If you want to see the real "regressive left", look at the election results for marijuana legalization.The left just spent 8 years trying to compromise with a republican party who have blocked/obstructed/delayed as much as possible, repeatedly suppress voters in demographics that vote democrat, just won a presidential election despite losing the popular vote.
Its not the "regressive left" who you should be fighting, and its disingenuous to paint them as the problem for not wanting to deal with Trump voters anymore
The thread is asking "How are you dealing with people who voted for Trump," and so I answered how I am dealing with it. Getting up, going about my life, and being respectful to people. I might not agree with their views or respect their views, but I can still be respectful to a person even if they're not respectful to me or to other people who I respect. I'm not telling you how to live your life, I'm telling you how I live mine.
This is what works for me, maybe it doesn't work for you, that's your prerogative. It doesn't make me crazy.
Honestly, answers here really saddens me, is one thing to not agree with people with oposing views, is normal.
Another thing is to just completely ignore them and get an attitude of "life sucks, I will just ignore everything" that's why democracy fails, people don't discuse politics when they can't discuse with something that they don't like to the point of going full social media and just ignore them in real life like if eveybody has a block button on it.
I feel that people who don't discuss politics on their normal life are way worse than those who decide to not vote one day
If you want to see the real "regressive left", look at the election results for marijuana legalization.
We elected a buffoon who supports institutional racism, police militarization, tax breaks for the rich, privatized health care, gutting environmental regulations, mass deporting immigrants, destroying our international relations, and committing war crimes... But we got weed!
No, you are just clueless.Honestly, answers here really saddens me, is one thing to not agree with people with oposing views, is normal.
Another thing is to just completely ignore them and get an attitude of "life sucks, I will just ignore everything" that's why democracy fails, people don't discuse politics when they can't discuse with something that they don't like to the point of going full social media and just ignore them in real life like if eveybody has a block button on it.
I feel that people who don't discuss politics on their normal life are way worse than those who decide to not vote one day
Ding ding.Full on contempt. They're all dead to me.
Our new President campaigned on stop-and-frisk and voter ID laws.Legalizing weed is a great step towards reducing racism in our country.
Let me stop you right there.I mean I believe sixty million people are racist.
Sixty million isn't that much.
Our new President campaigned on stop-and-frisk and voter ID laws.
You kinda do since it's still federally illegal.Screw the president. Don't need him to help
You kinda do since it's still federally illegal.
Look at how medical is handled and cracked down on.
definitely seems like a productive point of view, keep being edgy
Honestly, as minorities we should just tolerate the intolerance and protest a bit more quietly, we wouldn't wanna get in the way of their vidya games. /sLet me stop you right there.
A white guy a page ago told me there is no way there are that many racist people in this country because he has never seen it and has not been a victim himself.
Clearly he knows what's up.
Probably over 300 million Americans are racist, let's be real.I mean I believe sixty million people are racist.
Sixty million isn't that much.
I believe like over one hundred million Americans are racist, tbh. If not more.
The majority of America voted for Her.
Let's get this straight. They're all racists. They're all misogynists. They're all homophobes. They're all Islamophobes. Every single one of them.
How can I say that? Because they voted for Trump.
Sure, not every one of them might think of themselves that way. They might not go around using the n word. I'm sure some of them have "black friends". Maybe they really think that they respect women.
But they were all willing to vote for Trump. They voted for a man who launched his campaign by saying that all Mexicans were rapists and drug dealers. A man who has been recorded bragging about grabbing women by the pussy. Who has demeaned women repeatedly throughout his public life. Who called for the execution of five innocent black teenagers. Who wants to ban all Muslim people from entering the country.
If you vote for him, you're a bigot. You believe all of those things. Or worse, you're willing to accept them just on the fear that Hillary would have taken your guns or whatever.
I don't want to hear about how we should be more accepting of Trump supporters. Or how calling them out just makes them double down. We've tried for 50 fucking years to coddle racists; to avoid calling them racists or bigots because we can't hurt their precious feelings. Guess what? It hasn't fucking worked. It's just lead to those racists views becoming more and more entrenched. We need to take a strong hand to all bigoted views. We need to call shit out.
When people say that everyone should be more open to Trump supporters, that sets off red flags with me. I mean hell, I'm a straight white man, and I'm terrified. I can only imagine how much worse everyone who is black, or hispanic, or gay, or Muslim, or a woman of color, or multiple of the above is feeling right now. And if you can't feel compassion for what all of those people are going through as they've seen nearly half their country willing to throw them to the wind, then maybe you're part of the problem.
I live in Arkansas. Gonna go to work just like any other day. People have been voting against their interests in this state for years. Bible belt, whaddya goin to do?
Let's get this straight. They're all racists. They're all misogynists. They're all homophobes. They're all Islamophobes. Every single one of them.
How can I say that? Because they voted for Trump.
Sure, not every one of them might think of themselves that way. They might not go around using the n word. I'm sure some of them have "black friends". Maybe they really think that they respect women.
