I was on a plane this week unable to sleep so I decided to see what movies were available.
Went from trailer to trailer and finally decided to watch Bad Times at El Royale.
That was a great fucking movie.
Saw bits and pieces of a Star is Born which is a x4 remake (didn't know that), decided to go back and watch it all with my life. Seems like a legit movie.
Then I saw the last 30 minutes or Glass and like 30 min of the 2nd half of Star Wars Episode 8. If I'm uncertain about something I typically read/watch the end before I bother to start it. Weird I know, but it's how I roll.
So anyways, Glass...holy shit. Who keeps funding M. Night Shymalan? That was so cringe.
Bruce Willis fighting in a raincoat. Sam Jackson wearing this ridiculous purple outfit. Bruce Willis's son explaining the plot to the "beast".
Then the death of these characters....
I could tell what they were going for, but it was just too damn cringey.
Not only was the plot, the acting, and the costume designs in this movie terrible, but M. Night cannot direct. All of his movies seem borderline like a high school movie project.
Whoever the fuck keeps funding this guy should feel ashamed. So terribly bad.
It was almost as bad as Lady in the Water where a pokemon was the villain of the movie.
Then I saw episode 8.
God have mercy.
That movie just managed to upset me in the 30 minutes I saw.
Not a one likeable character and the acting was so bad.
Bad decision after bad decision.
Sci-fi channel production (I think Sci-Fi channel has produced better shit).
The ridiculous script and costumes.
There wasn't a single redeeming quality in episode 8 from what I saw.
This was like "Star Wars" created by the people who wrote the Big Bang Theory.
How do you fuck something up THAT badly?!
I didn't care for episode 7, but 8 is just shameful.
Even more amazing to me is how do all the people involved in the making of this film see the final cut and think "Wow, this is it guys. We did it. This is our work of art."
How does it get shown to countless executives and still happen?
Did not one person stand up and say "What the fuck is this shit?"
May seem harsh I know, but everyone involved in the making of that film should feel ashamed that they helped produce that.
Honestly this is why I rarely go to the movies anymore, even Endgame was a disappointment. I mainly watch shit for cheap/free at home a year later just because I'd rather not feed these machines.
I just had to rant.
Went from trailer to trailer and finally decided to watch Bad Times at El Royale.
That was a great fucking movie.
Saw bits and pieces of a Star is Born which is a x4 remake (didn't know that), decided to go back and watch it all with my life. Seems like a legit movie.
Then I saw the last 30 minutes or Glass and like 30 min of the 2nd half of Star Wars Episode 8. If I'm uncertain about something I typically read/watch the end before I bother to start it. Weird I know, but it's how I roll.
So anyways, Glass...holy shit. Who keeps funding M. Night Shymalan? That was so cringe.
Bruce Willis fighting in a raincoat. Sam Jackson wearing this ridiculous purple outfit. Bruce Willis's son explaining the plot to the "beast".
Then the death of these characters....
I could tell what they were going for, but it was just too damn cringey.
Not only was the plot, the acting, and the costume designs in this movie terrible, but M. Night cannot direct. All of his movies seem borderline like a high school movie project.
Whoever the fuck keeps funding this guy should feel ashamed. So terribly bad.
It was almost as bad as Lady in the Water where a pokemon was the villain of the movie.
Then I saw episode 8.
God have mercy.
That movie just managed to upset me in the 30 minutes I saw.
Not a one likeable character and the acting was so bad.
Bad decision after bad decision.
Sci-fi channel production (I think Sci-Fi channel has produced better shit).
The ridiculous script and costumes.
There wasn't a single redeeming quality in episode 8 from what I saw.
This was like "Star Wars" created by the people who wrote the Big Bang Theory.
How do you fuck something up THAT badly?!
I didn't care for episode 7, but 8 is just shameful.
Even more amazing to me is how do all the people involved in the making of this film see the final cut and think "Wow, this is it guys. We did it. This is our work of art."
How does it get shown to countless executives and still happen?
Did not one person stand up and say "What the fuck is this shit?"
May seem harsh I know, but everyone involved in the making of that film should feel ashamed that they helped produce that.
Honestly this is why I rarely go to the movies anymore, even Endgame was a disappointment. I mainly watch shit for cheap/free at home a year later just because I'd rather not feed these machines.
I just had to rant.