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How come i just heard of Franz Ferdinand

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Raoul Duke said:
Shit, I just remembered that Beck has a new cd coming out this year. Never mind about Wilco, as great as the new disc is. Beck could release an album of nothing but him farting on a snare drum and it would still be my AOTY.

Holy Shit! This guy thinks just like me. Beck rules.

"I heard that the album will be more "electronic" fare, and he's working with Dan the Automator, the Dust Brothers, and (I think) Timbaland,so I'm excited."

I heard he's only working with the Dust Brothers now ( Put the Dust Brothers next to either the B-Boys or Beck, and you have the top ranking album of the decade) The Timbaland work has been shelved (costs a lot a' money)

My 2004 hopes are set upon The Flaming Lips, Spoon, Interpol and Beck (other stuff too....you get my music idea).
I was really hoping the new B-Boys record would kick ass... but eh...


Substance said:
"I heard that the album will be more "electronic" fare, and he's working with Dan the Automator, the Dust Brothers, and (I think) Timbaland,so I'm excited."

Those are like, the three best producers/producing teams alive today. What's the ETA on this album, because it's going to fucking rock.


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how is this franz ferdinand.... we picked him up june 15th for some tour he is on, but i didnt goto the show to meet him/them... what is franz about>?
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