But they were all willing to vote for Trump. They voted for a man who launched his campaign by saying that all Mexicans were rapists and drug dealers. A man who has been recorded bragging about grabbing women by the pussy. Who has demeaned women repeatedly throughout his public life. Who called for the execution of five innocent black teenagers. Who wants to ban all Muslim people from entering the country.
If you vote for him, you're a bigot. You believe all of those things. Or worse, you're willing to accept them just on the fear that Hillary would have taken your guns or whatever.
I don't want to hear about how we should be more accepting of Trump supporters. Or how calling them out just makes them double down. We've tried for 50 fucking years to coddle racists; to avoid calling them racists or bigots because we can't hurt their precious feelings. Guess what? It hasn't fucking worked. It's just lead to those racists views becoming more and more entrenched. We need to take a strong hand to all bigoted views. We need to call shit out.
When people say that everyone should be more open to Trump supporters, that sets off red flags with me. I mean hell, I'm a straight white man, and I'm terrified. I can only imagine how much worse everyone who is black, or hispanic, or gay, or Muslim, or a woman of color, or multiple of the above is feeling right now. And if you can't feel compassion for what all of those people are going through as they've seen nearly half their country willing to throw them to the wind, then maybe you're part of the problem.
I congratulated them and said I hope for the best for everyone.
All I have to say is, is that my sister & everyone else who's for him are going to be feeling very stupid once his true colors starts showing & will want him impeached then.
This is the only answer
I see your elephant icon is also a representation of your political leaning.This is the only answer
Let's get this straight. They're all racists. They're all misogynists. They're all homophobes. They're all Islamophobes. Every single one of them.
How can I say that? Because they voted for Trump.
Sure, not every one of them might think of themselves that way. They might not go around using the n word. I'm sure some of them have "black friends". Maybe they really think that they respect women.
But they were all willing to vote for Trump. They voted for a man who launched his campaign by saying that all Mexicans were rapists and drug dealers. A man who has been recorded bragging about grabbing women by the pussy. Who has demeaned women repeatedly throughout his public life. Who called for the execution of five innocent black teenagers. Who wants to ban all Muslim people from entering the country.
If you vote for him, you're a bigot. You believe all of those things. Or worse, you're willing to accept them just on the fear that Hillary would have taken your guns or whatever.
I don't want to hear about how we should be more accepting of Trump supporters. Or how calling them out just makes them double down. We've tried for 50 fucking years to coddle racists; to avoid calling them racists or bigots because we can't hurt their precious feelings. Guess what? It hasn't fucking worked. It's just lead to those racists views becoming more and more entrenched. We need to take a strong hand to all bigoted views. We need to call shit out.
When people say that everyone should be more open to Trump supporters, that sets off red flags with me. I mean hell, I'm a straight white man, and I'm terrified. I can only imagine how much worse everyone who is black, or hispanic, or gay, or Muslim, or a woman of color, or multiple of the above is feeling right now. And if you can't feel compassion for what all of those people are going through as they've seen nearly half their country willing to throw them to the wind, then maybe you're part of the problem.
Let's get this straight. They're all racists. They're all misogynists. They're all homophobes. They're all Islamophobes. Every single one of them.
How can I say that? Because they voted for Trump.
Sure, not every one of them might think of themselves that way. They might not go around using the n word. I'm sure some of them have "black friends". Maybe they really think that they respect women.
But they were all willing to vote for Trump. They voted for a man who launched his campaign by saying that all Mexicans were rapists and drug dealers. A man who has been recorded bragging about grabbing women by the pussy. Who has demeaned women repeatedly throughout his public life. Who called for the execution of five innocent black teenagers. Who wants to ban all Muslim people from entering the country.
If you vote for him, you're a bigot. You believe all of those things. Or worse, you're willing to accept them just on the fear that Hillary would have taken your guns or whatever.
I don't want to hear about how we should be more accepting of Trump supporters. Or how calling them out just makes them double down. We've tried for 50 fucking years to coddle racists; to avoid calling them racists or bigots because we can't hurt their precious feelings. Guess what? It hasn't fucking worked. It's just lead to those racists views becoming more and more entrenched. We need to take a strong hand to all bigoted views. We need to call shit out.
When people say that everyone should be more open to Trump supporters, that sets off red flags with me. I mean hell, I'm a straight white man, and I'm terrified. I can only imagine how much worse everyone who is black, or hispanic, or gay, or Muslim, or a woman of color, or multiple of the above is feeling right now. And if you can't feel compassion for what all of those people are going through as they've seen nearly half their country willing to throw them to the wind, then maybe you're part of the problem.
All of this. Tolerating these people is why liberals lose and have everything taken from them. It's time to wake the fuck up.
I don't have a FB, and most people at work are pretty liberal. So it's not been too bad.
No it doesn't.wtf... come on guy. That sounds so bad.
Honestly don't know what to do Gaf.
My immediate family all voted for Trump. Heated exchanges were made and words were said. Long story short, I broke off ties to my family.
Idk what to do...
I need some time. I should congratulate them, but I am too angry to say that right now.