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How do I reformat a computer that runs Ms-DOS and Windows?

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I have this old computer (from around 1992) that has been sitting in my basement for a long time. I want to do something with. I think it would be useful for the coming school year as we have a lot of people who need computers in my family and we all need to do things like type.

Anyway, I tried restarting it and typing format c: in the prompt, but nothing happened after. It said the usual "bad file or path name."

When I go to my computer the drive is labeled as "MS-DOS (C:)" so I'm guessing that DOS is the main operating system running on this and Windows is running through it.

I was too young to be involved in computers when my parents bought this computer so I have no idea why it's like this.

Anyone know what to do?


The first question should be.. if you were to reformat the hard drive what are you planning on loading back onto it? If it's seriously from 1992 that is.


You need a windows boot disk. Then set the bios to boot to the floopy drive. Then you can use the format command.


Knows the Score
You'll need to sys a disk inthe a drive, copy format to it and then boot that disc. Then you should be able to run format from the disc.

Why do you want to do that though? If you get a reasonable recent windows(98 or above), it should boot from CD and allow you to wipe the content already there.


If that machine is really from 1992, it can't be anything more than a 486 or so. And I really doubt it can boot from a CDRom. Good luck.


make a win95/98 boot disc and make sure it has these on it:

Delete all your partitions and make new ones using Fdisk
format the new partitions using format
edit's just there for ease of use (it allows you to see all drive letters that are in use)
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