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HOLY SHIT.. is Billy Kidman trying to kill Chavito?

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First tragedy, then farce.
Holy shit. I dont know who out there was watching smackdown (ive been avoiding spoilers).. but oh my God.. Shooting Star Press Knee right to Chavo's FUCKING head. Whats really screwed up is London hit a kick ass spot off the steps that was 10x harder and he connected perfect... seriously.. if something is your FINISHING move.. you probably shouldnt give people a damn full frontal lobotomy when you do it.

Ok.. I just checked.. Chavo was hospitalized over this.. concusion it seems.. Chavo is very lucky his career isnt over at this moment.


keep your strippers out of my American football
From what I have read, that finisher is probably one of the riskiest out there for both of the people involved. I remember Kidman almost hurting someone with it in WCW and he lost all confidence in the move and he switched to something else for a bit. I guess it might be time for him to switch again. Maybe to something like the Juvi Driver.


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dskillzhtown said:
From what I have read, that finisher is probably one of the riskiest out there for both of the people involved.

It probably is but the fact that Kidman absolutely sucks at doing them couldn't help. Seriously, he gets almost zero distance like you're supposed to. The further you jump, the more momentum your body has. Kidman, on the other hand, just kinda jumps straight up and tries to flip. That's why he fucks it up so often. I can guarantee that London could do one almost ten times better.
Minotauro said:
It probably is but the fact that Kidman absolutely sucks at doing them couldn't help. Seriously, he gets almost zero distance like you're supposed to. The further you jump, the more momentum your body has. Kidman, on the other hand, just kinda jumps straight up and tries to flip. That's why he fucks it up so often. I can guarantee that London could do one almost ten times better.

Kidman sucks. And I totally agree with you here, and he's botched up the Shotting Star Press so many times that it irritates me. Don't do a move you cannot land, or else you're going to hurt someone. And Chavo is one of the toughest and fearless guys out there, he had no probably taking the Vertebreaker from Hurricane/Shane Helms. If you have seen any of those matches, just watch how long he is vertical until he sells the bump. Scary scary scary.


Junior Ace
I like Kidman, but yeah, he's no AJ Styles when it comes to performing that. Anyone remember when he busted up David Flair with a SSP back in WCW? I think his knee dislocated Flair's jaw or something.

Brian Fellows

Pete Carroll Owns Me
If you wanna see London's SSP and an all round brutal match get on your favorite p2p and search for his Ring of Honor street fight with Michael Shane(HBK's nephew). Killer match. He does the SSP off a ladder after 20 minutes of hard fighting and its still 100x better than Kidmans.


Banstick Emeritus
Jesus. That's ridiculous - and you're right, Kidman has a history of botched SSPs. Unfortunately, now that he's married to Torrie Wilson, the WWE will keep him on the roster (see Test, Stacy Kiebler) no matter what. Poor Chavo.
bishoptl said:
Jesus. That's ridiculous - and you're right, Kidman has a history of botched SSPs. Unfortunately, now that he's married to Torrie Wilson, the WWE will keep him on the roster (see Test, Stacy Kiebler) no matter what. Poor Chavo.

No way man, what about Marc Mero and Sable. ;) And now Brock and Sable... Test is a big man, so I can see why he stays.


Banstick Emeritus
Well Sable hooked up with Brock while he was getting his mad push - no problem in getting that meal ticket, I guess - and as soon as he bailed for the NFL, her stock (and TV time) dropped like a stone. Marc Mero...it is my contention that without his marriage to Sable, he wouldn't have lasted as long as he did in the company.


First tragedy, then farce.
Its my opinion that they should not let him do this move anymore.. what if Chavo's career ended? He is an excellent worker.. what if this were Rey Rey? Haas? or God forbid a top carder like angel or Eddie?

Kidmans career likely would be in jeopardy right now if he had done this to someone with more political pull in the back.
i remember when he did it in WCW and nailed David Flair in the face with his knee. That was fucking hiliarous. WTF ever happened to David Flair anyway?
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