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How come i just heard of Franz Ferdinand

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"Edge stole Big Ben's helmet"
Really solid album. I'd probably put it up there as an 8 or a 9 also, and I listen to it all the damn time.

Wish I could see them live but it doesn't look like they're coming to Pittsburgh or Philly anytime soon (I'm pretty much in between the cities at PSU).
I listened to the album and it didn't do anything for me. "The rock" was totally missing and it made me feel kinda drowsy.

Then again, I was also totally left cold by The Strokes - I must be missing my low-key garage rock gene or something.
I listen to Take Me Out probably the least of all the songs on there. It's funny, because I had no idea it was even a single. I was talking about the band to someone else and was surprised to find out that she had heard of them at all... I guess the radio can help sometimes (or maybe it was MTV, I don't know).

Anyway, I think tracks 7 through the end are the best, personally.


Lambtron said:
Franz is Album of the Year, until Optiganally Yours puts out their new record.
Here's the real album of the year:


FF is good, and really grew on me, but my wife's constant playing of this album forced me to finally admit it is the AOTY.



I don't mean to alarm you but you have dogs on your face
I keep meaning to buy that Metric album, but never do.

I've heard F Ferdinand here and there, and I just don't 'get it'. It's alright, I guess, but musically it's far too uninteresting to me. blahh, whatever.


Hmm, so it was. Well, I got it this year so I'll count it... hell, I'm so bad at remembering when stuff happened it has a shot at AOTY 2005 too. ;)
I'm not a fan. I liked them for a week or so when I first heard them on John Peel, but they've worn off quickly. Their music is pretty dull, If I'm gonna be honest. They have potential, though.

"40 ft. " is an awesome song.


Why do people like Franz Ferdinand? They are terribly average. I couldn't even listen to the CD more than once, which I only listened to just to say I had.


I don't mean to alarm you but you have dogs on your face
Mason said:
Why do people like Franz Ferdinand? They are terribly average. I couldn't even listen to the CD more than once, which I only listened to just to say I had.
Star Power said:
I'm not a fan. I liked them for a week or so when I first heard them on John Peel, but they've worn off quickly. Their music is pretty dull, If I'm gonna be honest. They have potential, though.

"40 ft. " is an awesome song.
Glad I'm not the only one. The Franz Ferdinand hype has gotten out of control!
Metric is amazing! I saw them open for the Stills and the singer may be the sexiest thing I've ever seen when she's rocking out on they synth.


Unconfirmed Member
DeadStar said:
Hey guys remember the Rapture

How could I forget the cowbell power of "House of Jealous Lovers," dude?

Too bad the rest of the album was a lesson in mediocrity.
Raoul Duke said:
Here is your REAL album of the year, folks.


Wilco's impeccable new album, "A Ghost is Born".



Album of the year.

Until Björk- Medulla, Interpol- Antics, Beck-TBA, Spoon- The Beast And Dragon Are Adored come out.


well not really...yet
Raoul Duke said:
Here is your REAL album of the year, folks.


Wilco's impeccable new album, "A Ghost is Born".
Just bought it today, yes its so good.


Less than than you think is at least 12 minutes too long. Never really had a problem with it on mp3, but its unbearable to me now....


My top 3 albums of this year:
Franz Ferdinand - Franz Ferdinand
Wilco - A Ghost Is Born
The Killers - Hot Fuss


Unconfirmed Member
GG-Duo said:
Oh and Hot Hot Heat's cowbell > The Rapture's cowbell :)

HHH does rock a mean cowbell, but "House of Jealous Lovers" is about the greatest thing I've ever heard. I don't understand my fascination with it. It's a pretty simplistic song, but my GOD does it ever rock balls.

I'm tellin' you guys, OY in Hi-Fi is going to rock far beyond any other record released this year. So you should all buy it. Pea & Rob deserve your money. This new pAper chAse album is kind of blowing me away, though... "Ready Willing Cain and Able" is my song/song title of the year so far.
1. Sonic Youth- Sonic Nurse
2. PJ Harvey- Uh Huh Her
3. Devendra Banhart- Rejoicing in the Hands
4. Xiu Xiu- Fabulous Muscles
5. Beastie Boys- To the 5 Boroughs


well not really...yet
Kind of folky indie pop, mostly acoustic. Devendra Banheart is in the group if you know who he is. All of the songs are as good as each other imo, try out Belles and amour fou...


Unconfirmed Member
That Vetiver album is pretty fucking awesome. My favorite song on it is "Amour Fou."

My top 5 so far this year:

1. Franz Ferdinand - Franz Ferdinand
2. The Icarus Line - Penance Soiree
3. Sonic Youth - Sonic Nurse
4. Devendra Banhart - Rejoicing in the Hands
5. (tie) Xiu Xiu - Fabulous Muscles / Les Savy Fav - Inches


I don't know shit about shit
calder said:
FF is good, and really grew on me, but my wife's constant playing of this album forced me to finally admit it is the AOTY.

I just listened to the samples on their site. Their lead singer has an awesome voice that instantly got me hooked. Damn you for introducing me to good music.


Shit, I just remembered that Beck has a new cd coming out this year. Never mind about Wilco, as great as the new disc is. Beck could release an album of nothing but him farting on a snare drum and it would still be my AOTY.
Raoul Duke said:
Shit, I just remembered that Beck has a new cd coming out this year. Never mind about Wilco, as great as the new disc is. Beck could release an album of nothing but him farting on a snare drum and it would still be my AOTY.


I heard that the album will be more "electronic" fare, and he's working with Dan the Automator, the Dust Brothers, and (I think) Timbaland,so I'm excited. I can't wait to hear the songs he made using a souped up Gameboy.


Unconfirmed Member
Star Power said:
I can't wait to hear the songs he made using a souped up Gameboy.

You should check out We Punk Einheit! by Nintendo Teenage Robots, a pseudonym for Alec Empire. Gameboy terrorcore. It's ridiculous and awesome.


reggieandTFE said:
Metric is amazing! I saw them open for the Stills and the singer may be the sexiest thing I've ever seen when she's rocking out on they synth.

Ahhh, sweet, sweet upskirts. They were white if anyone wants to know.

Anyways...the Feist and Mirah albums have been the only ones to catch my attention thus far. The rest have been bleh.


Knows the Score
Lambtron said:
You should check out We Punk Einheit! by Nintendo Teenage Robots, a pseudonym for Alec Empire. Gameboy terrorcore. It's ridiculous and awesome.

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