Speaking of sweet tooths (teeth?) and ferrero rocher chocolates...
My grandfather has an enormous sweeth tooth. He's also a heart patient and diabetic, and had a heart attack and stroke around this time last year.
He also takes insulin shots twice a day to control his blood sugar.
Now he absolutely LOVES sweets and chocolate and things like that. He goes out and spends his limited income on food that contains lots of sugar. When he brings them home, we're forced to hide them from him because they make his blood sugar level skyrocket. When he looks for them and can't find any, he gets upset. Just last Sunday he bought a case of ferrero rocher. He ate two of them that day and his blood sugar rose to over 20 (not sure what the units are, but it should normally be around 4-6).
So my question is, how would you handle this situation. We obviously can't give him free reign to eat whatever he wants. But should we give him one or two sugary treats a day and risk further problems or cut him off completely. He also can't have salt in his food, so just about everything he eats is bland... poor guy.
We're going to see his diabetes doctor and Friday and this is one of the first questions I'm going to ask him. Just thought I'd throw out this topic and see if any others have been in a position where they've had to deny family members food.