this scene is simply, my favorite opening in a movie. ever.
now i know, both prometheus and its sequel covenant are conflicting movies. latter being the worse of the two in my opinion. but unlike most people i liked promethues enough that i was really intrigued by the mystic and the miyth of its world. and i was looking forward to covenant to get the answer of the whole engineer side of the story.
and covenant starts out perfect.
everything about this scene, i find perfect.
acting; amazing.
set design; flawless
camera work, color palette, cinematography; perfect
acting; top notch
and the dialog; from a creationist perspective, which i am one, the back and forth between the creator and the creation is facinating. the places david has free will and the places he has not. the point the conversation end and how it does end, i find very bold and provocative
i probably watched this scene a 100 times solo after seeing the movie in theaters.
even where the title for the director appears, i love. (right above the throne chair where the creator is sitting)
so my question is, after this scene; how do you manage to make one of the most generic and horror thrope filled movies of all time?
if these weren't alien movies, would they be better? is the alien aspect of the movie hurting what ridley scott was trying to tell?
i don't know gaf. what do you guys think of this scene and these two movies?
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