Ah yes Democrats bad, Republicans good, got it
You didn't get it. You have two extremes, good/bad and are unable to consider anything in between.
Look at the negatives I applied to the Republicans and FOX. They're there. You're ignoring them so you can make this one side good/one side bad. Why do you do that? I'm saying both sides are bad, in different ways(and in some of the same ways).
The main reason CNN gets so much shit on this forum is because they're blatant hypocrites. Instead of picking their ideals and logically defending them they don and doff them like clothing as the situation demands and spend more time pointing the finger instead of analysis, much less rational discussion.
Case in point: Covid-19 and public gatherings of any sort. Fox will admit that any sort of public gathering is probably going to increase infection rates, and that they're willing to take the risk. CNN on the other hand will cry bloody murder when conservatives protest or hold a rally and then completely ignore any risk when liberals do the same thing. Fox talking heads support the right to protest, peaceful protest, and even some civil disobedience while condemning violence and rioting. CNN talking heads won't even admit there is rioting most of the time and if they do they'll say it is "justified".
Personally I look at both sites, but not for news. I look at them for
opinion. Knowing what the talking points are for both sides is good if you want to be informed. Only knowing the talking points for one side is good if you want to be misinformed.
For news I go mostly to Youtube independents. Instead of having an agenda set by a bunch of powerful interests who like to pull strings from behind the curtain I know what they want which is to grow their channel.