O Odoul Member Jul 2, 2005 #1 Spent 10 bucks and got two brand new movies. Dark City, and Ghost Dog:Way of the Samurai. Anyone seen them? Good? Worth taking out the plastic? If they're crap at least it was only $10.
Spent 10 bucks and got two brand new movies. Dark City, and Ghost Dog:Way of the Samurai. Anyone seen them? Good? Worth taking out the plastic? If they're crap at least it was only $10.
E evil ways Member Jul 2, 2005 #2 Dark City is a pretty damn good movie and worth the $10 alone. I've never seen the other one though.
M mattx5 Member Jul 2, 2005 #3 You made some good choices, especially with Dark City, seriously underrated.
S siege Banned Jul 2, 2005 #4 They're worth $10. Not exactly 'great' movies, but certainly watchable.
ManaByte Member Jul 2, 2005 #6 Dark City is an awesome movie. Too bad the rip-off that was released a year later went on to make a kazillion dollars and spawn two shitty sequels.
Dark City is an awesome movie. Too bad the rip-off that was released a year later went on to make a kazillion dollars and spawn two shitty sequels.
T totoro'd Member Jul 2, 2005 #7 Dark City rocks Cool special effects, trippy premise, and Kiefer is good in it Hmm..haven't heard of the other movie, sorry
Dark City rocks Cool special effects, trippy premise, and Kiefer is good in it Hmm..haven't heard of the other movie, sorry
karasu Member Jul 2, 2005 #8 Great selections. Ghost Dog is awesome if you're cool with Jim Jarmusch's way of doing things. It's far and away The Rza's best scoring job.
Great selections. Ghost Dog is awesome if you're cool with Jim Jarmusch's way of doing things. It's far and away The Rza's best scoring job.
H HokieJoe Member Jul 2, 2005 #10 Ghost Dog is a pretty cool movie. I never got around to watching Dark City.
N nitewulf Member Jul 2, 2005 #11 good deal. i thought ghost dog was kinda cheesy at parts, buut its still pretty good. and dark city is awesome.
good deal. i thought ghost dog was kinda cheesy at parts, buut its still pretty good. and dark city is awesome.
T The Shadow Member Jul 2, 2005 #12 Dark City is a great movie and worth owning. I constantly tell people it's one of my favorites but my secret shame is that I don't actually own it.
Dark City is a great movie and worth owning. I constantly tell people it's one of my favorites but my secret shame is that I don't actually own it.