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Homeland - Season 6 - Sundays on Showtime

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That was a sad finale. Quinn was living on borrowed time, gonna miss him. The president turned evil. lol. Dar better be back next season and not in jail.


Junior Member
What the fuck. Quinn all he had to do was get PE and Carrie out of the car and surrender. Didn't need to die like that.


Subete no aware
It's funny, I assumed they were going for an evil Clinton thing when they wrote this season... but in the context of Trump, it also make sense I suppose. lol

Caja 117

So it turn out that the bad guys were really the good guys all along even Alex Jones, and Carrie ended up helping the villains win.

Caja 117

No, It turned out that even good people turn bad.

Nah, both Dar and the The other Guy were doing for the what they tought was for the best interest of the country even by using sgady methods, turns out the best interest of the country was indeed taking her out.

Deku Tree

Nah, both Dar and the The other Guy were doing for the what they tought was for the best interest of the country even by using sgady methods, turns out the best interest of the country was indeed taking her out.

Well if they hadn't tried to take her out as a plot from within the US Govt then The president wouldn't have turned into that person.

They wanted to take her out because they thought she was too much of an advocate for peace. Etc.



Eh yo, fuck this shit. Show is trash, I'm out. What a disgrace to the Quinn character, he went out dirty, they should have killed him last season - which is ironically was my very last post in last season's thread.

So it turn out that the bad guys were really the good guys all along even Alex Jones, and Carrie ended up helping the villains win.
This post just described Homeland S06 more elequently than 12 hours of television ever could. I want my 12 hours back.
Latest episode resembled 24 so it's veering way off into fantasy land. Not sad about Quinn. It was borderline offensive they tried to make me care about that killer in the first place. This isn't high quality tv but I don't expect it to be.


So much negativity in here, and I completely disagree with all of it. This season was phenomenal. Quinn dying was inevitable. Keane embracing the seclusion at the end rings totally believable. She was unwavering in her ideology, which is what scared Dar in the first place, but being a target of a deeply rooted conspiracy has left her equally committed her newly developed paranoia. Considering the show's political relevancy, was there any foreign collusion involved? Despite that fantasy world having characters like Cary and Quinn, the show leaves us with a dose of reality: a deeply flawed president in office, despair, and determination.

I can't think of another show that nails the tone of modern events SO WELL! I'm hooked for season 7 more than any other season to date. The wait is going to be absolutely brutal.

I dunno if relevant, but Saul on Colbert was killing it. Really humble guy.


Thank you for posting this! Fantastic watch.


Fucking dogshit finale that made no sense at all. You're telling me the president elect couldn't walk out of the car with Quinn and tell them all to step down? Really? None of that was even remotely plausible.

End the show already.


Hunky Nostradamus
Fucking dogshit finale that made no sense at all. You're telling me the president elect couldn't walk out of the car with Quinn and tell them all to step down? Really? None of that was even remotely plausible.

End the show already.

There were snipers everywhere. She could have easily been killed by stepping out of the car for all he knew.

Pegasus Actual

Gold Member
Oh that sitcom moment of will Max fail to stay quiet downstairs!

Impressive that he could pass out drunk and wake up a few minutes later sober-ish.

The unamerican plot is coming FROM INSIDE THE PRESIDENT!! GET OUT! GET OUT NOW!!!!

Overall it was a pretty decent season. RIP Quinn, you were one of the good ones bud.


AV Club went savage on the finale. Well deserved grade, hopefully Rupert Friend goes on to do stuff more deserving of his talent.
Once again I find myself defending a season finale of Homeland that this thread is hating on. It was great as was the season. I loved that Dar and the conspiracy ended up turning Keane into what they feared she was. That's some poetic justice and sets up an interesting final two seasons of the show.

I'm not surprised that AV Club is hating on it since they've been giving it awful misguided reviews all season.


Once again I find myself defending a season finale of Homeland that this thread is hating on. It was great as was the season. I loved that Dar and the conspiracy ended up turning Keane into what they feared she was. That's some poetic justice and sets up an interesting final two seasons of the show.

I'm not surprised that AV Club is hating on it since they've been giving it awful misguided reviews all season.

AVC has been on point and giving it credit when it deserved it, like in the last two. They rightly crucified this finale because, simply put, it was utterly phony and implausible. An absurd on it's face assassination attempt that people actually joked about last week, that even Homeland at it's worst wouldn't try something so stupid, and then an equally stupid complete heel turn for Keane... just badly done across the board. For a season that had allusions to being somewhat grounded with good character building, it threw all of that in the trash multiple times, and then finally just resigned to being an even dumber version of 24 with this episode.

It's also just an insult to what they did in Season 1. Like a lot of long running shows, the common DNA was only scarcely evident between this season and back then. 2 episodes at most.


Hunky Nostradamus
AV Club went savage on the finale. Well deserved grade, hopefully Rupert Friend goes on to do stuff more deserving of his talent.

I don't agree with all of that, but he does raise a good point:

The problem this time is that the show hasn’t done that great a job of laying out what it is anyone is protesting in the first place or why people take such issue with Keane’s presidency.


The Keane the audience sees is steely, thoughtful, and compassionate in ways that seem to compensate for her more unorthodox impulses. And yet, all these people are protesting because of a video that attacks the memory of her dead son? What exactly am I missing?

I get that the American people are apparently buying into all of Alex Jones' fake news stories, but beyond her son's alleged cowardice, which is reflecting poorly on her somehow, the show failed to establish a real palpable motive for why people are just so upset with her. Is it because of her stance on Iran? Or?


