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How do a "rods" give birth?

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I was looking for Rods info, and then I was thinking : If they REALLY exist, how do they give birth? I mean, they NEED to slow down to give birth, they can't just give birth in the air.

What do you think about Rods anyway?



Rods are probably one of the strangest of the supernatural phenomenons out there. I have no idea what there, where they come from, or how they give birth, but I kind of like them. They aren't harmful or anything and they're just really interesting to look into.
Camillemurs said:
What in the fuck is a Rod?


What are Rods?
Rods are cylindrical or cigar shaped objects that are not like the typical
"cigar" shaped UFOS that have been reported throughout history.

They are from four inches to a hundred,(or more), feet in length.
Some are thin like spears.
Some Rods have what appear to be "appendages" along their torsos resembling
They travel at extremely high velocities barely visible with the naked eye.
They do exhibit some form of intelligence.
They are appearing everywhere.
They don't appear to be mechanical or made of metal.
They appear to be alive!

We recently recieved footage from Rhode Island of a "Cigar shaped object" that
has a Rod zipping through the same sequence.



Junior Member
fart said:
rods are lens artifacts, apparently.

They show them to be flying around in semi-figure eight patterns. My guess its cuased by fast moving flying insect where its image trails giving it the elongated look.


Wasn't it proved that rods were just bugs wing reflectiions during the the time when the shutter of the camera is open?



What are Rods?
Rods are cylindrical or cigar shaped objects that are not like the typical
"cigar" shaped UFOS that have been reported throughout history.

They are from four inches to a hundred,(or more), feet in length.
Some are thin like spears.
Some Rods have what appear to be "appendages" along their torsos resembling
They travel at extremely high velocities barely visible with the naked eye.
They do exhibit some form of intelligence.
They are appearing everywhere.
They don't appear to be mechanical or made of metal.
They appear to be alive!

We recently recieved footage from Rhode Island of a "Cigar shaped object" that
has a Rod zipping through the same sequence.

These things are in my state? I'll be god damned.



"Rods are insects caught in the act of flying by a video camera. Some hoaxers or very imaginative people have been maintaining that rods are actually some sort of unknown life form of alien origin. But, according to Doug Yanega of the Entomology Department at the University of California at Riverside and a member of the Straight Dope Science Advisory Board, rods are a videographic artifact based on the frame capture rate of the videocam versus the wingbeat frequency of the insects. Essentially what you see is several wingbeat cycles of the insect on each frame of the video, creating the illusion of a "rod" with bulges along its length. The blurred body of the insect as it moves forward forms the "rod," and the oscillation of the wings up and down form the bulges. Anyone with a video camera can duplicate the effect, if you shoot enough footage of flying insects from the right distance."
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