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Home theatre GAF, help me out please

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I'm moving next week and want to use it as an opportunity to tidy up the AV situation.

My TV only has 2 rear HDMI ports, I have 4 HDMI devices (PS3, 360, Sky HD, Apple TV) and the Wii on component.

Currently I have a Panasonic SC-PT460 all in one box with optical in, the HDMI devices are currently feeding that through optical audio leads and a manual splitter, then they are all connected to the TV via a HDMI switcher.

Ideally I want a receiver with 4 HDMI ports that I can use with my existing speakers from the Panasonic all in one. The sub itself isn't powered which i believe presents a problem.

Now I have no idea what would work, I was looking at the Yamaha RX367 which has 4xHDMI 1.4 ports but I don't think my existing sub would work, I don't even know if the receiver is any good. Ideally I'd like a single HDMI lead to the TV from the receiver, I don't know if any receivers will output component (Wii) over HDMI.

After seeing the setups some of you guys have I'm hoping someone can help. The budget is around £300 tops but if I need new speakers I may have to re-evaluate. There's too much stuff to buy in the new house though, blinds and lights come before receivers!

THIS will solve all of your problems. You will need to purchase another subwoofer though, you can't use the one you have (designed to work in a single theatre kit system) with a dedicated receiver.
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