If you rented movies or games from Hollywood Video, you could get free rentals from a legal settlement.
A nationwide settlement has been proposed in a class action lawsuit about additional rental charges at Hollywood Video stores. The settlement will ensure that at least $9,000,000 worth of certificates for free rentals at Hollywood Video stores will be issued and redeemed. The settlement resolves several lawsuits over charges for rentals not returned within the initial rental period at Hollywood Video stores.
Your legal rights are affected whether you act, or dont act. This website is designed to give you the information you need in order to understand your rights. If you're a member of the class you may also submit a claim under the terms of this settlement using the information and tools provided.
Additional links and such at the site.
If you rented movies or games from Hollywood Video, you could get free rentals from a legal settlement.
A nationwide settlement has been proposed in a class action lawsuit about additional rental charges at Hollywood Video stores. The settlement will ensure that at least $9,000,000 worth of certificates for free rentals at Hollywood Video stores will be issued and redeemed. The settlement resolves several lawsuits over charges for rentals not returned within the initial rental period at Hollywood Video stores.
Your legal rights are affected whether you act, or dont act. This website is designed to give you the information you need in order to understand your rights. If you're a member of the class you may also submit a claim under the terms of this settlement using the information and tools provided.
Additional links and such at the site.