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How do you deal with your cables?

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So tomorrow is the big day with the new TV arriving, as well as DirecTV being set up, and I'm now just kind of wiring it all together so it's all ready to go once the TV gets here. However, the one thing I always try to avoid and fail is having just a mess of cables being all cluttered about. No matter how hard I try, it just ends up being a mess. What do you guys do to deal with so many cables?

I started to care once, but then I said "Ah, fudge it", and let them hang about. Makes it look manly. Yeah, that's it. Manly.

Really, it's too much fuss to worry about those cables that you can never truly hide anyway. Aesthetics be damned.


Well, I just recently got some of those velcro cable straps and bundled most of my PC's wires together. Was a good bit of work, but now it doesn't look like a nest of snakes behind my computer desk.

Now it looks like a big ol' snake is behind it.


I put my TV and game cabinet in the corner of the room, so all the cables hang behind it. Basically, it's not ugly because I can't see it. :D


My QB is a Dick and my coach is a Nutt
Like Dyne, all of my cables are hidden behind my TV cabinet. I can't see them so it doesn't bug me to much what it looks like.
Yeah man, just keep em behind your TV, should be fine, plus I kinda like having lots of cables, makes me realize just how many different electronic components I have. Though it can be a bitch to move my consoles.

And thta's a nice mess you have in the pic, found it kinda funny. :)

~Black Deatha

aoi tsuki

In my previous setup, i had things bundled nicely. i kept my cables grouped together with Velcro ties. All power together, all video together, audio, etc. i used to bundle all the cables for a particular device (ie. computer, game system, etc.) together, but i noticed i was getting interference in video from power cables, so i kept like with like. YMMV. i wish i had pictures. Aside from my old crystal ball tv (a gift from my late dad), it looked really slick.

Best suggestion is to set aside a day to map out your equipment on paper, look at the pros and cons of various hookup methods, and try each method to see what works best.
I think in that picture, everything is hooked up with the receiver pulled out so I can access it. Heh now that I pushed it back in, oh boy, cables are just bunched up right behind it =)

Here's what I have going on:

I've got a component video auto sensing switch box that does component video, optical, and coax, it even converts optical to coax and coax to optical. So I have the GC component video cable and stereo audio, PS2 w/ component video and optical audio, and Xbox w/ component video and optical audio going to this switch box.

From the switch box, I have a set of component video cables, stereo audio, and optical audio cable going to my receiver. Also going into my receiver is another set of component video and coax audio for the DVD player. Hanging loosely to the receiver is an s-video cable, stereo audio, and optical audio ready to be plugged into the DirecTivo unit. Also hooked up is a stereo audio cable that's hooked to my iPod dock. Then I have five sets of speaker cable and a subwoofer cable going into the receiver. Finally I have a set of component video cables and s-video coming out that will hook up to the TV.

But wait, there's more. I also have a netgear switch which has ethernet cables running to the GameCube, PS2 and Xbox. It also has a cable that's hooked to a wireless bridge. On top of all that, each device has a power cord.

That is what is in all that mess =)


The black man everyone at Activision can agree on
Garbage bag metal/paper, or plastic twist ties... same thing I use at work to tie down PC cables.


Marty Chinn said:
Yep =) You have me all paranoid right now though =)

Haha, I think I may just have had a dud. on the Home Theatre Forums, there was little mention of the TV not turning on. It was mostly some review sites, which obviously only get the worst of the worst reviews...:p


Have fun with the TV dude. :D

I just got my component cables for my DVD player and PS2 yesterday. SOCOM and MVP 04 are the only games I have that take advantage of 480p, but madden still looks sexy in widescreen. :D

Within a few weeks (2 probably) We'll have time warner with the HD package. I don't know if they have ESPN HD though...I sure hope they do. I'd take CBS HD though, so I can watch Texans away games in HD. :D
Thanks, but man is it going to be forever before I can enjoy it. DirecTV guy is coming at 9:30am to set things up and then the TV should be here between 11 and 4. Problem is, it's delivery to you as close as possible without going up stairs; I live on the third floor. So I gotta wait till someone is able to come over and help me carry it up. Then I gotta sit down and calibrate it for a couple hours. So heh, I'll be lucky to enjoy it by tomorrow night, if I'm not beat =)

Did you do the UMR guide to calibrating your TV?


Either Marty is too preoccupied with getting every setting just right...or he also got a dud...and is currently hanging himself from the top of his TV with the powercord. Poor guy.
Yea, I hate all the wires. Once I move into the new apartment in November, I'm paying the cable dude to make it look all nice and pretty. I know they have ways of hiding wires and shit.


I've been thinking of getting some plastic flex-pipes for putting my cables in. Would make it easier to keep track of all the cables, and look a lot nicer too.
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