I've been visiting these forums (mostly in lurk mode) since last August. In that time I've seen the following movies praised, which has in turn led me to buy them despite not having seen them.
Altered States
Battle Royale
Donnie Darko
Rat Race
Requiem for a Dream
I also bought Ronin today after reading the Spy movie thread, haven't watched it yet.
Overall I'd say the success rate is pretty high, easpecially compared to some other blind buys I've made.
Anyway I just wanted to say thank you and ask If others have been similarly effected.
Altered States
Battle Royale
Donnie Darko
Rat Race
Requiem for a Dream
I also bought Ronin today after reading the Spy movie thread, haven't watched it yet.
Overall I'd say the success rate is pretty high, easpecially compared to some other blind buys I've made.
Anyway I just wanted to say thank you and ask If others have been similarly effected.