I don't agree with all of that, but he does raise a good point:

I get that the American people are apparently buying into all of Alex Jones' fake news stories, but beyond her son's alleged cowardice, which is reflecting poorly on her somehow, the show failed to establish a real palpable motive for why people are just so upset with her. Is it because of her stance on Iran? Or?

It's not just that. The entire military assassination attempt betrayed every bit of logic anyone knows about how the secret service and security in general works. Same goes for Keane straight up arresting everyone. Again, the government does not work like that, at all. The show failed to convince or even communicate to the audience what was going on outside of the lives of it's central characters.


Hunky Nostradamus
It's not just that. The entire military assassination attempt betrayed every bit of logic anyone knows about how the secret service and security in general works. Same goes for Keane straight up arresting everyone. Again, the government does not work like that, at all. The show failed to convince or even communicate to the audience what was going on outside of the lives of it's central characters.

It was all very muddled.
Once again I find myself defending a season finale of Homeland that this thread is hating on. It was great as was the season. I loved that Dar and the conspiracy ended up turning Keane into what they feared she was. That's some poetic justice and sets up an interesting final two seasons of the show.

Exactly, that was a hell of a twist. Exciting episode that ended on an intriguing note.

As for AV Club, let's just see if other reviewers 'crucify' the episode, or if AV Club is the outlier.


I guess I'll have to watch the recent Hitman film as catharsis for Quinn dying, just to see Rupert Friend kill a bunch of people.
It's not just that. The entire military assassination attempt betrayed every bit of logic anyone knows about how the secret service and security in general works. Same goes for Keane straight up arresting everyone. Again, the government does not work like that, at all. The show failed to convince or even communicate to the audience what was going on outside of the lives of it's central characters.

Apparently these Delta guys are so hardcore that when General T-Bag gives them a mission to bomb New Yorkers, kill some FBI agents and assassinate the President they all go SIR YES SIR and commit high treason. They must be getting 200% hazard pay for that.

Also, where exactly were the bombs located that blew up the motorcade ? This hotel had been sweeped but somehow bombs were placed 5 meters from the exit or in the cars themselves.


Hunky Nostradamus
I am glad the writers had the wherewithal to kill Quinn this time though. I think they did a fairly good job with him this season, even though the way his story ended was far too abrupt. That being said, I still maintain that it would have been better if he had died last year.


This series was great, loved it. Loved the finale too, wow! now the wait till next series.

Was not expecting that.
I loved this finale! Great season. Probably the best Homeland season in a long time. Definitely enjoyed the Keane "development". I wouldn't call it unrealistic; attempted coups or regime changes often lead to the surviving government taking hard, sometime paranoid crackdowns to consolidate power.

I loved that they set up the next season. Very happy to tune in!

RIP Peter Quinn. Wish his death was given more time to breathe. I don't know, it felt like it was not acknowledged enough. Although I appreciated the tension that the extremely long social worker scene provided, I would have dedicated more time to grieving Quinn.
Complaining about Homeland being too much like 24 at this point is kind of hilarious considering it went full 24 in season 2 and has never looked back
Loved this season to bits. Most of it at least. Highlight was the fifth episode (the
"hostage" situation
). Definitely satisfied with the last episode as well though, and very curious what led the president to
so abruptly pushing Carrie out after everything that has happened
Quinn :(

Good season but the arc was a bit messy in the lead up to the finale - you couldn't really place where the villian was unlike main season. How the radio/tv show guy isn't arrested for the ultra illegal social network hive is beyond me though. Magical impunity powers?

For those of you guys saying she (the PE) should have stepped out of the car - one of the villians would have taken the shot. So they couldn't have.

Caja 117

Well if they hadn't tried to take her out as a plot from within the US Govt then The president wouldn't have turned into that person.

They wanted to take her out because they thought she was too much of an advocate for peace. Etc.
Im taking this based on what Dal said about there is sonething off about her. I think that this season was made based on the belief HIllary was going to be president and then decided to change it to go to a President Trump route, I think Dal warning a couple of episodes ago to her of "dont go to war with the IC" was the turning point from a plot based on a Clinton presidency to a Trump presidency.


Junior Member
There were snipers everywhere. She could have easily been killed by stepping out of the car for all he knew.

Uhm they had snipers

Snipers aren't just going to kill someone in broad daylight in NYC if they aren't posing any kind of threat. If PE, Carrie, got out, and then Quinn with his hands up, everything would have been cool. But yeah he either shouldn't have been as fucked up from the Sarin or they should have just killed him last season.

Funky Papa

So... should I give this show another chance after the shit-tacular 5 season?

Because quoting my favourite poet, it was piss cancer.
For those of you guys saying she (the PE) should have stepped out of the car - one of the villians would have taken the shot. So they couldn't have.

I can buy that those Delta guys are in the plot but not that they would kill the President in front of all those cops, Secret Service and other Army troops.

Big Blue

Fucking dogshit finale that made no sense at all. You're telling me the president elect couldn't walk out of the car with Quinn and tell them all to step down? Really? None of that was even remotely plausible.

End the show already.

What? How many times did it show snipers on the roof? Quinn literally said they don't know who's friendly or not.
I know he had to go, but what a cheap way of killing a great character. And the new plot twist is just craazy. They're losing it.

There is no plot twist. Keane dramatically overreacted to an attack on her, almost exactly like the entire USA overreacted to 9-11. It's makes complete sense for her character.
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