Hey GAF. So at a recent family gathering I met my cousin's new fiancé. She seems nice and friendly at first glace. However, once dinner started and everyone was engaging in conversations, it quickly became obvious that she was super woke. Now, my family is generally pretty moderate and have no issues with liberals or conservatives, but she is basically a far-left, socialism is good, we need a revolution liberal. The rest of dinner turned into an awkward cringe-fest as she lectured us on how Trump is destroying public education and putting immigrant kids in cages.
So fellow Gaffers, how do you deal with people like that in your own circles? I'm close with my cousin so I don't want to just disassociate from them, but I'm also not sure how to even have a normal conversation with his fiancé without it derailing into some social justice lecture.
So fellow Gaffers, how do you deal with people like that in your own circles? I'm close with my cousin so I don't want to just disassociate from them, but I'm also not sure how to even have a normal conversation with his fiancé without it derailing into some social justice lecture.