the movie, but that just shows how good the original story is, and fuck Cooper did a great job directing, and Gaga's vocals were fantastic. Hollywood needs more shit like that.

Kagey K

Damn just finished A Star is Born. I know it's like the 4th version of the movie, but that just shows how good the original story is, and fuck Cooper did a great job directing, and Gaga's vocals were fantastic. Hollywood needs more shit like that.
The first was in 1954 with Judy Garland and the most famous until now was in the 70s with Barbra Streisand. It’s also been the plot loop for like a billion tv episodes and movies.

It’s a classic story that will get retold time and time again, because it hits a lot of the human conditions wants, no matter the time or age it takes place in.

I actually don’t think Hollywood has been that bad this year, I’ve gone and seen more movies in the last 12 month period in theatres then I did the 10 years before it, and haven’t left any of them dissatisfied. That includes going to see Toy Story 4 today.
This is why I just stare out of my window now.


I'm shocked that anyone liked Glass, I loved Unbreakable and Split.. but man Glass was terrible.

Deleted member 713885

Unconfirmed Member
Unbreakable was great imo.

Split wasnt to bad, not unbreakable great.

Glass...was HORRIBLE.

Bruce us just way to old, and not in the shape needed to be used in an action capacity.

The "We are headed to Center City for the big fight!"....
'LOLZ we dont have that kinda budget, heres a horrible parking lot fight"...

Glass had me 75% of the way thinking it was good or gonna end big but then sunk the last 30min so bad it sank the rest of the movie


Pop culture is made by people with no clue about how to make a story or say anything. Postmodernism has done tremendous damage by encouraging the whole “deconstructionist” tendencies which don’t create anything new, it just destroys the old. JJ is emblematic, he’s a guy who “loves pulp and sci fi and stuff” but he could never create anything as original as Star Wars or Aliens, he’s not that smart or brilliant. He’s mediocre. The people running pop culture are mediocre all around. Standing on the shoulder of giants just slapping two action figures together
Hollywood became pure business over the last decade. I mean, business was always part of it but never this much. If you don’t believe me, just look at the 90s and Luc Besson actually wanted to make a sequel to 5th Element but couldn’t get the funding. Or how it was generally difficult to make sequels. Imagine this stuff today where literally every crap gets a well funded sequel if it makes even a little bit money.

It’s just sad but I guess that is what happens when you have business people running the studios.

Even sadder is that it actually works and does make them more money than ever. Doesn’t have a lot to do with art though.

Luckily every now and then a guy like Villeneuve comes along and somehow still manages get funding for his movies. It’s getting rarer by the day though.


I watched Dumb and Dumber to, earlier.
Fucking loved the First film.
Prequel was terrible.

Dumb and Dumber to-
Original cast 👍
Farrelly Brothers Directing 👍
..plz stop.
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Old Member
Damn just finished A Star is Born. I know it's like the 4th version of the movie, but that just shows how good the original story is, and fuck Cooper did a great job directing, and Gaga's vocals were fantastic. Hollywood needs more shit like that.

Now this we agree on. Going in knowing the outcome the entire movie was heavy as hell.


You can't even say it's just about the money anymore. Who are they pandering to? SJWs? Are those known for throwing lots of cash as virtue signaling propaganda movies? Yes the last few of these types of movies have made a boat load of cash but they were riding the coat tails of a huge story build up based on movies that did not virtue signal nearly as bad.

This business model is baffling! Do they really think the world is going to keep forking over money to watch Hollywood push their progressive doctrine?


Is it just me or is hollywood really failing at the BO this summer?

Sure Endgame crushed it, but since then its been bomba after bomba. Even Toy Story 4 which made over 100Mill, underperformed and I think is the worst opening for a TS movie. It did less than the first one and that came out what 10+ years ago?

And basically all that is left is Spiderman which I don't know if it will get an Avengers bump. I don't think there are any other big movies that can save the BO this summer.

The bigger problem is the international markets still eat this shit up, so even though domestically alot of these films are falling flat, the international take will keep Hollywood making this crap.

the last great decade for movies was the 90's. I can't really imagine a movie like Pulp Fiction being a huge hit now a days. Once computers and international markets took over its been all downhill.


THE Prey 2 fanatic
>testing films by watching the end
you're the one who should feel ashamed

also yeah Endgame wasn't a great movie or anything, Marvel defines what it is to make generic superhero flicks, but do the most mass market blockbusters define Hollywood?


Unconfirmed Member
Next time just bring a portable gaming device when you travel OP.


Gold Member
It's all about comicbook movies, animated movies and a sprinkling of rom-coms, horror flicks and action movies.

No doubt, Hollywood writers have been depleted of creativity for decades, but can you blame them?

If you were a Hollywood exec greenlighting movies, which ones would you approve:

A great movie like Shawshank Redemption that made $60 million at the box office, or Marvel superhero movie #42 which which will make somewhere between $300 million and $1 billion+, or Pixar movie #18 making $500 million?

People go to the movies to be wowed by dumb shit and CGI, not great stories or acting.
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I watched Dumb and Dumber to, earlier.
Fucking loved the First film.
Prequel was terrible.

Dumb and Dumber to-
Original cast 👍
Farrelly Brothers Directing 👍
..plz stop.

Didn't even finish the movie, so freaking awful.

Lady in the water was cool tho.


I think I made a similar topic recently. I think Hollywood has been in a creative malaise since the late 90s, especially in regards to blockbusters. The superhero craze has kinda masked the problem but it's still there. They are just out of ideas.
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