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How can I get my saves from my old Xbox to my new Xbox?


Sasquatch of 1000 (hairy) colons
Alright, here goes:

1 Old, broken Xbox. Something's wrong with DVD drive. Boots to the "You are F'd" screen, with error code 12. Tried replacing it with new IDE cable, no go. It's the drive, something's quite wrong with it.

1 New, Hot Xbox. Nothing's wrong.

How can I get my saves from the old, to the new one? Here's what I'm thinking of:

Take hard drive out of old, into the new one, since I can't use it in the old one, and put them on my PC or a flash drive, something to that magnitude, and then load them back onto the new hard drive.

Is there a simpler way to transfer saves between one xbox that doesnt work, and one that does?

Your help, is much appreciated.



I don't see why you couldn't just pop the hard drive from your old xbox into your new xbox and just leave it. Hard drives are quite reliable... just keep your other hard drive around for a spare.

There's probably a whole bunch of ways to do it.. search on the forums at http://www.xbox-scene.com
swap the new xbox's dvd drive into the old xbox and use it

that would save you the trouble of

(1) modding old xbox
(2) backing up contents
(3) modding new xbox
(4) transferring contents


Unconfirmed Member
skinnyrattler said:
He says he can't boot up on the old drive to even get to a memory card screen.
Where did he say that? He says there's a problem with the DVD drive. If he boots with no disc, it should be fine, right?


Sasquatch of 1000 (hairy) colons
MetatronM said:
Where did he say that? He says there's a problem with the DVD drive. If he boots with no disc, it should be fine, right?

No, he was right. It turns on, does the little lightning bolt, Xbox logo, then this screen with about 12 different languages. doesnt even hit the dashboard.

heres what it looks like:

i have a memory card, and i just dont know if everything would fit on it, franchises and such. i would need to put them on a secondary xbox...

or just swap dvd drives like someone said. thanks for the help, if anyone has more info, please say it.


I doubt all your savegames are transferrable so your best bet is to do what Faceless said. Swap your DVD drive. If you are absolutely certain that it's the DVD then you don't need a new Xbox; just buy an Xbox DVD drive on Ebay or something. Unless you want a new Xbox of course.

That error message is definately DVD related.


Sasquatch of 1000 (hairy) colons
aerofx said:
If you are absolutely certain that it's the DVD then you don't need a new Xbox; just buy an Xbox DVD drive on Ebay or something. Unless you want a new Xbox of course.

Yeah, I thought about that, but I want it fixed...tomorrow. Heh. I might go get a drive later on, and mod one of the xboxes, but for now, I really just want to play Madden '05. This thing has been broken for like two months.

It's been killin' me, Smalls.
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