Grildon Tundy
This article ( surveys on average how people spend their time. It seems accurate enough:
We spend ~20% of our lives working, and that time is when we have the most energy (prime working years/morning-to-afternoon for most people). Energy that could be spent engaging in freely-chosen, fulfilling activities like socializing, hobbies, self-improvement...
What do you think about how people spend their time? How do you spend your time? How do you feel about how sOcIeTy asks you to spend your time?
Do you think as I do that this suggestion from the same article should be a criminal offense?
Yes, this thread has an ulterior motive where I look for ways to cope with having to spend my life's most premium hours and years working until I have enough to retire and I can finally do what I truly want in life, which is whatever the hell I want all the time.

We spend ~20% of our lives working, and that time is when we have the most energy (prime working years/morning-to-afternoon for most people). Energy that could be spent engaging in freely-chosen, fulfilling activities like socializing, hobbies, self-improvement...
What do you think about how people spend their time? How do you spend your time? How do you feel about how sOcIeTy asks you to spend your time?
Do you think as I do that this suggestion from the same article should be a criminal offense?

Yes, this thread has an ulterior motive where I look for ways to cope with having to spend my life's most premium hours and years working until I have enough to retire and I can finally do what I truly want in life, which is whatever the hell I want all the time.