Which one of these wymyn is trans?
I have my suspicions.Which one of these wymyn is trans?
lmao wtf
Which one of these wymyn is trans?
She got it the worst. She has to stare down Kristen Stewart's cooch.Ayymanda Sayyfried?
Discuss. Also who's the hottie behind Ayymanda Sayyfried?
She got it the worst. She has to stare down Kristen Stewart's cooch.
Discuss. Also who's the hottie behind Ayymanda Sayyfried?
Can you blame him?Anyone want to guess what % of these girls let Weinstein touch them inappropriately?
I’m going with a solid 40%
Can you blame him?
All are rich we know one's the vampire chick and I assume the one of the far right is the singer.Non-cropped version where you can read the names on the bottom
Fucking hilarious coming from the dude that watches star warsmost of those chicks are still in movies. Hollywood still full of white blond women. so to me it looks exactly the same.
You know as a 90's kid I remember the 90's and early 2000's being pretty diverse in terms of actors/actresses. Hell even older movies from the 80's I wasn't born in to were pretty diverse.
Then the late 00's and earlys 10's I think a lot of shit was made aimed at younger suburban teenagers (Harry Potter, Twilight, hunger games), so a lot of characters from that stuff were white. Hell girls at my high school ate up Twilight regardless of ethnicity so I don't think it really bothered anyone. It was just more of a trend since alot of movies were book adaptations.
The difference between then and now is that diversity (or lack of) in Hollywood seemed to be based on trends in terms of what was being created or adapted, but then since 2013 or so when all the SJW culture war stuff started that all changed. Now diversity in representation is a cultural mandate made by a vocal minority that have an inordinate amount of power because of the advent of social media.
I guess what I'm saying is when I was younger I saw hot women of various ethnicities in movies/magazines/etc. and didn't think anything of it. Now everyone's being conditioned by traditional and social media to see everyone in terms of their race and it's honestly fucking sad.
Anyways Kirsten Stewart sucks as an actress and is the least attractive of those chicks. Emma Stone for lyfe.
It's like every time I watch a movie from the 80s or 90s there's a bunch of minorities in them. Speed is basically all minorities on the bus. And so many asians in them too. Where the fuck did all the asians in movies go?You know as a 90's kid I remember the 90's and early 2000's being pretty diverse in terms of actors/actresses. Hell even older movies from the 80's I wasn't born in to were pretty diverse.
It's like every time I watch a movie from the 80s or 90s there's a bunch of minorities in them. Speed is basically all minorities on the bus. And so many asians in them too. Where the fuck did all the asians in movies go?